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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

binimagemerge (binadaptmerge-0.12.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


 Read parameters.
 Derive appropriate input and output filenames.
 Foreach band:
  Open all the files:
   Input image, e.g. mosaic-fovim-350-1100.fits
   Input Exposure Map
   Input Mask if applicable
   Input QPB, SP, SWCX Maps if applicable
   Determine counts for each input image
 Bin the data (withbinning=T)
 Adaptively smooth the data (withsmoothing=T)
 Plot radial profile and size in QDP 
 Open two new output files
 If withsmoothing=T then
  Write adapted and size arrays to output files
  Write rate and sigma arrays to output files
 Add coord keywords
 Close output files.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27