ChangeLog for omlcbuild ======================= Version 1.42 -2024-11-11 (RDS) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90): added support for the boresight sensitivity degradation correction for fast mode data (SCR-7798) Version 1.41 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ------------------------------ + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.40 -2014-06-01 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90): fixing the bug reported in SPR-0007207, namely, applying the binning factor the imaging-mode window size; also a bug resulting in smaller output count rates for the last time bin is fixed (the size of the time bin was almost twice of what it should be) Version 1.39.1 -2013-02-27 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90): Protected against possible subscript when using the imaging data to evaluate the background Version 1.39 -2012-11-12 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90): Protected against possible cycling in the subroutine SORT in the case of having NaN values in its input Version 1.38 -2012-10-21 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90): The calculation of the background when using the imaging-mode window is made with the same photometry subroutines as in the task omdetect, the background map is created by smoothing the imaging mode data Version 1.37.4 -2011-02-19 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90). The 0.5-pixel correction was modified once again as the previous modification was not complete. Version 1.37.3 -2011-02-18 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90). For some unknown reason the correction corresponding to the SSC-SPR-6602 was switched off (commented). This was causing a slight unusual variability of the source when its image was approaching to the lower Fast-windoe edge. The 0.5-pixel correction of the PSF position was restored (fixing the problem described in SSC-SPR-6650). Version 1.37.2 -2010-03-26 (vny): documentation updated. Version 1.37.1 -2010-03-16 (vny) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90). A subtle mistake of 0.5-pixels miscalculation of the source PSF position with respect to the edge of the Fast window is fixed. This mistake was causing about 10% variability of the source count rates when the source was touching the edge of the window and slightly changing its position with respect to this edge (by about 1 or 2 pixels), SSC-SPR-6602. Version 1.37 -2010-02-20 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Fixed a bug related to the calculation of wrong background level when using the option bkgfromimage=yes Version 1.36 -2010-01-31 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Protected against the crash because of the possibility of the missing block OMIMI1 in the accompanying imaging data file. Version 1.35 -2010-01-26 (VNY) +(config/omlcbuild.par, src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) introducing two new input parameters: mod8corrupted indicating that the Fast image is affected by the modulo-8 noise, and imageset giving the name of the auxiliary imaging data set to determine the background (this task version is not yet uploaded) Version 1.34 -2009-09-08 (VNY) +(src/random_mod.f90, ommagnitude_mod.f90) The modules random_mod.f90 and ommagnitude_mod.f90 are removed as obsolete. The rest of the code remained unchanged. Version 1.33.3 -2009-05-28 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) restoring the limit of 2000 detected source after which the task does not produces light curves: SSC-SPR-6538. This limet is needed to avoid crashes due to lack of memory in difficlut cases. Version 1.33.2 -2009-05-18 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) A warning message is introduced for the case of finding too many sources in the Fast window (SSC-SPR-6534) Version 1.33.1 -2009-05-14 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Cleaned from the debugging test remained from the previous upload (SSC-SPR-6530). Version 1.33 -2009-04-30 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) A bug reported in SSC-SPR-6525 is fixed (trying do deallocate a pointer that was not allocated) Version 1.32 -2009-03-13 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) The Chi**2 and Kolmogorov-Smirnov variability tests of the light curve are introduced (passed from lcplot) in order to store the variability data in the source list product (SSC SCR-278). Version 1.31.1 -2008-06-05 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) The values in the RATE and BACKGROUND_RATE columns of the source-list table produced by omdetect are substituted by the corresponding raw count rates computed by omlcbuild in order to make these values consistent with the corrected count rates computed by the omlcbuild task (SSC-SPR-6474). Version 1.31 - 2008-04-25 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) The use of the theoretical