description | symbol/name | type | comment |
vector construction | vector(x, y, z) | vector | x/y/z can be arithmetic expressions |
unit vector construction | unitvector(x, y, z) | vector | norm(unitvector(x, y, z))==1 |
construction sky vector in J2000 reference frame | skyvector(ra, dec) | vector | ra/dec Right Ascension/Declination in rad |
unary minus |
vector | v vector |
vector addition |
vector | v1/v2 vectors |
vector subtraction |
vector | v1/v2 vectors |
multiplication with scalar |
vector | v vector, s arithmetic expression |
division by scalar |
vector | v vector,
s arithmetic expression |
cross product | cross(v1, v2) | vector | v1/v2 vectors |
vector component | v[i] | scalar | |
vector norm | norm(v) | scalar | equivalent to sqrt(v[0]**2+v[1]**2+v[2]**2) |
scalar product |
scalar | equivalent to v1[0]*v2[0]+v1[1]*v2[1]+v1[2]*v2[2] |
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27