XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
bstools (ccftools-1.36) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]
strbs: Star Tracker BoreSight calculation
strbs instrument=<instr> ra=<ra> dec=<dec> apos=<apos> odffixout=true|false
Given the prime instrument instr and its viewing direction in terms
of Right Ascension and Declination of the boresight + astronomical
position angle strbs
computes the viewing direction of the star tracker and associated
position angle - result is
written to stdout in verbose form (default) or as an odffix
command line if odffixout=true or as an insbs command
line if bstoolsout=true.
The Right Ascension/Declination of the instrument boresight can be entered
in either of the forms
23h59m48.12s / 45o38'14.55"
or decimal degrees:
123.23445 / 45.238474
Position angles have to be entered in decimal degrees.
See task epicbscalgen
and cal
documentation for definition of
boresight related coordinate frames.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27