Read the parameters Define goodPixel array, set to True if incremental then Read the bad pixels already in file goodPixel(bad pixels) = False endif if usecal then Read the bad pixels and offsets in CAL goodPixel(uplinked and dead pixels) = False if not ignoreccfbright then goodPixel(bright pixels) = False if includedeadpixels then Write dead pixels to output list endif Read map = projected image Iterate call findAllBad(map, goodPixel, bad) until nothing new is found or niter is reached Write bad pixels file subroutine findAllBad(map, goodPixel, bad) ! Get local average around each pixel and estimated significance call avMedFilter(map, goodPixel, medsmooth, badtest) ! Look for bright pixels call findBadPix(map, goodPixel, medsmooth, badtest, False, bad) if findbadsegments then ! Look for bright/dark columns profil = sum(map,2) call findBad1D(profil, bad) ! Look for bright/dark rows profil = sum(map,1) call findBad1D(profil, bad) Update goodPixel and medsmooth/badtest around bad columns/rows endif ! Look for dark pixels call findBadPix(map, goodPixel, medsmooth, badtest, True, bad) end subroutine findAllBad subroutine avMedFilter(map, goodPixel, medsmooth, badtest) Loop over current pixel Consider all good pixels in window around current pixel Extract average (or median+1 if smaller) into medsmooth Estimate dispersion from average absolute deviation divided by 0.8 Estimate significance S1 of excess using Gaussian law If larger than 3, estimate significance S2 of excess using Li and Ma badtest = min(S1,S2) endloop end subroutine avMedFilter subroutine findBadPix(map, goodPixel, medsmooth, badtest, negative, bad) Loop over current bad pixel Find maximum in badtest (minimum if negative) down to probathreshold Get probability of excess using binomial law if probability < probathreshold then add bad pixel to list Update goodPixel and medsmooth/badtest around maximum endif endloop end subroutine findBadPix subroutine findBad1D(profil, psf1D, bad) Find bad columns in profil (same as findBadPix) Loop over bad columns Get expected distribution along column from its neighbours width = 1/(expected count rate per pixel) Get running integral over bins of width pixels While total(rest of column) larger (lower if negative) than expected Find maximum integral (minimum if negative) Remove segment of width pixels around it endwhile endloop end subroutine findBad1D