ChangeLog for emchain ===================== Version 12.1 - 2024-01-18 (JB) ------------ - Do not reject bad events before calling embadpixfind (redundant with rejectbad option of emeventsproj) - Add print-outs to clarify generation of global flare-screening time series Version 12.0.1 - 2022-06-07 (EO) -------------- + src/emchain: Replaced she-bang /usr/local/bin/perl -w by /usr/bin/env perl plus "use warnings" and "use strict". Version 12.0 - 2022-04-21 (JB) ------------ - All intermediate files have product-like names by default (starting with T) so that they do not overwrite each other. - New usecanonicalnames parameter allowing to revert to previous behaviour. Version 11.20 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ------------------------------- - Includes the new GNU Public License Text disclaimer. Version 11.19 - 2015-12-09 (AI) ------------- - Documentation updated: MOS event screening criteria paragraph removed. SOC-SPR-7225 closed Version 11.18 - 2014-10-31 (JB) ------------- - Updated test harness for emtaglenoise. Version 11.17 - 2010-10-08 (JB) ------------- - Added call to emtaglenoise. Version 11.16 - 2009-06-18 (HC) ------------- - Updated reference event list for test harness to work with upgraded test CCF. Version 11.15 - 2006-01-11 (JB) ------------- - Adjust to emframes 5.7 (pass counting mode file). Version 11.14.1 - 2006-06-20 (JB) --------------- - Do not check CALINDEX extension. Version 11.14 - 2006-01-24 (JB) ------------- - Adjust test harness to emframes 5.6. Version 11.13 - 2005-08-05 (JB) ------------- - Rename individual files with instrument and exposure when runevlistcomb=N to avoid overwriting one exposure with the next one. - Parameter withemevents was inoperant. Version 11.12 - 2005-07-26 (JB) ------------- - Propose #XMMEA_SM for spectral selection in the documentation. - Developments in preparation to calling lccorr for flare screening. Version 11.11 - 2005-04-20 (JB) ------------- - Check that number of events is > 1 when building light curve. Version 11.10 - 2005-02-04 (JB) ------------- - Add writeccdbackground parameter for offset calibration. Version 11.9 - 2005-01-13 (JB) ------------ - Remove medianset argument to embadpixfind 2.0. Version 11.8 - 2004-12-23 (JB) ------------ - Prevent too small statistics for flare screening. - More robust test harness for wc (HB). Version 11.7 - 2004-11-10 (JB) ------------ - Allow entering exposures as a single number. Version 11.6 - 2004-11-08 (JB) ------------ - Change tolerance to allow flare screening on CCD 1 only in SW mode. - Remove useless switch parameters after param 2. - Modify test harness to be in synch with emenergy 8.1.3 Version 11.5.1 - 2004-10-11 (JB) -------------- - Fix test harness to accommodate change in number of CCF files. Version 11.5 - 2004-09-13 (JB) ------------ - Better exposure correction to flare screening timeseries. RATE is now divided by FRACEXP. Version 11.4.6 - 2004-07-08 (JB) -------------- - Corrects logic hole when startfromodf=N. Version 11.4.5 - 2004-04-14 (JB) -------------- - Addresses SPR 3285 (emchain crashes with applyflaregti=Y, reissued). Version 11.4.4 - 2004-04-02 (JB) -------------- - Addresses SPR 3284 (emchain crashes with applyflaregti=Y). Version 11.4.3 - 2004-03-17 (JB) -------------- - Parameter lowenerbadpix was inoperant. Version 11.4.2 - 2004-02-06 (JB) -------------- - Add fromccf=N to intermediate call to ebadpixupdate to avoid failures in Timing mode when SUBMODE is not set. - Remove badpixfindalgo=NO from test harness call to test the above. Version 11.4.1 - 2004-01-13 (JB) -------------- - Change [] defining extensions in ftools to + (was not correctly interpreted by some shells). Version 11.4 - 2003-12-05 (JB) ------------ - Adapted test harness to new number of calibration files. Version 11.3 - 2003-11-28 (JB) ------------ - Keep all columns for Timing mode when fulloutput=Y. Version 11.2 - 2003-11-17 (JB) ------------ - Change rejectionflag default to weed out events ON_BADOFFSET. Version 11.1 - 2003-11-03 (JB) ------------ - Adapted test harness to new number of calibration files. Version 11.0 - 2003-10-14 (JB) ------------ - Propagate OFFSETS extension to merged events list. Version 10.9 - 2003-08-26 (JB) ------------ - Accept lists in parameters transmitted to component tasks. - Reinstate withemenergy (emenergy was always called). Version 10.8 - 2003-06-27 (JB) ------------ - Upgrade to ebadpixupdate 1.4. Version 10.7 - 2003-05-14 (JB) ------------ - Change getotherbadpix from N to Y in call to badpix when badpixfindalgo=em|ep Version 10.6 - 2003-04-25 (JB) ------------ - Bug in flare GTI name introduced in 10.4. Version 10.5 - 2003-04-22 (JB) ------------ - New lowenerbadpix parameter to look specifically for bright pixels < 500 eV. - Calls ebadpixupdate to deal with very strong bright pixels. Version 10.4 - 2003-04-15 (JB) ------------ - Fixed SPR 3096 (fkeyprint call). - New FRACEXP column in flare screening timeseries. - Added globalflare parameter (default) to build single flare screening timeseries for all MOS exposures. - Makes use of FLICKERING flag. - Includes CCD 1 in flare background time series (except Timing). - Accepts gzipped ODF files. - Writes messages to STDOUT, following new SAS policy. - Use supertabular for ChangeLog section in doc. Version 10.3 - 2002-09-17 (JB) ------------ - Added test for slew data to avoid needless warning. - Editorial improvements. Version 10.2 - 2002-08-29 (JB) ------------ - Changed test harness to accommodate emevents 7.1. Version 10.1 - 2002-08-02 (JB) ------------ - Changed DEPEND for new major version of emframes, emevents and emenergy. Version 10.0 - 2002-07-26 (JB) ------------ - Use more specific intermediate file names containing 'mos' (SPR 2895). - Add requirement on perl 5.005. - Modify getMode to accommodate EDUMODE=3 in Timing mode. - Make embadpixfind default (as in PPS), remove withbadpixfind parameter. - Change keeprejected parameter into rejectbadevents (opposite meaning). - Add rejectionflag and addvigweight parameters. Version 9.2 - 2002-05-27 (JB) ----------- - Clarify warnings in code and doc. Version 9.1 - 2002-05-15 (JB) ----------- - Upgrade parameter file to param 2.0. Version 9.0 - 2002-05-03 (JB) ----------- - Add filterhk, filteratt and atttol parameters for GTI definition. - Remove HKGTI.FIT entry in ODF dir. - Move BAD.FIT entry from ODF dir to current dir. - Move HKGTI.FIT and BAD.FIT files from emsaplib/emodf to emchain/test. - Add stopafterbadpixfind parameter for investigations. - Remove 'errors' file on successful output. Version 8.4.1 - 2002-04-08 (JB) ------------- - Correct bug on testing flare screening GTI length introduced in 8.1. Version 8.4 - 2002-03-01 (JB) ----------- - Call badpix with windowfilter=Y. - Make test harness less sensitive to precision on TIME. Version 8.3 - 2002-01-29 (JB) ----------- - Does not process low gain data unless processlowgain is set. Version 8.2 - 2002-01-22 (JB) ----------- - Doc corrected for flare screening. - Accepts instrument specifications like mos1, emos1 (not only m1). Version 8.1 - 2002-01-11 (JB) ----------- - Add CONTENT keyword to flare background timeseries. - Change background timeseries to /ks/arcmin2. Version 8.0 - 2002-01-10 (JB) ----------- - Generate flare background timeseries in RATE format. - flaremaxcounts becomes flaremaxrate. - Reject GTIs only one flaretimebin long. - exposure, instrument become exposures, instruments. - Make use of new EXPIDSTR keyword. - Support propagation of parameters to constituent tasks. - Gently inform of deprecated parameters. Version 7.5 - 2001-11-26 (JB) ----------- - Adapted to evselect 3.43 (updateexposure=N on single CCD events lists). - Changed name of flare background timeseries to follow PPS. - Write specific error message after each error in task. Version 7.4 - 2001-11-22 (JBa) ------------ - (doc/emchain_description.tex): fixed documentation Version 7.3.1 - 2001-10-29 (JB) ------------- - Adapted test harness to cal 3.121 (test). Version 7.3 - 2001-10-09 (JB) ----------- - Set default for badpixfindalgo to EM (like in PPS products). - Randomize TIME by default (like in PPS products) in Imaging modes. Version 7.2.2 - 2001-07-19 (JB) ------------- - Change test harness to accommodate cal 3.117. Version 7.2.1 - 2001-07-19 (JB) ------------- - Remove check on FILTER in test harness. Version 7.2 - 2001-07-02 (JB) ----------- - Avoid evselect error when XMMEA_22 does not exist. - Check on too small flare GTI (< 10%). Version 7.1 - 2001-05-29 (JB) ----------- - Fixed SPR 2384 (emchain does not support -h). - Also supports other standard options. - Changed doc to avoid mixing parameters in HTML doc. Version 7.0 - 2001-05-11 (JB) ----------- - Move bad pixel search to after flare GTI filtering. - Add