calibration curve for coincidence-loss correction is replaced with the use of the empirical polynomial coefficients (i.e. the CAL routine CAL_omPhotoNatural is now called with the logical parameter "empirical" set to troue instead of false). Currently, the difference between the theoretial calibration curve and the polynomial function is small but in the future the calibration files might change (SSC-SPR-6456). Version 1.30 - 2008-02-13 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Using the CAL routine for computing the time-dependent sensitivity correction factor (SSC-SPR-3706) instead of the internal routine. Version 1.29.1 - 2007-06-07 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Suppressing the background subtraction for mod-8 corrupted images (to fix SSC-SPR-3144) because the bright corrupted sources occupy practically the whole Fast window. Version 1.29 - 2007-03-08 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) A switch between int*8 and int*18 data type is introduced for the quality flag in the source list table (produced by omdetect) in order to protect the task from crashing when working with the newer versions of omdetect (SSC-SPR-3650) Version 1.28 - 2006-02-21 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) In the computation of the average magnitude the negative counts are taken into account, thus, removing a possible small bias in the magnitude (SSC-SPR-3587) Version 1.27 - 2006-02-10 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) The computed time- dependent sensitivity correction factor is shown in the header of the output file (SSC-SPR-3580) Version 1.26 - 2006-02-10 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Introduced the time-dependent sensitivity correction (SSC-SPR-3580) Version 1.25 - 2005-09-09 (VNY) +(src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Protected against the possible crash when using the extractions region radius expressed in FWHM-units (SSC-SPR-3507) Version 1.24.3 - 2004-05-15 (VNY) +(/src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) introduced a rigorous algorithm for computing error bars for count rates (subroutine by S.Rosen) - fixed SSC-SPR-3337 Version 1.24.2 - 2004-04-28 (VNY) Protected against the possibility of crushing when dealing with negative count rates in cases when the image is badly affected by coincidence losses and modulo-8 noise (SSC-SPR-3304). Version 1.24.1 - 2004-03-01 (VNY) Protected against multiple warning messages produced by CAL_omPhotoNatural in the cases of bright sources, when the count rates exceed the permitted value defined by the frame time. Now, the task generates a single warning message indicating the percentage of the points with coincidence-loss incorregeable count rates. Similar warning is placed into the header of the output file (in the form of a comment line), SSC-SPR-3259 Version 1.24 - 2003-11-21 (VNY) DEPEND file updated to match the new version (3.0) of ssclib Version 1.23 - 2003-06-16 (VNY) A small bug has been found (and fixed), which might provoke a subscript error for some of the background timeseries (SSC-SPR-3131). Version 1.22 - 2003-04-09 (VNY) (+ /scr/omlcbuild_mod.f90) A small incorrectness in the interpolation of the last two poits of the background light-curve is fixed (SSC-SPR-3103), which resulted in underestimation of rates for these two points. Version 1.21 - 2002-10-29 (VNY) (+ /scr/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Protection against the absence of the COINCLOSS_CORR column is introduced (SPR-3007) Version 1.20 - 2002-10-25 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Corrected a bug, which was introduced at the end of September and which resulted in the impossibility to find the CORR_RATE_ERR column in the source list file (SSC-SPR-3004) Version 1.19 - 2002-10-08 (VNY) ------------------------------- Additional check to improve robustness of the task has been added: the presence of the CORR_BACKGROUND_RATE column is checked before adding new columns after it to the file SWSRCLI (in order to avoid error messages in case on absence of this column). Version 1.18 - 2002-09-26 (VNY) ------------------------------- Updated to work with the modified format of SRCLIST-file (omdetect now doesn't produce the MAG-column; thus, omlcbuild picks up this column only if it exists). Calculation of averaged instrumental magnitude of the source has been modified: now first the count rates are averaged, and then the magnitude is calculated. Missed descriptions of the columns in the RATE table are added. Source list table file is rearraged to have the same format as that produced by OMICHAIN. Version 1.17 - 2002-05-23 (VNY) RA and DEC keywords in the TIMESR fits-file have been replaced with RA_OBJ and DEC_OBJ in order to make it easier to run BARYCEN on the light curve data Version 1.16 13.05.2002 (VNY) DEPEND and +/config/omlcbuild.par files have been updated in order to work with PARAM-2.0 Version 1.15.6 09.05.2002 (VNY) A small shift to the psf-map is applied when calculating the scaling areas and coefficients. This makes the psf-map coinsiding with the CCD-grid. The scaling factors are calculated more rogorousely. A bug, which restricted the timebinsize parameter, has been fixed (SSC-SPR-2864) Version 1.15.5 24.04.