InvalidDataType | fatal | |
Data type in input image is not permitted | ||
IncNumImg | fatal | |
The number of images in sets is not equal to
the number of images in exposuresets | ||
IncNumFlat | fatal | |
The number of images in sets is not equal to
the number of temporary files in tmpflatsets | ||
ErrFarith | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task farith cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFstruct | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fstruct cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrFkeypar | fatal | |
The FTOOLS task fkeypar cannot be run in the process explained by the associated message | ||
ErrIntmakehist | fatal | |
Problem raised while trying to create histograms using module intmakehist | ||
badDevice | fatal | |
Specified PGPLOT device cannot be opened | ||
MissingFitsKeyw | fatal | |
The WCS keyword CDELT1 is not included in the input image | ||
AllocationError | fatal | |
Failed allocation for internal array | ||
BadParamValue | fatal | |
The requested bin size is smaller than one of the
input images pixel size, larger than one of the input image's size or it results in a binned image with only one pixel | ||
NotImage | warning | |
One of the input images is not an EPIC image | ||
NotExpMap | warning | |
One of the input exposure maps is not an EPIC exposure map | ||
EmptyHistogram | warning | |
All intensities in one or more of the bands are equal |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27