badpixfindalgo, stoponerror, startfromodf, clobber, withemevents, withemenergy parameters for better flexibility. - Improved documentation. Version 6.5 - 2001-04-24 (JB) ----------- - Add useccfdark parameter for emenergy 6.1. - Correct bug in doc (Parameters section). Version 6.4 - 2001-03-22 (JB) ----------- - Add srcra and srcdec parameters for emframes 4.5 (Timing mode). Version 6.3 - 2001-03-08 (JB) ----------- - set VISIBLE to no (config/ - change tests on FLAG to include EVATT_UNDERSHOOT (0x40000000). - Adapt to emevents 6.0 and emenergy 6.0. - Add emenergy to intermediate loop before badpixfind. Version 6.2 - 2001-02-22 (JB) ----------- - Call emevents with rejectrows=Y in Timing mode. - Adapt test harness to cal 3.100 (bad pixels in Timing mode). Version 6.1 - 2001-02-19 (JB) ----------- - Adapt test harness to emevents 5.7. Version 6.0.1 - 2001-02-08 (JB) ------------- - Correct bug in Change History (doc/emchain_description.doc). Version 6.0 - 2001-01-16 (JB) ----------- - Replace ccd parameter by ccds (list). - Add runccdloop, runevlistcomb, applyccdgti and makeflaregti parameters (default is yes). - Add keepintermediate and applyflaregti parameters (default is no). - Change logic to accommodate 2-node event reconstruction and improve modularity. Version 5.2.2 - 2000-11-21 (JB) ------------- - Keep as output files timeseries used for flare filtering (src/emchain). - Recovered compatibility with Ftools 4.2 (src/emchain). - Updated test harness to emsaplib 2.1.2 Version 5.2.1 - 2000-11-18 (UL) ------------- - updated test reference data sets test/struct.ref test/merged.ref.gz test/timstruct.ref test/evtime.ref after change of Xmm::missionReferenceTime (caloalutil-1.36.3/oal-3.58.8) Version 5.2 - 2000-10-31 (JB) ----------- - Call emevents with flagtruncatede1=Y in Timing mode (src/emchain). - Write CONTENT keyword (src/emchain). Version 5.1.2 - 2000-10-27 (JB) ------------- - Fixed SPR 2009 (Wrong names for event list files) (src/emchain). Version 5.1.1 - 2000-10-19 (JB) ------------- - Use attcalc default for attitudelabel and refpointlabel (src/emchain). Version 5.1 - 2000-10-09 (JB) ------------ - Modify default value of flaremaxcounts. - Add cleandss=Y to final evselect call in test harness. Version 5.0 - 2000-10-05 (JB) ------------ - Keep truncated events in output file (src/emchain). - Build light curve for flare rejection from truncated events (src/emchain). - Writes CALINDEX extension to output files (src/emchain). Version 4.15 - 2000-10-02 (JB) ------------ - Allows automatic bad pixels detection using withbadpixfind (src/emchain). Version 4.14 - 2000-09-29 (JB) ------------ - Updated test harness for new OAL (test/emchain_test). - Updated to emevents 5.0 (src/emchain). - Changed suffix of graphics file from ps to eps (doc/ Version 4.13 - 2000-07-05 (JB) ------------ - Always call badpix with getuplnkbadpix=Y even when a *BAD.FIT file is present (src/emchain). - Looks for emodf test directory under lib/testodf (test/emchain_test). Version 4.12.2 - 2000-06-28 (JB) -------------- - Fix SPR 1879 (Disagreement in parameters). Modified config/emchain.par, config/emchain.lyt. - No exposure computation on unmerged event files (src/emchain). Version 4.12.1 - 2000-06-23 (JB) -------------- - The events out of the FOV were being rejected anyway (src/emchain). Version 4.12 - 2000-06-14 (JB) ------------ - Do not reject events out of the field of view. - Build good time intervals for flare rejection. Version 4.11.1 - 2000-05-31 (JB) -------------- - Correct bug in Perl logic when withattcalc is set explicitly (src/emchain). - Use dsslib with #XMMEA_EM (src/emchain). Version 4.11 - 2000-05-29 (GV/SOC) ------------ - (test/struct.ref) updated, because the order of the extensions in struct.lst had changed. Version 4.10 - 2000-05-29 (JB) ------------ - Update DEPEND file. Version 4.9 - 2000-05-28 (JB) ----------- - Adapted to new default parameters of evselect. - Uses outset parameter of badpix. - Uses gtimerge instead of mgtime. - Updated output file names to Data Products ICD 2.1. - keeprejected=N is now default. Version 4.8 - 2000-04-09 (JB) ----------- - Adapt keeprejected option to new meaning of XMMEA_EM. Version 4.7 - 2000-04-28 (JB) ----------- - Correct bug in parameter input. - Adapt test harness to new event attribute codes. Version 4.6 - 2000-04-20 (JB) ----------- - Fixed SPR 1629 (Test harness fails under FTOOLS