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Further improvement of the source/background scaling factors: the algorithm for estimation of the source extraction area is made consistent with that used in evselect (SSC-SPR-2826). The source counts error bars are protected against possible negative values of the errors appearing in the CAL_omPhotonatural function. Version 1.15.4 18.04.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Source and background scaling factors are corrected in order to solve a problem where counts rates for faint sources were overestimated (SSC-SPR-2826). Count rate error estimation has been improved. Version 1.15.3 30.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Check of the sourse rates table length is introduced (SSC-SPR-2814) Version 1.15.2 29.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) default integer type of nSource variable replaced with int32-type in order to protect it from getting arbitrary values in low memory mode (SSC-SPR-2814) Version 1.15.1 28.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) A bug accidentally introduced on 22.03.2002 is removed Version 1.15 28.03.2002 (VNY) VERSION changed for new SAS release Version 1.14.11 28.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Additional protection against zero-sized input source rate table (SSC-SPR-2814) Version 1.14.10 27.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Protection against zero-sized input source rate table is introduced (SSC-SPR-2814) Version 1.14.9 26.03.2002 (VNY) (+DISTRIBUTION) Distribution has been changed from ssc to world Version 1.14.8 22.03.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Memory allocation/deallocation has been corrected (SSC-SPR-2814) Version 1.14.7 13.02.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Background calculation has been improved: the fraction of PSF within the background extraction area has been taken into account. Background counts are corrected for this PSF fraction before subtracting background from the source counts. This could be essential for small source extraction radii (SSC-SPR-2745). Version 1.14.6 08.02.2002 (VNY) (+ /doc/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Negative background counts are zeroed. These could appear as the result of interpolation between input and output time bins when there are only a few background counts in the input data (SSC-SPR-2738). In this case the error bars for the zeroed counts are deduced from the background median. Version 1.14.5 05.02.2002 (VNY) (+ /doc/omlcbuild_description.tex) Error section of the description document file has been updated (SSC-SPR-2730) Version 1.14.4 28.01.2002 (VNY) (+ /config/omlcbuild.par) Parameter type specifications have been updated for obligatory parameters. Version 1.14.3 25.01.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) Scaling background counts to the source area has been improved. The source area is not circular for the sources near the OSW edge. Now the real shape and size of this area is taken into account before scaling and subtracting background from the source counts (SSC-SPR-2715). Version 1.13.2 23.01.2002 (VNY) Same as V1.14.2 but for SAS-5.2.2 (ssclib has lower version) Version 1.14.2 23.01.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) allocation of timeBack and timeSource arrays has been changed to satisfy dlocate routine: in dlocate these arrays are supposed to be starting from 1, but a 0 value is also read by it, that caused a subscript crash when the array has only one component (SSC-SPR-2702). Version 1.14.1 17.01.2002 (VNY) (+ DEPEND) The same as V1.13.2, but ssclib is 2.0 in the dependencies Version 1.13.2 17.01.2002 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) protected against the absence of data in the background RATES file (SSC-SPR-2702) Version 1.14: 07.01.2002 (SRR, VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) (changed TIMEZERO value to 0.d0 in order to get values of time in the TIME column referred directly to MJDREF (SSC SPR-2680)). Dependencies have been updated. Version 1.13.1: 08.01.2002 (VNY) changed TIMEZERO to 0.d0 Version 1.13: 17.12.2001 (VNY) ( DEPEND) dependencies file has been updated: mssllib V1.16 replaced with V1.17 (SSC SPR-2675). TIME column has been added to the output lightcurve FITS-file. Version 1.12: 11.12.2001 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) fine agjustment of the PSF fraction calculation has been made: avoiding circles from the neighbour sources are taken into account in accordance with recent changes