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XMM-Newton Science Analysis System

rgsproc (rgsproc-1.39) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]


This section documents the parameters recognized by this task (if any).

ParameterMand Type Default Constraints
entrystage (global)nochoice1:events1:events $\mid\,$ 2:angles $\mid\,$ 3:filter $\mid\,$ 4:spectra $\mid\,$ 5:fluxing $\mid\,$ 6:lightcurve
The stage at which to begin processing.
finalstage (global)nochoice5:fluxing1:events $\mid\,$ 2:angles $\mid\,$ 3:filter $\mid\,$ 4:spectra $\mid\,$ 5:fluxing $\mid\,$ 6:lightcurve
The last stage to process.
withinstexpids (global)nobooleanfalse 
On true: only the specified list of exposures (parameter instexpids) are processed. On false: all Spectroscopy exposures are processed.
instexpids (global)nolist of strings  
List of instrument-exposure identifiers. These take two possible forms: a six-character string such as “R1S001” or the full name of any ODF file related to the desired exposure. Requires withinstexpids=true.
orders (global)nolist of integers1 2 $1 \le integer \le 6$
Which reflection orders to process in the final two stages (“spectra” and “fluxing”).
withprefix (global)nobooleanfalse 
A prefix string begins the name of every file written to or read from the current working directory. On true: the specified prefix string (parameter prefix) is enabled. On false: the PPS prefix string is inferred from the ODF.
prefix (global)nostring  
Filename prefix string used in the current working directory. Requires withprefix=true.
expunge (global)nolist of choiceseventsevents $\mid\,$ merged
Which intermediate datasets may be deleted automatically.
spectrumbinningnochoicelambdalambda beta
Spectrum binning type. Used to accumulate exposure maps and spectrum. Also used to calculate regions
timestep (Stage1/atthkgen)noreal1$real \ge 0$
Time resolution in seconds on which to construct the spacecraft attitude time-series file.
driftlimit (Stage1/attfilter)noreal5$real \ge 0$
Threshold in arc minutes for filtering out time intervals in which the spacecraft attitude drifted too far from the median.
onlylastatt (Stage1/attfilter)nobooleanfalse 
If true only the last attitude points (100) are taken for calculating (median) the reference attitude for filtering.
calcoffsets (Stage1/rgsoffsetcalc)nobooleanfalse 
The energy calibrations require pulse-height offsets from the CCF. Override values for these can be computed from the diagnostic data. On true: offset overrides are computed and passed to rgsenergy. On false: offset overrides are not computed.
withoffsethistogram (Stage1/rgsoffsetcalc)nobooleanfalse 
On true: the pulse-height distributions from the offset computation are written to an output dataset. On false: the distributions are discarded. Requires calcoffsets=true.
withepicset (Stage1/rgssources)nobooleanfalse 
On true: suitable entries from the specified EPIC catalog of detected sources (parameter epicset) are added to the output SRCLIST table. On false: no EPIC sources are added.
epicset (Stage1/rgssources)nodataset  
An EPIC source list, such as produced by tasks emldetect and eboxdetect. Requires withepicset=true.
withsrc (Stage1/rgssources)nobooleanfalse 
On true: the specified source (parameters srclabel, etc.) is added to the output SRCLIST table and is established as the primary source for subsequent analyses. On false: there is no user-defined source and so rgssources selects a primary source on its own, giving preference to the Observation Proposal.
srclabel (Stage1/rgssources)nostringUSER 
User-defined source: LABEL column value. This is the name of the source; ideally it should be meaningful and convenient. Requires withsrc=true.
srcrate (Stage1/rgssources)noreal $real \ge 0$
User-defined source: RATE column value. This is the RGS band brightness of the source in counts per second, and is used to compute relative confusion between the sources. Requires withsrc=true.
