subroutine emchain Read parameters. if startfromodf then call processOdf else if runevlistcomb then call mergeEvents if makeflaregti then Loop over the *MIEVLI0000.FIT files call makeFlareTS if globalflare call mergeTS else call tsToGTI end loop if globalflare call tsToGTI endif Loop over the *MIEVLI0000.FIT files if addtaglenoise call emtaglenoise if withflaregti call applyFlareGTI if addvigweight call evigweight ineventset=eventfile end loop if not keepintermediate then rm -f *.in.mos *.out.mos merged.*.mos end subroutine emchain subroutine processOdf Set SAS_ODF to odf (for OAL). Call atthkgen if no tracking history file or withatthkgen is true. Call tabgtigen with expression='!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT<atttol' Call hkgtigen if no HK GTI is present. gtiext = 'T' // obsid // inst // 'X000EXTGTI0000'.FIT' Call gtimerge gtitable=$gtiext on attitude GTI (if filteratt), HK GTI (if filterhk) and user GTI (if present) Look in odf for ODF files pertaining to selected instrument, ending in IME, TIE, RIE or CTE.FIT (possibly .gz or .FTZ). Deduce all exposures present. Loop over selected exposures if badpixfindalgo ne 'NO' then call ccdLoop (forbadpixfind=Y) call badpixLoop (no flare screening) call mergeEvents call ebadpixpixupdate call buildFlareGTI call badpixLoop (with flare screening and low energy run) endif call ccdLoop (forbadpixfind=N) if runevlistcomb then call mergeEvents end loop over exposures end subroutine processOdf subroutine ccdLoop Loop over selected CCDs and nodes Identify event file name event0 ending in IME, TIE, RIE or CTE.FIT. Deduce ccd and node. nccd = node // ccd core = obsid // inst // expid aux = substring($event0 - last 9 characters) // '00AUX.FIT' gtiin = 'T' // core // 'RAWGTI00' // nccd // '.FIT' gtiout = 'T' // core // 'LOCGTI00' // nccd // '.FIT' frameout = 'T' // core // 'FRAMLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' eventin = 'T' // core // 'RWEVLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' eventout = 'T' // core // 'CLEVLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' eventcal = 'T' // core // 'CAEVLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' emframes odfeventset=$event0 \ outeventset=$eventin frameset=$frameout outgtiset=$gtiin if ($gtiext exists) then flagbadtimes=Y ingtiset=$gtiext if (not processlowgain and GAIN_CCD='LOW') next bad = 'T' // core // 'BPXFLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' if $bad does not exist then bad = 'P*' // instid // '*BADPIX00' // nccd // '.FIT' if withbadpix and not forbadpixfind then mv $eventin $eventout badpix eventset=$eventout outset=$eventin windowfilter=Y if ($bad exists) then getuplnkbadpix=Y getotherbadpix=N getnewbadpix=Y badpixset=$bad rm $eventout endif off = odf // * // instrument // * // ccd // node // 'OVE.FIT' emevents frameset=$frameout odfeventset=$eventin eventset=$eventout if ($off exists) then offvarsets=$off if not randomizeP then randomizeposition=N if randomizeT then randomizetime=Y if forbadpixfind then analysepatterns=N flagbadpixels=N \ splitdiagonals=N randomizeposition=N if ($gtiext exists) then hkgti = 'T' // core // 'HKXGTI00' // nccd // '.FIT' gtialign gtitable=$gtiext:STDGTI eventset=$eventout \ outset=$hkgti extname = 'STDGTI' // node // ccd gtimerge tables="$hkgti $gtiin" mergemode=and \ gtitable=$gtiout:$extname cp $eventout $eventcal if withattcalc and not forbadpixfind then attcalc eventset=$eventcal emenergy ineventset=$eventcal if not imaging mode then getccdbkg=N if not randomizeE then randomizeenergy=N if forbadpixfind then correctcti=N correctgain=N randomizeenergy=N bkg = 'P' // core // 'CCDBKG00' // nccd // '.FIT' if writeccdbackground then backgroundset=$bkg if rejectbadevents