ChangeLog for specgroup ======================= Version 1.7.1 - 2021-10-04 (EO) ------------- + config/specgroup.par: Subparameter groupedset was not well defined in relation to its parent, overwrite. When groupedset is not entered in the command line, its default is to output the groups in file SpecGrp.ds. For this situation, the parent, overwrite, takes also the default 'no'. However, as soon as groupedset is set in the command line, the param implicit behaviour would imply to set overwrite to 'yes', as the alternative to its default. This is wrong. Therefore, the default for groupedset must be changed to '' and the default for overwrite must be changed to 'yes'. This way, if the user set groupedset to something, automatically the implicit behaviour will set overwrite to 'no', which is correct. Version 1.7 - 2018-02-13 (EO) ----------------------------- + This is a new major version of this package including a new GNU Public License Text disclaimer required to distribute the SAS source code to the Astronomical Community under the terms of the GNU Public License. The text as it is shown below is the same that has been included in all SAS source code files. ESA (C) 2000-2018 This file is part of ESA's XMM-Newton Scientific Analysis System (SAS). SAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SAS. If not, see . --------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.6 - 2015-11-30 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - Sets file keywords (RESPFILE, docs/specgroup_description.tex ANCRFILE, BACKFILE) to the command line values or leaves them set to the value they had in the input spectrum (SPR-7295) Version 1.5 - 2014-05-07 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - Added include for gcc 4.82 Version 1.4 - 2014-05-06 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - Flag problem if set bad range set in keV and no RMF supplied. Version 1.3 - 2014-04-28 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - Fixed problem when overwrite=yes was selected (SPR-7205) Version 1.2 - 2014-04-09 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - Handle the cases of instrument combinations. EPIC - use EMOS1, RGS - use RGS2, CCF settings. + doc/specgroup_description.tex - Document changes (SCR-319 & SCR-7187). Version 1.1 - 2011-09-27 (RDS) ------------------------------ + doc/specgroup_description.tex - Add algorithmn (SPR-6664) + src/ - Set CAL properly always (SPR-6670) + src/ - Allow grouping to be the same as + config/specgroup.par for an input spectrum (SPR-6618) Version 1.0 - 2011-01-11 (RDS) ------------------------------ + doc/specgroup_description.tex - Minor documentation update Version 0.2.6 - 2010-06-21 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/, + src/ - Modify the s/n calculation (SPR-6618) Version 0.2.5 - 2010-04-13 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/ - If no grouping options have been chosen then each spectral bin is assigned to its own group. Version 0.2.4 - 2010-04-12 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/, src/ - Handles the RGS bad channels from the CCF as integers Version 0.2.3 - 2010-03-25 (RDS) ------------------------------ + config/specgroup.par - Included overwrite=yes option Version 0.2.2 - 2010-03-11 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/, src/ - Made more compatible with RGS. Reads the lambda and beta values from the SPECQUAL CCF. (SPR-6596) Version 0.2.1 - 2010-03-04 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/, src/ - Made compatible with RGS Reads the BACKSCAL array and takes the max value. Version 0.2 - 2010-02-17 (RDS) ------------------------------ + src/, src/ - Added the energy resolution option 'oversample' which ensures that groups are not too narrow. Version 0.1 - 2009-11-17 (RDS) ------------------------------ Original version of a task to group spectral data