srcstyle (Stage1/rgssources)nochoiceradecradec $\mid\,$ wrtatt
User-defined source: this parameter specifies how the source position is to be defined. radec: celestial coordinates (parameters srcra and srcdec). wrtatt: RGS angular coordinates (parameters srcdisp and srcxdsp). This choice is made persistent through the FIXED_ON_SKY column (set true for celestial coordinates) so that subsequent changes to the reference spacecraft attitude affect the derived coordinates but not the defining coordinates. Requires withsrc=true.
srcra (Stage1/rgssources)noreal-999 
User-defined source: RA column value. This is the right ascension in decimal degrees. Mandatory when applicable. Requires srcstyle=radec.
srcdec (Stage1/rgssources)noreal-999 
User-defined source: DEC column value. This is the declination in decimal degrees. Mandatory when applicable. Requires srcstyle=radec.
srcdisp (Stage1/rgssources)noreal  
User-defined source: DELTA_DISP column value. This is the dispersion-direction offset from the pointing axis, in arc minutes. Requires srcstyle=wrtatt.
srcxdsp (Stage1/rgssources)noreal  
User-defined source: DELTA_XDSP column value. This is the cross-dispersion-direction offset from the pointing axis, in arc minutes. Requires srcstyle=wrtatt.
attstyle (Stage1/rgssources)nochoiceexpmedianexpmedian $\mid\,$ start $\mid\,$ user
Specifies the method to use for defining the reference spacecraft attitude (pointing of the instrument). expmedian: calculated from the attitude time-series file. start: start-of-exposure attitude as given in the ODF. user: enables the specified attitude (parameters attra, attdec and attapos).
attra (Stage1/rgssources)noreal-999 
User-defined attitude: right ascension in decimal degrees. Mandatory when applicable. Requires attstyle=user.
attdec (Stage1/rgssources)noreal-999 
User-defined attitude: declination in decimal degrees. Mandatory when applicable. Requires attstyle=user.
attapos (Stage1/rgssources)noreal-999 
User-defined attitude: position angle in decimal degrees. Mandatory when applicable. Requires attstyle=user.
withdiagoffset (Stage1/rgsenergy)nobooleanfalse 
On true: files included in the ODF (from 2004 on) contain averages of diagnostic images over three consecutive orbits around the data. They are used in this case for an offset subtraction pixel by pixel.
withgain (Stage1/rgsenergy)nobooleantrue 
On true: calibration of the telemetered energy values includes the gain correction. On false: gain correction is not performed.
withcti (Stage1/rgsenergy)nobooleantrue 
On true: calibration of the telemetered energy values includes the CTI correction. On false: CTI correction is not performed.
badpixalgo (Stage1/rgsbadpix)nochoicebadpixalgobadpixalgo $\mid\,$ embadpixalgo
User-defined bad pixels and column algorithm: this parameter specifies the algorithm to be used to determine bad pixels and columns.
Boolean parameter to enable the call the embadpixfind task to find bad pixels and columns.
If set to "no", columns showing often larger CTI will be flagged (taken also from the CCF).
withadvisory (Stage1/rgsbadpix)nobooleantrue 
The BADPIXnn tables are a compilation of all known bad pixel locations. The choice of how to use this information to filter the data is not made until the third stage of processing (“filter”). On true: advisory (non-uplinked) bad pixels from the CCF are included. On false: no advisory bad pixels.
withfoundhot (Stage1/rgsbadpix)nobooleantrue 
On true: the telemetry is analyzed for pixels that appear to be hot (frequently yielding spurious detections) according to criteria set by the following parameters. Any such pixel locations are then included in the BADPIXnn tables. On false: hot pixel finding is disabled. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
pixnoiselimit (Stage1/rgsbadpix)nointeger  $0 \le integer \le 4095$
Hot pixel finding: lowest uncalibrated single-pixel energy to be considered. Requires withfoundhot=true.
pixsharpness (Stage1/rgsbadpix)noreal5$real \ge 0$
Hot pixel finding: sharpness criterion (see rgsbadpix documentation). Requires withfoundhot=true.
