subroutine rgsimplot read parameters check for hardcopy filename if device requires. set up the plotting page and colourmap IF spatial and energy--dispersion imageset both available THEN split page. END IF IF spatial imageset available get a handle on the image dataset read observation information keywords get a handle on the image array read plotting information keywords and set up pgplot transformation matrix set up plotting window and viewport plot the image annotate the plotting axis using plotting information keyword values annotate plot with observation information IF spatial extraction region sets available get a handle on the sourcelist dataset look for block containing spatial region for designated sources from srcids parameter IF block present if source = srcid parameter plot region in red else plot region in green end if ENDIF END IF ENDIF IF energy--dispersion imageset available get a handle on the image dataset read observation information keywords get a handle on the image array read plotting information keywords and set up pgplot transformation matrix set up plotting window and viewport plot the image annotate the plotting axis using plotting information keyword values annotate plot with observation information IF order extraction region sets available get a handle on the sourcelist dataset FOR EACH order look for block containing order region for designated source IF block present if source = srcid parameter plot region in red else plot region in green end if ENDIF END FOR END IF ENDIF end subroutine rgsimplot