ChangeLog for eboxdetect ======================== Version 4.30.1 - 2024-09-16 (IT) -------------- + edetect_io_box.f90: make sure that detector coordinates are recognized when reading the masks before the images, i.e. that "indetcoords" is set properly in any case (SPR-7758) Version 4.30 - 2024-08-23 (IT) -------------- + edetect_io_box.f90, ebox_io.f90: Fix an older bug regarding some sub-image coordinates of the detection masks and adjust the determination of the usable area accordingly. Seems to affect cases of coordinate offsets with eg. telemetry issues. Version 4.29 - 2022-03-04 (IT) -------------- + edetect_io_box.f90: use the detection masks to determine the valid image areas (-> withimagebuffersize) Version 4.28.4 - 2021-05-28 (IT) -------------- + ebox_io.f90: Changed format of some units (power instead of division slash, cf emldetect & edetect_stack) Version 4.28.3 - 2019-02-28 (IT) -------------- + eboxdata.f90: increase (double) counter max_sou to handle large mosaic images in the pipeline Version 4.28.2 - 2018-04-24 (RDS & IT) -------------- + edetect_io_box.f90: To check whether an input image was empty, its total number of counts was determined, which can exceed the numeric range of thedata type and cause an error (example: 256 counts in an 8-bit integer image). The sum has been replaced by the maximum pixel value now for all numeric image types (as an int32 variable to cover all possible types), and by a boolean for the masks. (SPR-7441 ctd) Version 4.28.1 - 2018-03-17 (IT) -------------- + eboxdetect_mod.f90: Updated subimage array indexes (v4.27.6 continued). Version 4.28 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ------------------------------ + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 4.27.6 - 2018-02-09 (IT) -------------- + eboxdetect_mod.f90: Updated loop indexes for subimages. Version 4.27.5 - 2017-12-20 (IT) -------------- + edetect_io_box.f90: Fixed the number of valid pixels in the input detection masks (SPR-7441) + eboxdetect_mod.f90: further improvements to the new subimage algorithm. Version 4.27.4 - 2017-01-16 (IT) -------------- + ebox_io.f90: Fixed two typos in the new subimage coordinates of the detection masks (related to SPR-7430). + release memory for CAL pointers + increased some internal array sizes Version 4.27.3 - 2016-12-03 (IT) -------------- + Removed debugging comments from the code after testing v4.27.2. + Updated documentation: Parameter withoffsets=yes (obsolete eident offsets) yields a warning; no other effect anymore. Version 4.27.2 - 2016-11-23 (IT) -------------- + New algorithm to determine the subimages, in order to avoid memory leaks which could lead to a large number of spurious detections with the gfortran compiler. Tentatively removed the obsolete support of eident offsets. Test version. Version 4.27.1 - 2016-10-24 (IT) -------------- + ebox_io.f90: fixed an old bug in the calculation of the degrees of freedom of multiple observations, used for the equivalent likelihoods per instrument and image. Has neither affected single observations nor summary lines of the output table. SPR-7400. Version 4.27 - 2016-09-30 (IT) -------------- + Parameter constraints: changed lower limit of parameter ecf from 0.001 to 0.0. Purpose: Fluxes can be set to zero (e.g. by edetect_stack), if no ecfs are defined. + Number of detections in output list as informational output and new fits keyword NDETECT. Minimum detection likelihood: LIKEMIN. Pixel size: XBINSIZE, YBINSIZE. + ebox_io.f90: Write summary line also if only one instrument is active. Adjusted tests. + edetect_io_box.f90: subimages via imagebuffersize: shift reference point by -16 in x and in y (as in emldetect's edetect_io_ml.f90) in order to make sure that subimages have zero values in their edge rows and columns. "Chains" of spurious detections between the subimage and the image edge may arise otherwise. + edetect_io_box.f90: Made determination of imbuff more concise. + DEPEND: updated to emldetect-7.0 + cf. SCR 7399: source detection on stacked observations Version 4.26 - 2016-07-18 (AI) -------------- + gfortran compatibiliy changes applied. Version 4.25.2 - 2016-04-25 (IT) -------------- + Throw error "TooManyBands" if images for more than six energy bands and / or more than six pimin/pimax are provided. Documented error message and maximum number of bands and corrected typo in the documentation that resulted in a scrambled line on the "obsmode" parameter (SPR-7358 and SPR-7359). Version 4.25.1 - 2015-10-01 (IT) -------------- + Input data in detector coordinates: Use CDELT1L, CDELT2L header keywords instead of CDELT1, CDELT2 in order to determine the pixel size. For pn and MOS images in detector coordinates, CDELT1/2 have different units. Version 4.25 - 2015-08-21 (IT) -------------- + Allow input data in detector coordinates (SCR 7289). The coordinate system is determined from the keywords CTYPE1/2 (new arguments to the subroutine co_image): detector coordinates, if DETX/Y. No PSF correction is performed in this case. Detector coordinates of the detections are written to new DETX/DETY columns in the output source list (only!) for input images in detector coordinates. Note: Position errors are not converted into detector coordinates. If required, users can derive them from the X_IMA_ERR, Y_IMA_ERR columns. + Documentation updated. Version 4.24 - 2015-03-31 (IT) -------------- + new parameter "obsmode" to distinguish between pointing and slew-mode data (SCR 7279). Default: pointing. + eboxdetect_mod.f90: use a flat kernel + eboxdetect_mod.f90: Improved detection of faint extended sources. subroutine msrbkg: Calculate preliminary equivalent likelihoods of the candidate sources. subroutine match: If irun (i.e.: ncom) > 1, check whether a newly detected candidate has a counterpart in the previous version of the source list AND (new:) whether the equivalent likelihood of the counterpart is above the detection threshold likemin. A previous detection with a likelihood below likemin can be overwritten by a new one now. Otherwise, it might be removed from the final source list because of its low detection likelihood, and faint extended sources might be missed. + documentation updated Version 4.23 - 2014-08-28 (IT) -------------- + DEPEND: updated to emldetect-6.0 + edetect_io_box.f90, documentation: fixed typo in error messages. + edetect_io_box.f90: changed syntax of cp_head to be consistent with other source-detections tasks (call setAttributes). No effects on eboxdetect output. Version 4.22.5 - 2013-03-17 (IT) -------------- + Documentation updated. Minor latex syntax changes to build the package index properly on Ubuntu Version 4.22.4 - 2012-06-22 (IT) --------------------------------- + eboxdetect_mod.f90: fixed a bug which made eboxdetect crash when a source is detected exactly at the position (image pixels) of the optical axis. Version 4.22.3 - 2012-06-18 (IT) --------------------------------- + Documentation: Typographical and formal corrections, fixed broken Errors Section. Version 4.22.2 - 2012-03-27 (IT) ------------------------------- + Marked parameter mergedlistset as "not yet implemented" in documentation and parameter file (SPR-6571) + Added parameter descriptions to documentation (withimagebuffersize, imagebuffersize, SPR-6700) + Removed unused imagebuffersizesets entry from parameter file: parameter is "imagebuffersize" (SPR-6700) Version 4.22.1 - 2011-02-14 RDS ------------------------------- + src/edetect_io_box.f90 Now checks for the mask in an extension called MASK and if it doesn't find it, looks in the PRIMARY array. (SCR-314) Version 4.22 - 2010-03-11 JR ------------------------------- Implemented the withimagebuffersize parameter. This is for the use or not of the imagebuffersize parameter, meant to be used in the reduction of memory requirements. Default value=no. With the default value the imagebuffersize parameter will be read from the header of the image. This also fix the edetect_chain problem. Version 4.21 - 2009-05-06 JR ------------------------------- Fixed DEPEND file. Now emldetect 5.0 Version 4.20 - 2009-03-31 JR ------------------------------- Implemented reduction of memory requirements for raster scan data new parameter: imagebuffersize, default value=640 Version 4.19.2 - 2008-06-03 GL ------------------------------- Removed test output Version 4.19.1 - 2008-05-08 GL ------------------------------- Increased limits for input images (for mosaicing observations): max_ima=240 max_ins=60 Enable processing of multiple exposures with identical ObsIDs: increased lenghts of strings expid, ins, instrume Close SOC-SPR 5874 (SSC-SPR-3139) Correct error due to integer variable 'iso', which should be of real type after the changes made in v4.16. The error resulted in a slightly reduced sensitivity for faint sources. (this is now identical with 2XMM/reprocessing version 4.15.2) Version 4.19 - 2004-02-02 GL ------------------------------- Changed dimension of variable 'double' to max_ima Version 4.18 - 2004-02-01 GL ------------------------------- Changed maximum number of input instruments/pointings and max. number of input images: max_ins = 12 max_ima = 60 Version 4.15.1 - 2004-01-20 GL ------------------------------- Same as 4.17 - for release track Removed test output Version 4.17 - 2004-12-21 GL ------------------------------- Changed ebox_io.f90 (subroutine wr_stab) to enable raster scans. Version 4.16 - 2004-12-02 GL ------------------------------- Improve resolution of closeby sources in 5x5 box mode: - Smooth SN map lfeld with tapered 5x5 kernel instead box average. - Always use 3x3 box in soubroutine 'match' to find local maxima. Version 4.13.3 - 2004-10-06 GL ------------------------------- Average input background map over detection box Close SPR SSC-SPR-3399: Spurious sources near chip gaps. Version 4.13.2 - 2004-08-25 GL ------------------------------ Total likelihoods in multi-instrument runs are now corrected using the effective number of input images (where the source is inside the detection mask). Version 4.13.1 - 2004-03-16 GL ------------------------------ Correction in documentation Version 4.13 - 2003-12-08 GL ------------------------------ Make use of param v2 features in .par file. Version 4.12 - 2002-10-30 GL ------------------------------ (development track version) Fixed DEPEND file Renamed column SIGMA to LIKE Removed Warning: "CROTA2 missing" Closed SPRs: +SSC_SCR-2966 Source buffer overflow +SSC_SCR-3009 Source buffer overflow (uncomp timing mode) Version 4.8 - 2002-05-24 GL ----------------------------- Converted .par file to XML Version 4.7.2 - 2002-05-16 HB ----------------------------- Closed SPRs: +SSC-SPR-2836 wrong source counts formula in documentation +SSC-SPR-2862 (on eposcorr) inconsistent lii/bii,lii_corr/bii_corr values: constant 'pi' set to double precision (also fixed in emldetect) Version 4.7.1 (2001-03-08) HB ----------------------------- EXPIDSTR & ATT_SRC propagated from input Closed SPR: +SSC-SPR-2647 Can we have optical axis position please? +SSC-SPR-2803 NaNs in multi-camera source lists Version 4.7 (2001-11-21) ------------------------ emldetect 4.7 added to DEPEND Version 4.6 (2001-11-07) ------------------------ Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2621: routines common to eboxdetect and emldetect now called from emldetect library. Module edetect_io renamed to edetect_io_box Version 4.5 (2001-10-15) ------------------------ Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2592 need to account for OOT events Rates and fluxes now divided by the following OOT correction factors: PN FF mode: 0.9411; PN eFF mode: 0.97815 Source counts (SCTS column) and other modes/cameras are left uncorrected Version 4.4 (2001-09-12) ------------------------ + test output removed Version 4.3 (2001-08-28) ------------------------ + source buffer size increased Version 4.2 (2001-07-25) ------------------------ + detection likelihoods, L, are now calculated such that, independently of the number of input images, they always obey the definition L=-ln(p) where p is the probability that the observed counts are due to Poissonian fluctuations of the background + the task now exists