colnoiselimit (Stage1/rgsbadpix)nointeger250 $0 \le integer \le 4095$
Hot column finding: lowest uncalibrated single-pixel energy to be considered. Requires withfoundhot=true.
colsharpness (Stage1/rgsbadpix)noreal8$real \ge 0$
Hot column finding: sharpness criterion (see rgsbadpix documentation). Requires withfoundhot=true.
reconstruct (Stage1/rgsevents)nobooleantrue 
On true: spatially adjacent events in the telemetered data are combined into a single “reconstructed” event. On false: no event reconstruction. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
withdetcoord (Stage1/rgsevents)nobooleanfalse 
On true: in addition to chip coordinates and angular coordinates, detector coordinates for each event are added to the EVENTS table. Parameter detcoord selects among the available coordinate systems. On false: detector coordinates are omitted.
detcoord (Stage1/rgsevents)nochoicecamchip $\mid\,$ cam $\mid\,$ sac
Specifies a standard XMM coordinate system for the output detector coordinates. chip: CHIPCOORD with sub-pixel accuracy. cam: CAMCOORD1. sac: SACCOORD. Requires withdetcoord=true.
betabinning (Stage2/rgsangles)nochoicebinSizeRange $\mid\,$ binSize
Specifies how the dispersion channels are to be defined. Range: interval to be subdivided (parameters betamin and betamax) and number of channels. binSize: midpoint and width of the first channel (parameters betabinref and betabinwidth) and number of channels.
betamin (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $3\times 10^{-2}$ 
Lower boundary of the first dispersion channel, in radians. Requires betabinning=Range.
betamax (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $8\times 10^{-2}$ 
Upper boundary of the last dispersion channel, in radians. Requires betabinning=Range.
betabinref (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $3.578524\times 10^{-2}$ 
Midpoint of the first dispersion channel, in radians. Requires betabinning=binSize.
betabinwidth (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $1.208\times 10^{-5}$$real \ge 0$
Dispersion channel width in radians. Requires betabinning=binSize.
nbetabins (Stage2/rgsangles)nointeger3400$integer \ge 1$
Number of dispersion channels.
lambdabinrefnor 4.005  
midpoint of bin for which LAMBDACHA is one [Angstrom]
lambdabinwidthnor 0.010  
width of lambda bin [Angstroms]
number of lambda bins.
xdispbinning (Stage2/rgsangles)nochoicebinSizeRange $\mid\,$ binSize
Specifies how the cross-dispersion channels are to be defined. Range: interval to be subdivided (parameters xdispmin and xdispmax) and number of channels. binSize: midpoint and width of the first channel (parameters xdispbinref and xdispbinwidth) and number of channels.
xdispmin (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $-1\times 10^{-3}$ 
Lower boundary of the first cross-dispersion channel, in radians. Requires xdispbinning=Range.
xdispmax (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $1\times 10^{-3}$ 
Upper boundary of the last cross-dispersion channel, in radians. Requires xdispbinning=Range.
xdispbinref (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $-9.126\times 10^{-4}$ 
Midpoint of the first cross-dispersion channel, in radians. Requires xdispbinning=binSize.
xdispbinwidth (Stage2/rgsangles)noreal $1.08\times 10^{-5}$$real \ge 0$
Cross-Dispersion channel width in radians. Requires xdispbinning=binSize.
nxdispbins (Stage2/rgsangles)nointeger170$integer \ge 1$
Number of cross-dispersion channels.
withpointingcolumn (Stage2/rgsangles)nobooleanfalse 
On true: the spacecraft attitude (pointing of the instrument) for each event is added to the EVENTS table. On false: the attitude is omitted.
withmlambdacolumn (Stage2/rgsangles)nobooleanfalse 
On true: the primary source $m\lambda$ for each event is added to the EVENTS table. On false: the $m\lambda$ is omitted.