v5.0). Version 4.5 - 2000-04-06 (JB) ----------- - Added writedss and updateexposure to final call to evselect. - Do not analyse events when emframes ends in error. - Added parameters fulloutput, keeprejected and randomize. Version 4.4 - 2000-04-05 (JB) ----------- - Added -w 10 option to all SAS calls. - Changed test harness following CAL/CCF and emenergy evolution. Version 4.3 - 2000-02-29 (JB) ----------- - Improved -v answer and removed rogue output when verbosity is set to none. Version 4.2 - 08-02-2000 ----------- - Improved -v answer when emchain is a local version. Version 4.1 - 28-01-2000 ----------- - Add withatthkgen, withbadpix and withattcalc parameters. - Correct bug preventing run for data obtained with node 1 only. - Tests HK GTI file for MJDREF in mgtime. Version 4.0 - 20-12-1999 ----------- - Changed output file names to conform to the SSC DP ICD. - Aligns and merges the HK GTI with the CCD GTIs. - Removed the logic for energy combination (now in calmosalgo). Version 3.1 - 30-11-1999 ----------- - Modified test harness due to new behaviour of emframes and emenergy. Version 3.0 - 15-11-1999 ----------- - Added instrument, exposure, ccd optional parameters. - Uses new emsaplib library. - Changed SAS_ODFDIR into SAS_ODF, odfdir into odf. Version 2.9 - 03-11-1999 ----------- - Modified test harness due to new behaviour of emevents. Version 2.8 - 19-10-1999 ----------- - Change test harness to adapt to new gain values. Version 2.7 - 07-10-1999 ----------- - Upgraded for emevents 3.7, emenergy 3.5 and evlistcomb 4.0. - Treats mono and bipixels differently from larger events in emenergy. - Sends a list of files for offsets to emevents. - Global error status. - Supports '-v' argument. - Doc updated to sas 1.155. Version 2.6 - 03-09-1999 ----------- - Writes all messages to STDERR. - Less sensitive test harness. Version 2.5 - 01-09-1999 ----------- - Upgraded for attcalc 4.8, calling atthkgen. - Upgraded for emframes 3.5 (calls directly the auxiliary file). - Better error handling. - Writes version of constituent tasks in verbose mode. Version 2.4 - 13-08-1999 ----------- - Added refpointlabel parameter for attcalc. - May use SAS_ODFDIR directly instead of odfdir parameter. - Better error handling. Version 2.3 - 05-08-1999 ----------- - Upgraded for evselect 3.0. Version 2.2 - 28-07-1999 ----------- - Closed SPR 1122 (perl may complain: uninitialized variable SAS_VERBOSITY) Version 2.1 - 11-06-1999 ----------- - Includes test harness for Reduced Imaging mode. - Keeps silent if SAS_VERBOSITY is 0 or not set. - Upgraded for evselect 2.0. Version 2.0 - 31-05-1999 ----------- - Closed SPR 879 (Non-compliance with the DP ICD). - Closed SPR 883 (Behaviour when no i/p files are available). - Better coding practise. - New parameter names. - Uses the emevents/emodf directory for testing. - Includes test harness for Timing mode. - Includes a parameter layout file. Version 1.9 - 11-05-1999 ----------- - Upgraded to be compatible with badpix 2.0, attcalc 4.0, emframes 3.0, emevents 3.0, emenergy 3.0, evlistcomb 3.0. - Uses the new presentation for columns, keywords, ... in the doc. - Uses a more recent set of test data. Version 1.8 - 09-04-1999 ----------- - Fixed SPR 980 (zcat in test harness). Version 1.7 - 31-03-1999 ----------- - Removed unnecessaries dependencies in DEPEND. Version 1.6 - 26-03-1999 ----------- - Does not reject bad events in final call to evselect any more. - CCDID --> CCDNR in output. - Closed SPR 878 (ODF non-compliance). - Closed SPRs 880, 881, 882 after evolution of the constitutive tasks. - ROWOFFST and COLOFFST exchanged in offset files after ODF ICD clarification. - Uses \psfig instead of \includegraphics to include Postscript figures. - Upgraded to be compatible with attcalc 3.1. Version 1.5 - 08-12-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 877 (Documentation). - Modified due to restriction on parameter case in attcalc 2.1 Version 1.4 - 27-11-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 815 (emchain wrong perl path; emchain_test regression test buggy). - Modified to follow new attcalc 2.0 parameters. Version 1.3 ----------- - Input files made coherent with badpix. Version 1.2 ----------- - Test harness corrected. Version 1.1 ----------- - Modified to follow new attcalc parameters. - Several minor improvements. Version 1.0 ----------- - Initial version for SAS v1 integration.