There is no separate output file, the output is inserted in the OBSMLI file which is the principal input. Two columns RA_CORR and DEC_CORR are created (or updated if already present) with corrected celestial positions (degrees) of the X-ray source; if the attempt to find frame shifts is unsuccesful then these columns will be identical to RA and DEC respectively.
A new column, SYSERRCC, is inserted in the table. This is an estimate of the systematic error (in arc-seconds) in celestial positions that arises from the uncertainty in the position and rotation angle of the field of view. This is estimated by catcorr from the errors of the fit to the reference sources. Because a field rotation is fitted as well as shifts along the RA and declination axes, the uncertainty is slightly higher for detections further from the centre of the field, so that SYSERRCC is now a column and not just a fixed value for the field as it was in earlier versions of catcorr. If catcorr is unable to get a satisfactory fit to reference sources then SYSERRCC is set to 1.29 arc-seconds for all detections in the field, this being the value detemined empirically which seems to be the best fit to the uncorrected positions.
The following keywords will be inserted in the FITS table (or updated if already present):
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27