with an error message if any of the input images are empty Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-2463 SCR 67: Calibration quantities in output source lists Version 4.1 (2001-04-10) ------------------------ Fixed bug in calculation of likelihood Removed diagnostic output Version 4.0 (2001-02-28) ------------------------- Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2275 Energy band wanted + SSC-SPR-2273 Documentation + SSC-SPR-2271 BOX_SIZE should be in units of pixels + SSC-SPR-2270 DIST_NN should be in arcseconds + SSC-SPR-2132 does not trap detmask from wrong camera + SSC-SPR-2065 FITS errors in ouput + SSC-SPR-2223 Count rate evaluation with SAS eboxdetect now uses medium accuracy PSF from CAL to correct for out-of-box counts. Introduced 2 new parameters "pimin" and "pimax". New columns BOX_CTS, BG_RAW, and EEF in output table. Version 3.6 (2001-02-13) -------------------------- Closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-2149 Ignores the BAND keyword + SSC-SPR-2234 definition of hardness ratios Version 3.5.2 (2000-11-09) -------------------------- + definition of hardness ratio 3 changed (on JOs request). Version 3.5.1 (2000-10-20) -------------------------- Closed SPR: + SSC-SPR-1992 test harness fails on linux Version 3.5 (2000-09-29) ------------------------ - Version changed to 3.5 Version 3.4.1 (2000-09-29) --------------------------- - V3.4 contained an obsolete vesion of module ebox_io. Corrected in v3.4.1. Version 3.4 (2000-09-28) ------------------------- + Code to prevent the overflow of the source buffer was added. closed SPRs: + SSC-SPR-0730 like_min description + SSC-SPR-0733 errors computation + SSC-SPR-0734 General documentation + SSC-SPR-0737 Verbosity + SSC-SPR-0786 Algorithm description + SSC-SPR-1078 Parameter layout file + SSC-SPR-1084 Hardness ratios + SSC-SPR-1085 Detection over several image Version 3.3.4 2000-07-04 ---------------------------- + sla added to DEPEND file Version 3.3.3 2000-07-03 ---------------------------- + inconsistent .par file and documentation corrected Version 3.3.2 2000-07-02 ---------------------------- + galacic coordinates now calculated using slalib + column DIST_NN filled Version 3.3.1 (June 28, 2000) ----------------------------- + HRs outside [-1,1] range corrected + exposure for sources at chip borders corrected + unused fields in output list now contain null values Closed SPRs: + 1235 Task exits without error, message or creating outpu + 1470 EBOXDETECT crashes + 1638 EBOXDETECT does not create output + 1639 Strange false detections + 1659 wrong format for errors and warnings in documentation + 1750 eboxdetect terminating in extended source field + 1886 eboxdetect SEGV with NAG F95 V4.0 on Tru64 Unix Version 3.3 (March 13, 2000) ---------------------------- - HR3 and hardness ratio errors corrected. Version 3.2 (February 22, 2000) ------------------------------- - Problem related to the error calculation which let the task crash if the PN is not the first instrument corrected Version 3.1 (February 18, 2000) ------------------------------- - DEPEND file corrected - Error columns in source list filled Version 3.0 (January 27, 2000) ------------------------------ - Source list format adjusted to comply with recent DCPs. - Task now can handle several exposures per instrument. - Task now can handle I1, I2, I4, R4, and R8 input images. - Offsets between different instruments as determined by task eident are now read and applied to the input images. Two command line parameters were added to control whether the eident output file is read. - The pixel position of the optical axis is now calculated from the image keywords (used to be set to the center of the image). Version 2.0 (September 14, 1999) -------------------------------- - Input parameter boxsize added to control whether 3 x 3 or 5 x 5 pixel detection box is used. - Fraction of PSF in source box and background box is now calculated as a function of the off-axis angle. - Smallest permitted distance between sources now depends on the respective