Attitude time-series data. One file for the entire observation. See task atthkgen.
Calibration override file for the pulse-height offsets, produced if calcoffsets is true (non-default) and there is diagnostic mode data in the ODF. One file for each RGS instrument. See task rgsoffsetcalc.
Histogram of the diagnostic mode data, produced if both calcoffsets and withoffsethistogram are true (non-default) and there is diagnostic mode data in the ODF. One file for each RGS instrument. See task rgsoffsetcalc.
Attitude-drift GTI table generated from the attitude time-series. One file for each exposure. See task attfilter.
Housekeeping GTI table. One file for each exposure. See task hkgtigen.
Intermediate event list, created by rgsframes and last modified by rgsevents. One file for each CCD, for each exposure. Contains the following extensions: PIXELS, EXPOSURE, STDGTI, BADPIXn, EVENTS, REJPIXn.
List of target sources and associated extraction regions. Created by rgssources and last modified by rgsregions. One file for each exposure.
Combined event list (unfiltered), created by evlistcomb and last modified by rgsangles. Contains the following extensions: EVENTS, BADPIXnn, REJPIXnn, EXPOSU0n, STDGTI0n. One file for each exposure.
Filtered event list, containing the following extensions: EVENTS, BADPIXnn, REJPIXnn, EXPOSU0n, STDGTI0n, EXPMAPnn. One file for each exposure. See task rgsfilter.
Combined exposure map, produced if withcombmap is true. One file for each exposure. See task rgsfilter.
Source spectrum. One file for each specified order, for each selected source, for each exposure. See task rgsspectrum.
Background spectrum. One file for each specified order, for each selected source, for each exposure. See task rgsspectrum.
Response matrix. One file for each specified order, for each exposure. See task rgsrmfgen.
Fluxed spectrum, produced if mergeorders is false. One file for each specified order. See task rgsfluxer.
Fluxed spectrum, produced if mergeorders is true. One file for the entire observation. See task rgsfluxer.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27