Corrects $m*\lambda$ column from heliocentric velocity
Corrects $m*\lambda$ column from Sun angle correction
auxgtitables (Stage3/rgsfilter)nolist of tables  
List of OGIP compliant auxiliary GTI tables for filtering the event list in conjunction with its internal STDGTI0n tables.
withcombmap (Stage3/rgsfilter)nobooleantrue 
rgsfilter produces a filtered exposure map separately for each node, as required by various tasks in the following stages, but a combined map is more convenient to look at and has various uses. On true: the combined exposure map is written to an output dataset. On false: no combined exposure map.
driftbinsize (Stage3/rgsfilter)noreal1 
Size in arcseconds of the square bins used to group frames according to their aspect drift in dispersion and cross-dispersion. Grouping improves the speed of constructing the exposure maps, at a slight cost in accuracy.
List of rejection flags for filtering the event list.
spatialres (Stage4/rgsregions)nointeger5$integer \ge 2$
Dispersion-axis spacing of vertices for image regions and the background region, specified as the number of vertices across a node. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
orderres (Stage4/rgsregions)nointeger3$integer \ge 2$
Dispersion-axis spacing of vertices for order regions, specified as the number of vertices across a node.
xpsfincl (Stage4/rgsregions)noreal90 $0 \le real \le 100$
Size of image regions, specified by the percentage of the cross-dispersion PSF covered between each pair of vertices with the same dispersion coordinate. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
xpsfexcl (Stage4/rgsregions)noreal95 $0 \le real \le 100$
Size of the exclusion regions in the background region, specified by the percentage of the cross-dispersion PSF covered between each pair of vertices with the same dispersion coordinate and associated source. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
pdistincl (Stage4/rgsregions)noreal90 $0 \le real \le 100$
Size of order regions, specified by the percentage of the pulse-height distribution covered between each pair of vertices with the same dispersion coordinate.
procsrcsexpr (Stage4/rgsregions)nostringINDEX==#PRIMESRC 
Selection expression indicating which sources to process for image and order regions. The default specifies the primary source only. When restarting rgsproc on its own output, leave this parameter blank to accept the selections already in place.
exclsrcsexpr (Stage4/rgsregions)nostringINDEX==#PRIMESRC 
Selection expression indicating which sources to exclude from the background region. The default specifies the primary source only. When restarting rgsproc on its own output, leave this parameter blank to accept the selections already in place. Not applicable to HTR mode data.
bkgcorrect (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nobooleanno 
On true: background-correction is applied to all source spectra. On false: no background correction.
withbkgset (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nobooleantrue 
On true: a background spectrum is produced for each source spectrum. On false: no background spectra.
rebin (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nointeger1$integer \ge 1$
Channel rebinning factor. The events and exposure are rebinned going into the histogram, which gives a more stable result than if the full-resolution spectrum is rebinned later (a very minor point).
withfracexp (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nobooleanno 
Enables addition of the non-standard (but harmless) FRAC_EXP column to the output spectra. This is the fraction of full exposure in each channel.
withbackgroundmodel (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nobooleanno 
On true: a background template model spectrum is produced. See rgsbkgmodel for details. On false: no background template model is produced.
exposed (Stage4/rgsspectrum)noreal0.10-1
Channels with less than this fraction of full exposure are marked as bad in the output QUALITY column.
edgechannels (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nointeger2$integer \ge 0$
The number of channels at the edges of each chip to be marked as bad in the output QUALITY column. For reasons not well understood at this time, the two channels at either edge of every chip do not seem to be properly calibrated.
badquality (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nointeger10-5
The QUALITY column value used to indicate a bad channel. The default causes bad channels to be discarded automatically by XSPEC. Advanced users of XSPEC may prefer to change this for diagnostic purposes.
withheliocorr (Stage4/rgsspectrum)nobooleanno 
On true: heliocentriccorr task is executed, writing the VHELICOR keyword in the spectrum header.
witharffile (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nobooleanno 
On true: rgsrmfgen will create two independent ARF and RMF files.
rmfbins (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nointeger4000$integer \ge 1$
Number of rows (incident-energy bins) in the response matrices: effectively the energy resolution. The columns match the channel space of the spectra. The default is fine for general purposes, but very slow to compute; 250 is adequate when only fluxing is intended.