detection likelihoods. - Error in analytical PSF corrected. Version 1.12 (August 4, 1999) ----------------------------- - task now accepts one detection mask per instrument Closed SPRs: - 1076: exposure map use (sentence removed from agorithm description) - 1079: parameter type for boxlistset changed. - 1081: exposure values if withexpimage=false - 1083: ID_BAND now always 0 for summary bands. - 1081: 0.5 pixel source position offset corrected - 1161: with the above change (one detection mask per instrument) the task now handes up to 3 instruments with up to 6 energy bands each. Open SPRs: 0733,0735,0737,0742,0762,1078,1084,1085 Version 1.11 (August 3, 1999) ----------------------------- - one more error in RA, DEC calculation corrected - task now looks for CROTA2 keyword and assumes 0 of not present - max. filename length changed to 1024 (this didn't work in v1.10) Closed SPRs: - 1077: program now requires one exposuremap per band and complains if less than the required number of maps are supplied. Version 1.10 (July 29, 1999) ---------------------------- - error in RA, DEC calculation corrected - partial update of description (more to follow) Closed SPRs: - 0730: description of likelihood parameter - 1114: filename length changed to 1024 Open SPRs: 0733,0735,0737,0742,0762,1076-1085 Version 1.9 (July 12, 1999) --------------------------- - paramter names changed to conform to convention Closed SPRs: - 0726: expimagesets and withexpimage parameters (renamed) are now in the documentation - 0731 & 0735: ecf paramter now in documentation and wrong type of ecf parameter in .par file corrected Open SPRs: - 0730,0786: items missing from the documentation - 0733,0735,0737,0742,0762: algorithmic issues Version 1.8 (July 8, 1999) -------------------------- Closed SPRs: - 0551: Smaller test files - 0742: BOX_SIZE column in source table filled - 0744: BG_MAP negative - 0785: WCS keywords and RA, DEC calculation - 0981: taskmain added to DEPEND Open SPRs: - 0726,0730,0731,0734,0786: items missing from documentation - 0733,0735,0737,0742,0762: algorithmic issues Version 1.7 (June 18, 1999) --------------------------- - now performs simultaneous source detection in multiple energy bands - accepts arbitrarily sized input images Version 1.5 ---------------------- To do list added Closed SPRs: - 0071 & 0072: get_files and cp_head were moved to module edetect_io which is used by all AIP SAS tasks - 0073: DAL used to read parameter lists - 0504: *.f code changed to *.f90; date and time calls removed - 0516: "checkoutput" changed to "./checkoutput" and cp command removed from test/eboxdetect_test Version 1.4 ---------------------- error in routine exdmin corrrected. Version 1.3 ---------------------- test harness changed: A f90 program is used to compare the output source parameters with a reference dataset. Version 1.2 ---------------------- test harness changed: Three different parameter settings are tested. eboxdetect.par changed: ecf (energy conversion factors) added to list of parameters. Closed SPRs: - 0292: Test files are now gzip'ed to save disk space. - 0298: CLEANFILES in eboxdetct/test/Makefile edited. - 0323: Functionality added: taks now perfomrs source detection on single fields in both local and map mode. - 0324: Makefile on eboxdetect/test edited - 0462: HDUCLASS and HDUCLAS1 added - 0463: EXTNAME changed to SRCLIST - 0467: "draft" in task description deleted Version 1.1 ---------------------- ChangeLog added Closed SPRs: - 0065: test harness is more robust now - 0074: " - 0067: .par file provided instead of .prm - 0068: fatal changed to error Open SPRs: (will be treated in next task version) - 0066: test_plan - 0069: dataset opened twice - 0071: get_files to be replaced by generic mechanism - 0072: cp_head to be replaced by generic mechanism - 0073: generic mechanism for parsing lists Version 1.0 ---------------------------- - Original version submitted to the SOC To do list: ------------ - add multi band option (done: V1.7) - add matched filter option - add error handling and verbosity control