badEnergyChans | error |
| elow GT ehigh |
noClosed | error |
| Does not work with filter=Closed ODFs |
noOOTwMOS | error |
| Will not process PN OOT file for MOS input EVLI |
noPNFast | error |
| Espfilt does not support EPN Fast mode |
noPNSmallWindow | error |
| Espfilt does not support EPN Small Window mode |
UnsupportedMethod | error |
| Method must be either histogram or ratio |
badInfile | error |
| Input event list does not have necessary components. |
noGTI | error |
| GTI file does not exist |
badInfile | error |
| Problems reading, accessing table, columns in event file. |
badTable | error |
| Input or output file table missing critical Column |
noCounts | error |
| All histo counts are zero! Check your FOV Lightcurve! |
PNLargeWindow | warning |
| EPN PrimeLargeWindow SUBMODE may produce suspect results
corrective action: attempts analysis |
RatioBinLT100 | warning |
| Binsize for Ratio Method should be >= 100
corrective action: attempts analysis |
noIntervals | warning |
| Did not find any intervals that meet criteria
corrective action: attempts analysis |
lowOutOfRange | warning |
| low outside acceptable range
corrective action: sets L_IMME to -9.99E+99 |
MaxPLCltHigh | warning |
| Max plc value outside acceptable range
corrective action: sets H_IMME to -9.99E+99 |
HfitEvalBlownUp | warning |
| Components for calculating H_IMME/H_TOTL may have blown up
corrective action: suggest alternate input params |
LfitEvalBlownUp | warning |
| Components for calculating L_IMME/L_TOTL may have blown up
corrective action: suggest alternate input params |
NoOpenQDPfile | warning |
| Problem open/read/write output QDP file
corrective action: attempts write to LUN |
SingularMatrix | warning |
| Singular matrix solution
corrective action: No Count Rate Histogram Produced |
nnLTzero | warning |
| Close interval running problem. NN is LT 0?
corrective action: suggest alternate input params |
BadFittingParam | warning |
| Your choices for input params are causing gaussian fit to fail
corrective action: suggest alternate input params |