fftdim (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nointeger3 $1 \le integer \le 5$
The wings of the various distributions that are convolved together to form the narrow features of the line-spread function are truncated to limit the size of the convolution space. An increment of one in this parameter doubles the size of the convolution space; the larger the convolution space, the slower the computation and the less power is lost to the truncation. The default is fine for general purposes, but 1 is adequate when only fluxing is intended.
withmirrorpsf (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nobooleanyes 
On true: the standard mirror PSF distribution from the CAL is included in the LSF. On false: the mirror PSF is not included. The option to disable the standard mirror PSF is provided primarily for use with extended sources and a custom angular distribution that implicitly contains the mirror PSF.
withdynefferea (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nobooleanyes 
On true: execute rgsrmfgen using the dynamic effective area correction based on Chebyshev parameters.
Use empirical RGS effective area correction
Use RGS effective area correction
withangdist (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nobooleanno 
On true: the user-defined angular distribution is included in the LSF. On false: it is not included. This option is provided for the purposes of extended-source analysis, but the imaginative user may find other applications for it.
angdistset (Stage5/rgsrmfgen)nofileangdist.txt 
An ASCII formatted distribution in RGS dispersion offset angle, for use in generating a customized LSF, presumably for an extended source. See rgsrmfgen for details on the file format. Requires withangdist=true.
mergeorders (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nobooleanfalse 
On true: all the spectra (both instruments, all exposures and reflection orders) are combined together in a single fluxed spectrum. On false: a separate fluxed spectrum is produced for each reflection order.
flxformat (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nochoicedaldal $\mid\,$ ascii $\mid\,$ qdp
Specifies the format of the output fluxed spectrum. dal: FITS-encoded SAS dataset. ascii: basic ASCII-encoded text file. qdp: text file formatted as input to qdp.
flxmode (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nochoicewavelengthwavelength $\mid\,$ energy
Specifies the units for defining the output fluxing bins (parameters flxmin and flxmax). wavelength: units of Å. energy: units of keV.
flxmin (Stage5/rgsfluxer)noreal4$real \ge 0$
Lower edge of the first output bin in the units set by flxmode. The default is not appropriate for flxmode=energy.
flxmax (Stage5/rgsfluxer)noreal39$real \ge 0$
Upper edge of the last output bin in the units set by flxmode. The default is not appropriate for flxmode=energy.
flxbins (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nointeger3400$integer \ge 1$
Number of output bins.
flxquality (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nolist of integers  $0 \le integer \le 5$
This parameter controls how the quality flags from the input spectrum files are propagated into the output fluxed spectrum. If the quality flag of an input spectral channel is not represented in this list, the associated count rate is simply discarded. Where multiple channels, either from the same or from different spectra, overlap the same output bin, the output quality is degraded to the worst input quality. This ranking is set by the order of the list itself: from highest quality to lowest. Thus the list “0 2 1” preserves all input channels and degrades the quality in the sequence, “good” to “dubious” to “bad”. The default preserves only the “good” channels. When only one quality value is permitted, the quality column is omitted from the output file. Quality flags three, four and five are defined within XSPEC, but are not currently used by rgsspectrum.
withflxnan (Stage5/rgsfluxer)nobooleanfalse 
Undefined flux values naturally occur at spectral channels where there is no exposure, such as in the gaps between chips, and are represented by NaN (IEEE standard encoding). Sadly, many standard analysis packages do not react well to this. On true: all instances of NaN in the output are replaced with the specified finite alternative (parameter flxnan). On false: NaN is permitted in the output.
flxnan (Stage5/rgsfluxer)noreal  
Value used instead of NaN (or “no”, in the case of flxformat=qdp) to indicate an undefined value in the output fluxed spectrum. Requires withflxnan=true.
Size of time bins.
Enable background subtraction
ParameterMand Type Default Constraints

XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27