XMM-Newton Science Analysis System
tools (tools-1.68.1) [22.0.0-9173c7d25-20250127]
satvelsrc: SATellite VELocity in SouRCe direction
satvelsrc withsrccoord=yes|no srcra=<ra> srcdec=<dec> withorthosrc=yes|no
tdelt=<tdelt> withmjdoffset=yes|no mjdoffset=<intmjd>
withexplicittimes=yes|no tfrom=<t0> tto=<t1>
satvelsrc computes as a function of time the component of the
spacecraft velocity vector in the direction of given celestial source.
The source coordinates are obtained from the summary file in the ODF
being pointed at by the environment variable
or named via the generic command line parameters -o or
–odfdir (see taskmain
details). The specification of an ODF directory on the command line
has a higher precedence than any environment setting.
The source coordinates obtained from the ODF can be overridden with
the command line paramters withsrccoord=yes srcra=<ra> srcdec=<dec>
and withorthosrc=yes defines a fictitious source in the direction
perpendicular to the orbital plane. In this case the velocity component
should be constantly zero at all times which is an important check
for the integrity of the orbit file in the ODF.
The velocity is printed as a function of time (units: days - integer part
of MJD) in units of km/s in steps of tdelt to stdout.
The time range is automatically chosen to be the duration of the
observation but can also be explicitly given via the command line
parameters withexplicittimes=yes tfrom=<t0> tto=<t1>.
The parameters withmjdoffset=yes mjdoffset=<intmjd> define
an integer MJD number by which all times will be offset with - if omitted
the values shall be computed from the start of the observation.
XMM-Newton SOC -- 2025-01-27