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fitsutils (fitsutils-1.10.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


This function is a wrapper for the function ssclib/array_utils/getAryStatInfo for a 2-dimensional array, and so returns the structure aryStatInfo???T (See the documentation of ssclib), which contains the statistical information of the array.

The part `???' in the function names is either Double, Single, Int32/16/8.

The following is an example interface for the Double-type one. In other types, only the difference is the type of the returned variable (aryStatInfo???T).

  interface getFitsImgStatInfoDouble
    function getFitsImgStatDoubleName(imageSetName, arMaskIn &
       , minAreaIndices, maxAreaIndices, valLower, valUpper &
       , flagInfo) result(aryStatInfo)

      ! integer, parameter :: rankArin = 2
      type(aryStatInfoDoubleT) :: aryStatInfo	! defined in array_utils
      character(*), intent(in) :: imageSetName
      logical, intent(in), optional :: arMaskIn(:,:)
      integer(int32), intent(in), optional :: minAreaIndices(rankArin), maxAreaIndices(rankArin)
      real(double), intent(in), optional :: valLower, valUpper
      type(aryStatInfoFlagT), intent(in), optional :: flagInfo
    end function getFitsImgStatDoubleName

    function getFitsImgStatDoubleSet(imageSet, arMaskIn &
       , minAreaIndices, maxAreaIndices, valLower, valUpper &
       , flagInfo) result(aryStatInfo)

      ! integer, parameter :: rankArin = 2	! = size(lbound(arin))
      type(aryStatInfoDoubleT) :: aryStatInfo	! defined in array_utils
      type(DataSetT), intent(in) :: imageSet
      logical, intent(in), optional :: arMaskIn(:,:)
      integer(int32), intent(in), optional :: minAreaIndices(rankArin), maxAreaIndices(rankArin)
      real(double), intent(in), optional :: valLower, valUpper
      type(aryStatInfoFlagT), intent(in), optional :: flagInfo
    end function getFitsImgStatDoubleSet
  end interface

Note that the ranks of arMaskIn (if specified) and that of the input FITS image have to be identical.

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27