A list of input positions may be supplied in a FITS table by setting intab=file:table. In this case the task attempts to read positions from columns DETX and DETY, if inputunit=`det' or columns RAWX, RAWX and CCDNR if inputunit=`raw', from a file and table specified by the parameter intab.
There are two options for the output: either the output positions can be written to columns in the same file, or a new file can be created to contain them. If the former is desired, set withouttab=`no'; if the latter, set withouttab=`yes' and provide the name of the new dataset and table in outtab. The transformed position values are written to the columns RAWX, RAWY, CCDNR, FLAG, DETX, DETY, RA, DEC, IMAGEX, IMAGEY, X and Y (see section 7 for a detailed description of the output format).
The value of FLAG is set to 0 unless a source does not fall on any CCD, in which case FLAG is set to 1. In these cases the values of RAWX, RAWY and CCDNR represent positions relative to the nearest CCD.
An example of input from a file mos_raw.fits, containing a set of raw coordinate positions in an extension called POSITIONS and writing the output coordinates into a table output in a file fullpos.ds, would be:
edet2sky intab=mos_raw.fits:POSITIONS calinfostyle=set calinfoset=mos_rev2730_im.ds inputunit=raw outtab=fullpos.ds:output
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27