esensmap creates a sensitivity map, providing upper limits to detect a point
source over given background. In each image pixel, it includes the
vignetting corrected source count rate (cts s) that corresponds to
the minimum detection likelihood as specified in the
parameter mlmin. From version 4.0 on, normalised energy conversion
factors (ECFs) in units of
cts cm
are accepted
via the parameter ecf to produce sensitivity maps in flux units
(erg cm
). The task parameter outunit determines
whether to write count-rate maps (outunit=rate), flux maps
(outunit=flux), or both (outunit=both). esensmap was
developed for use with single files. Formally, it accepts several files and
creates a combined sensitivity across energy bands and / or
instruments. This multi-image mode is considered experimental so far and
should be used carefully. ECFs need to include the ratio of the per-band
fluxes to the total flux over all bands when combining input files. The
factors to be supplied to esensmap for the five standard energy bands and
the absorbed powerlaw model of the XMM-Newton EPIC catalogues
are provided in Table 1.
eboxdetect-like Poisson mode
The task may either be called for individual energy bands or
combinations of energy bands and instruments. The upper limits are derived
by assuming Poissonian count statistics in each 3 3 pixel detection
cell, using the exposure and background values read from the input
images. It is assumed that 30 % of the PSF fall into the detection
cell. Likelihoods are calculated as a function of raw source and background
counts via the incomplete gamma function as described
for eboxdetect. This simple upper limit calculation is meant as a
reference point for a more detailed assessment of the sensitivity of the
detection process to be determined through Monte Carlo simulations.
In the case of multiple input energy bands, the upper limits are calculated for the combined images. I.e. they refer to the detection sensitivity which would be achieved by adding up the photons observed in the individual bands (not identical to the sensitivity in a combined source-detection fit). Pixels outside of the detection mask as well as pixels with zero exposure time are assigned a sensitivity value of –1.0. This also holds for pixels where – potentially arising from a failure of the spline fit in the esplinemap backgound task – zero or negative values occur in the input background maps.
emldetect-like DeltaC mode
Version 4.0 introduces a DeltaC approach that is based
on emldetect-like Cash statistic. It can be activated via the task
parameter statistic=deltac and employs a likelihood test comparing
the detection likelihood of background plus source emission with pure
background emission. The log-likelihood ratio can be expressed via the Cash
statistic as
. This quantity, which follows a
distribution approximately, is minimised in the emldetect
source fit. Free parameters of this fit are the count rate in each input
image, the source position, and, optionally, the source extent. The total
detection likelihood is derived from the sum of the individual
values (for more details, see for example Rosen et
al. 2016, A&A 590,
A1; Traulsen et
al. 2019, A&A 624, A77).
The new esensmap mode adapts a simplified version of this emldetect
approach, which was developed in the EU funded ARCHES project. It uses background and exposure map(s) of an observation to
determine the limiting count rate at a given total detection likelihood
(parameter mlmin) in each of the exposed pixels, which are supplied
as detection mask(s). If data of several instruments and/or energy bands are
provided, the output sensitivity map gives the combined all-EPIC broad-band
limits for
degrees of freedom, where
is the number of input images
plus 3 (for source position and extent), similar to the combined fit
performed by emldetect. To compute
, the point-spread
function (PSF) in each image pixel is interpolated from a grid of PSFs
spanning different off-axis angles across the field of view. The
parameter doff controls the off-axis steps. It defaults to
12 arcsec. Mid-band energies, at which the PSFs are obtained, are to be
provided via the parameter energies. Parameter ecut controls
the half size of the box within the PSF is evaluated, by default 15 arcsec
(cf. the emldetect
parameter ecut).
Since the EPIC PSFs are essentially rotationally symmetric, the azimuthal dependence of the PSF shapes (i.e., their orientation angle) is ignored for the sake of computational efficiency. This approximation leads to deviations from the true sensitivity of the order of several percent at the detector edges, where the PSFs are not covered completely (i.e. where the mask fraction is significantly smaller than one). Sensitivity values in these areas come with larger uncertainties anyway, as the source detection process itself.
0.2 |
0.5 |
1.0 |
2.0 |
4.5 |
EPIC/pn | |||||
n Thin filter | 6.7975e-1 | 9.9089e-1 | 9.7089e-1 | 4.8287e-1 | 2.2530e-1 |
Medium filter | 5.9783e-1 | 9.6035e-1 | 9.5612e-1 | 4.7935e-1 | 2.2723e-1 |
Thick filter | 3.6599e-1 | 7.3730e-1 | 8.2566e-1 | 4.5209e-1 | 2.2194e-1 |
EPIC/MOS1 | |||||
Thin filter | 1.0389e-1 | 2.0832e-1 | 3.3694e-1 | 1.9247e-1 | 6.2435e-2 |
Medium filter | 9.2405e-2 | 2.0245e-1 | 3.3123e-1 | 1.9027e-1 | 6.2250e-2 |
Thick filter | 6.2278e-2 | 1.6440e-1 | 2.9495e-1 | 1.8245e-1 | 6.1416e-2 |
EPIC/MOS2 | |||||
Thin filter | 1.0175e-1 | 2.0796e-1 | 3.3755e-1 | 1.9389e-1 | 6.4771e-2 |
Medium filter | 9.0277e-2 | 2.0209e-1 | 3.3183e-1 | 1.9168e-1 | 6.4580e-2 |
Thick filter | 6.0509e-2 | 1.6407e-1 | 2.9547e-1 | 1.8382e-1 | 6.3722e-2 |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27