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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

binadapt (binadapt-0.16.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]

Input Files

Binadapt will create filenames based on parameters input, especially prefix, elow, and ehigh

The user can choose to enter either a prefix designating the instrument + expid, e.g. 1S001, 2S002, S003 OR the string “comb” to use products from the task combimage. Either will initiate deriving all the input filenames based on other input parameters. If no prefix is given, binadapt will derive an input filename of the form: comb-elow-ehigh.fits, the default output from combimage.

Valid input filenames derived are, in the case of a prefix being entered, e.g.:

binadapt prefix=1S001 withspbkg=T withpartbkg=T withswcx=T withmask=T
maskfile=mymaskimage.fits elow=400 ehigh=2000

mos1S001-fovimsky-400-2000.fits (from mosspectra)
mos1S001-expimsky-400-2000.fits (from mosspectra)
mos1S001-bkgimsky-400-2000.fits (from mosback)
mos1S001-swcximsky-400-2000.fits (from swcx)
mos1S001-protimsky-400-2000.fits (from proton)
mos1S001-maskimsky-400-2000.fits (from emask, et al)

[NOTE: binadapt will, by default, create a mask file name as above, but since masks can come from different tasks, if you have a mask NOT of that style, simply set withmask=T and maskfile=yourmaskname to override the default]

Valid input filenames derived are, in the case of a comb being entered, e.g.:

binadapt prefix=comb withspbkg=T withpartbkg=T withswcx=T withmask=T
maskfile=mymaskimage.fits elow=400 ehigh=2000

All of these files are produced by the task combimage after running any/all of mosspectra/ mosback/ swcx/ proton comb-fovimsky-400-2000.fits
comb-maskimsky-400-2000.fits (from emask, et al

NOTE: typically, a mask produced by combimage will have the name style as above, but if you rename your files, simply set withmask=T and maskfile=yourmaskname to override the default

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27