ChangeLog for emenergy ====================== Version 8.10 - 2024-01-17 (JB) ------------ - Correct rejectE3E4 to set loce4 to the ellipse center instead of 0 in case of a nearby bad offset. - Set EVATT_BAD_E3E4 only when EVATT_UNDERSHOOT is not set. Version 8.9 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ----------------------------- + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 8.8 - 2016-09-08 (AI) ------------- + (src/emenergy_mod.f90) Initialization to null of all pointers that are passed to C++ (Dope vectors). If we do not initizialize the pointers, we get seg fault at run-time with gcc-6.2. Version 8.7 - 2015-05-13 (AI) ------------- + Documentation updated. SOC-SPR-7226 fixed Version 8.6.2 - 2009-06-08 (AI) ------------- + test files events.ref and bkgmap.ref regenerated using the new EMOS LINCOORD version 18. Fixes SOC-SPR-6545 Version 8.6.1 - 2009-05-13 (EO) ------------- + Update DEPEND file for ssclib 4.8. Version 8.6 - 2007-06-25 (AI/JB) ----------- - New procedure "mostimingcorr" implemented (SSC-SPR-3688). This procedure (that implements Darren's idl code) makes a spectral redistribution on the pha energy space. - New parameter "ontimepha" (by default equals to "NO") created. This parameter enable or disable the spectral timing correction. - New dependecy on ssclib. DEPEND file updated. - src/Makefile updated to include the new ssclin dependency. Version 8.5 - 2005-07-25 (JB) ----------- - Write the XMMEA_SM keyword. Version 8.4 - 2005-02-08 (JB) ----------- - Write the CCD background file only at the last call to CCDBKG. Version 8.3 - 2004-11-16 (JB) ----------- - Add 3 sigma clipping on E4 for computing CCD background (related to SPR 3414). Version 8.2 - 2004-11-09 (JB) ----------- - Correct bug in estimating CCD background for small number of counts (related to SPR 3414). Version 8.1.2 - 2004-07-23 (JB) ------------- - Could not apply CTI correction and gain correction in successive calls. Version 8.1.1 - 2004-03-12 (JB) ------------- - Parameter rejectbade3e4 was incorrectly called rejecte3e4 in doc. Version 8.1 - 2003-11-28 (JB) ----------- - Set RAWY to SRC_RAWY when calling CAL_mosCtiCorrect in Timing mode. Version 8.0 - 2003-10-14 (JB) ----------- - Old OFFSETS extension changed to OFFSETS0. - Makes use of new OFFSETS extension. Version 7.2 - 2003-08-19 (JB) ----------- - Call to rejectE3E4 before ccdbkg to avoid contamination by wrong offsets. Version 7.1 - 2002-11-13 (JB) ----------- - Use supertabular for ChangeLog section in doc. Version 7.0 - 2002-08-02 (JB) ----------- - Remove the e3e4ellipse parameter (read from CAL). - Remove withmaskedccdset parameter from doc. - Use badpixutils_mod. Version 6.6 - 2002-06-25 (JB) ----------- - Replace reference to event attributes description. Version 6.5 - 2002-05-27 (JB) ----------- - Keep decimal part of dark frame background. - Clarify warnings in code and doc. Version 6.4 - 2002-05-07 (JB) ----------- - Upgrade parameter file to param 2.0. Version 6.3.1 - 2002-02-11 (JB) ------------- - Accept bad pixels at RAWX=0. Version 6.3 - 2001-12-07 (JB) ----------- - Identical to 6.2. Version 6.2 - 2001-08-17 (JB) ----------- - Change test harness to accommodate selectlib 4.44 and cal 3.117. Version 6.1.3 - 2001-06-18 (JB) ------------- - Change message on PI thresholds to Sparse (src/emenergy_mod.f90). Version 6.1.2 - 2001-06-12 (JB) ------------- - Downgrade warning about missing BADPIX to message (src/emenergy_mod.f90). Version 6.1.1 - 2001-04-24 (JB) ------------- - Interface change to CAL_getMOSdarkFrameMap (src/emenergy_mod.f90). Version 6.1 - 2001-04-17 (JB) ----------- - Allow estimating CCD background from E4 and CCF dark frame together. Version 6.0 - 2001-03-05 (JB) ----------- - New fillccdbkg option to estimate CCD background where few events were found. - rejectbade3e4 and OUT_OF_FOV flagging moved to emenergy from emevents. Version 5.5 - 2000-12-19 (JB) ----------- - Do not remove DATATYPE in output background map. Version 5.4 - 2000-08-09 (JB) ----------- - Changed dependence to emsaplib 2.0 (DEPEND). Version 5.3.1 - 2000-06-19 (JB) ------------- - Removed blanks from error codes (doc/emenergy_description.tex and src/emenergy_mod.f90). Version 5.3 - 2000-05-22 (JB) ----------- - Upgraded to saslib 1.62. Version 5.2 - 2000-05-17 (JB) ----------- - Uses specific CAL_mosGainCorrect. Version 5.1 - 2000-05-08 (JB) ----------- - Adapt test harness to new event attribute codes. Version 5.0 - 2000-04-15 (JB) ----------- - Reads ENERGYEi as integer columns. - Added parameter randomizeenergy (on by default). - Changed column names in E4 time-series output. Version 4.2 - 2000-04-12 (JB) ----------- - Keep DATATYPE keyword in EXPOSURE extension. Version 4.1 - 2000-03-10 (JB) ----------- - Keep original event coordinates when out of CCD. Version 4.0 - 1999-12-21 (JB) ----------- - Removed the phacoefs parameter and calls calmosalgo. Version 3.8 - 24-11-1999 ----------- - Large (> 2 pixels) events are not used to build background map. - Set TLMAX for PHA/PI columns in Timing mode. Version 3.7 - 09-11-1999 ----------- - Allow to read/write CCD background map in the absence of offsets. - Uses new emsaplib library. Version 3.6 - 19-10-1999 ----------- - Change test harness to adapt to new gain values. - Includes DISTRIBUTION file. Version 3.5 - 07-10-1999 ----------- - Changes the way the 4th coefficient in phacoefs is used. - Adds an OFFSETS extension to the backgroundset file. - Doc updated to sas 1.155. Version 3.4 - 03-09-1999 ----------- - Writes proper time keywords in the time series associated with backgroundset. Version 3.3 - 08-07-1999 ----------- - Corrects the "1 event" bug. Version 3.2 - 09-06-1999 ----------- - Writes the XMMEA_nn keywords. - Upgraded to CAL 3.0. - Upgraded to saslib 1.35. Version 3.1 - 31-05-1999 ----------- - Supports all modes. - Simplified variable management by using parent function. - Includes a parameter layout file. Version 3.0 - 30-04-1999 ----------- - All parameter names changed to follow new guidelines - Upgraded to be compatible with emutils in emevents 3.0. - Uses the eventAttributes module. - Uses the new CAL_setState(block) facility. - Uses the new presentation for columns, keywords, ... in the doc. Version 2.7 - 22-03-1999 ----------- - ROWOFFST and COLOFFST exchanged in offset file after ODF ICD clarification. - PHA is now not corrected for CTI. - Only the main pixel is considered when flagging "next to ...". - Change background subtraction in MAKE_E. - Reject events at distance 1 from borders in CCDBKG. - Upgraded to be compatible with CAL 2.x - Upgraded to be compatible with emutils in emevents 2.8. Version 2.6 - 11-12-1998 ----------- - emutils_mod moved to emevents. - Output CCD map written to primary, not to extension. Version 2.5 - 27-11-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 335 (The function change_case is duplicated in other tasks). - BADPIXTYPE changed to TYPE in bad pixels extension to follow badpix. - Uses the new "layer" message interface. - Uses CAL_setStateFromScienceFile. - copyAttributes removed. - Generic routines taken from the specific module in emframes. - Now supports new output file when run on its own output. - The optional CCD map in diagfile is now read from the primary array. - Corrected various small bugs. Version 2.4 - 25-09-1998 ----------- - Changed output format for CCD background map and time series. - Offsets taken into account when using an external CCD background map. - Modified to adjust to param 1.10. - Added numerous checks against erroneous data. - Version number jumped to 2.4 to meet that of description. Version 2.1 - 30-07-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 507 (Subscript 2 of OPTBKG is out of range). The task now uses int32 indices instead. - Fixed SPR 509 (Test harness fails under DEC OSF). The reference output is now produced within the test harness. - Uses the message facility instead of the prlev parameter. Version 2.0 - 20-07-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 334 (Change on/off parameters from integer to boolean). This interface change is the reason for the new major version. - Fixed SPR 93 (Should not check for existing file). setExists used instead. - Fixed SPR 97 (Need generic mechanism for parsing list of parameters). Calls the facilities provided with the param package. - Fixed SPR 331 (Merge README.emenergy into description). - Fixed SPR 332 (Remove ":" and "?" from parameter labels). - Fixed SPR 336 (Use unique error codes). - Fixed SPR 490 (Tests fail after DAL fixes). - Does not generate camera coordinates any longer (moved to emevents). Version 1.1 - 26-05-1998 ----------- - Fixed SPR 88 (Task would not compile). Calls to nint(x,kind=int16) replaced by int(x+sign(0.5,x),kind=int16). - Fixed SPR 89 (Require .par instead of .prm). - Fixed SPR 90 (Writes diagnostic output to stdout). No print * anymore. - Fixed SPR 96 (String buffer should not be used). Use global variable errstr instead. - parse_string accepts values separated by several blanks. - Copy general keywords from the events extension to the primary header. - Write TCRPX keywords associated to the DETX/DETY columns to indicate the DETX/DETY coordinates of the detector center. - focalLength replaced by -xmilli when computing DETX/DETY. - Write TLMIN/TLMAX keywords for DETX/DETY. - Coherent with CAL storage of patterns. - CTI correction plugged in. Version 1.0 - 22-04-1998 ----------- - Initial version for SAS v1 integration.