in the OMREGION task. Version 1.11: 10.12.2001 (VNY) (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) scaling background counts has been improved in order to get uniform lightcurve level for different lightcurve extraction areas (fixing SSC-SPR-2668). New parameter (binBpe) has been added to the call for the getFrameTime routine, in accordance with changes made by CB in this routine. VIGNET keyword in the output file header is set to 1.0 (no vignetting) in order to permit the proper use of this file by LCURVE. Version 1.10.8: 19.11.2001 (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) 3 additional keywords have been added to the output binary table extension (SRRADIUS, CLRADIUS and PHRADIUS, the source extraction radius, the coincidence loss correction radius and the photometry radius). Also the parameter VIGNET has been replaced with PSF_FRAC keyword, because vignetting is defined in OGIP as a geometrical parameter (fraction of the area), but the task calculates the fraction of the PSF, not of the area. Respectively, PSF_CAPP keyword has been added, which means the correction for PSF_FRAC was applied. Version 1.10.7: 15.11.2001 (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) fixing SPR-2629: background is being removed from the source counts before applying the PSF fraction correction. Then it is restored in order to calculate correctly the Coincidence Lost Correction. And after that, the background is subtracted again, but at this time from the area defined by CAL_Aperture_Radius. New keyword parameters have been added to the binary table header of the output FITS-file. Version 1.10.6: 01.11.2001 (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) rectified count rates for the case of missed COINCIDENCE table in OM_PHOTONAT_XXXX.CCF to avoid the Illegal Count Rate message Version 1.10.5: 31.10.2001 (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) rectified the calculation of rateSourceErrOutArray and of the corrections for the PSF fraction which lies outside of the OSW. Version 1.10.4: 29.10.2001 (+ /src/omlcbuild_mod.f90) initialisation of countRateErrorMinus and countrateErrorPlus parameters has been introduced to the CorrectedCountRate function in order to rectify possible problems with high rate values. Version 1.10.3: 25.10.2001 initialisation of background rate error arrays was introduced (SPR-2611, high values for count rate errors) Version 1.10.2: 18.10.2001 make library dependencies updated to rectify static build Version 1.10.1: 09.10.2001 Ammended DEPEND file to rectify a SOC build failure. Directories cleared out. Version 1.10: 24.09.2001 Average magnitude of the source is added to the header of the output data set file. PSF_FRAC output parameter has been added to the attributes of the output light curve table (it means the source image fraction which is inside the OSW. This parameter indicates whether or not the extracted light curve is affected by the source proximity to the edge of the field of view); checking and filtering the background and source counts for excessively high values. Version 1.9.2: 08.08.2001 Correction of the counts detected within the source radius is made now taking into account possible lost of photons at the edge of the OSW and using CAL_omGetPSFmap routine Version 1.9.1: 27.07.2001 Two additional parameteres (sourcelistset & wdxset) have been mentioned in DOC Version 1.9: 6.07.2001 TimeStart parameter was corrected (TIMEZERO replaced with TSTART). The output table title has been changed from RATES to RATE (necessary for lcplot programme). wdxSet input parameter is added (necessary for count rates correction ). sourceList input parameter is added (for count rates correction). Correction for count losses has been introduced. CorrectedCountRate function has been changed. Corrected the background estimation. Version 1.8 2.10.2000 - No changes Open SPRs SPR 685: more tests required in test harness Version 1.7.1:21 June 2000 patch to add info file for SPR 1801 Version 1.7: 21 March 2000 Corrected copyallattributes syntax. Version 1.6: 2nd December 1999 Added DISTRIBUTION (world) file Version 1.5: 8th June 1999 Updated Dependencies for V3 delivery. Version 1.4: 27th May 1999 Changed input parameters to conform to standard. Changed documentation and test harness wrt input parameters. Updated DEPEND file for selectlib. Added newline to makefiles Version 1.3: 10th December 1998 updated Dependancy file re: mssllib Version 1.2: 28th Oct 1998 SPR 554 closed: task source conforms with coding standards SPR 684 closed: timing bug fixed SPR 680 closed: timezero used as start time SPR 687 closed: blank filenames checked for SPR 686 closed: parameter modes set to 'q' SPR 688 closed: error checks implemented Version 1.1: 28 Sep 1998 SPR 538 closed: DEPEND file updated Version 1.0: 10 Sep 1998 ---------------------- First version Version 0.1 ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.