or forbadpixfind then evselect table=$eventcal destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y \ expression="(FLAG & 0x$rejectionflag) == 0" end loop over CCDs and nodes end subroutine ccdLoop subroutine badpixLoop Loop over selected CCDs and nodes bad = 'T' // core // 'BPXFLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' eventfilt = 'T' // core // 'FTEVLI00' // nccd // '.FIT' evmap = 'T' // core // 'IMAGPR00' // nccd // '.FIT' evselect table=$eventcal filteredset=$eventfilt \ keepfilteroutput=Y destruct=Y writedss=Y updateexposure=Y \ expression="TIME in GTI($gtiflare)" if badpixfindalgo == 'EM' then emeventsproj eventset=$eventfilt rejectbadevents=Y evimageset=$evmap embadpixfind evimageset=$evmap badpixset=$bad if (lowenerbadpix) select PHA < 150 and run again incrementally else badpixfind eventset=$eventfilt thresholdlabel=rate \ badpixset=$bad \ hithresh=0.005 narrowerthanpsf=3.0 backgroundrate=1.E-5 endif end loop over CCDs and nodes if stopafterbadpixfind stop end subroutine badpixLoop subroutine mergeEvents imerge = 'T' // core // 'MIEVLM0000.FIT' tmerge = 'T' // core // 'TIEVLM0000.FIT' evlistcomb eventsets='T'//core//'CAEVLI00*.FIT' imagingset=$imerge \ timingset=$tmerge maintable='EVENTS OFFSETS' if fulloutput then emosimgcolnames="TIME RAWX RAWY DETX DETY X Y PHA PI FLAG PATTERN FRAME ENERGYE1 ENERGYE2 ENERGYE3 ENERGYE4 PERIPIX OFFSETX OFFSETY" emosimgcoltypes="double int16 int16 int16 int16 int32 int32 int16 int16 int32 int8 int32 int16 int16 int16 int16 int8 int16 int16" endif if applyccdgti then Loop over 'T'//core//'LOCGTI00*.FIT' files expr = expr // '|| (CCDNR==' // nccd // ' && GTI($gtiout,TIME))' endif eventim = 'P' // core // 'MIEVLI0000.FIT' evselect table=$imerge filteredset=$eventim \ expression=$expr destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y fparkey "EPIC MOS IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST" $eventim[0] CONTENT \ add=Y insert=DATE" fappend $sasccf[CALINDEX] $eventim if ($tmerge exists) then eventti = 'P' // core // 'TIEVLI00000.FIT' evselect table=$tmerge filteredset=$eventti \ expression=$expr destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y fparkey "EPIC TIMING MODE EVENT LIST" $eventti[0] CONTENT \ add=Y insert=DATE" fappend $sasccf[CALINDEX] $eventti endif end subroutine mergeEvents subroutine makeFlareTs expr = "(PATTERN==0) && ((FLAG & 0x762b8000) == 0) && #XMMEA_22" flarets = 'P' // core // 'FBKTSR0000.FIT' check that expected counts per bin in quiet conditions is > 10, otherwise increase $flaretimebin evselect table=$eventim expression=$expr updateexposure=N \ rateset=$flarets timebinsize=$flaretimebin \ timecolumn=TIME maketimecolumn=Y makeratecolumn=Y add FRACEXP column (currently done by looking at full timeseries) divide by CCD area (IN_FOV keyword) and FRACEXP end subroutine makeFlareTs subroutine mergeTs globts = 'P' // obsid // 'EMX000FBKTSR0000.FIT' if $globts exists then multiply by CCD area and FRACEXP merge columns of $flarets and $globts: RATE = RATE1 + RATE2 ERROR = SQRT(ERROR1**2 + ERROR2**2) FRACEXP = FRACEXP1 + FRACEXP2 divide by CCD area and FRACEXP endif else then cp $flarets $globts endelse end subroutine mergeTs subroutine tsToGTI gtiflare = timeseries prefix // 'FBKGTI0000.FIT' tabgtigen table=$flarets expression="RATE<$flaremaxrate" \ gtiset=$gtiflare evselect table=$gtiflare writedss=N updateexposure=N keepfilteroutput=Y \ expression="(STOP - START) > 1.5*$flaretimebin" end subroutine tsToGTI subroutine applyFlareGTI expr = "GTI($gtiflare,TIME)" evselect table=$eventim destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y expression=$expr evselect table=$eventti destruct=Y keepfilteroutput=Y expression=$expr end subroutine applyFlareGTI