ChangeLog for saspython ======================= Version 1.2.2 - 2020-08-22 (EO) ------------- + test/notest: Added. Version 1.2.1 - 2020-08-22 (EO) ------------- + doc/saspython_description.tex: Lightening documentation of unnecessary sections. Removed section on task params to avoid looking for doc/param/ Keeping it would require include package param in DEPEND file. Version 1.2 -2020-07-07 (EO) ----------- + src/ Method defaultValues: Allow for lists to be members of the dictionary defaults. Version 1.1 - 2019-12-03 (JVP) ---------------------- + src/ Include msgLayer and msgLevel values + src/ Input parameters interface classes Version 1.0 - 2019-10-16 (JVP) ---------------------- + src/ Python module to support error messages similar to C++ tasks. + src/ Python module to support parameter handling functions similar to C++ tasks. Version 0.1 - date ---------------------------- - Directory structure created by pkgmaker.