XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
pnback (pnback-0.19.3) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]
Output Files
For the different values of comp, the output files are:
- A QDP plot of the augmented hardness ratio vs revolution, e.g., pnS003-aughardrev.qdp
- A QDP plot of the augmented count rate vs revolution, e.g. pnS003-augraterev.qdp
- A QDP plot of each quad selected's augmented spectrum, e.g. pnS003-augspec.qdp
- A QDP plot file showing the observed spectrum and the model background spectrum, e.g. pnS003-bkgspec.qdp
- A QDP plot file showing the the fit for the Al-Si bridge, e.g. pnS003-bridgefit.qdp
- A QDP plot file showing the accumulating background spectrum. Chip 1 at the bottom increasing upwards. E.g. pnS003-quadspec.qdp
- A QDP plot showing the selected region of hardness/count rate distributions for the various ccds. e.g. pnS003-ratehard.qdp
- The model particle background image for the given exposure, selected energy band (elow and ehigh), and the selected region. The image is in detector coordinates. E.g. pnS003-bkgimdet-elow-ehigh.fits.
- The model particle background spectrum for the prefix exposure and the selected region. E.g. pnS003-bkg.pi
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27