Subroutine elcplot Recover parameters (File names, Device type, Binning factor, Output file, x-axis units) Read source time series FITS file : Get dataset and table. Check important keyword consistency (notably TSTART and TIMEDEL). Call a warning or error if necessary. Recover all light curves included in table Net source rates and errors & background rates and errors are recorded in arrays of dimension Nlightcurve * Nbins. Open plot : create view surface in specified device format (check its validity). if (usegtiset) then Recover GTIs end if if (useflareset) then Recover Flare light curve and rebin according to the lightcurve binning pattern end if Delete gaps in data (when the IEEE NaN constant is found). Increase binsize if necessary to limit the number of points to 512. Rebin rate and error columns by binsize Create a labelled plot page separated into two panels in which time is graduated on X-axis (see Comments), and count rates on Y-axis (in counts/sec). Draw net source and background time series and GTIs on different panels. Release memory. Close plot. End subroutine elcplot