ChangeLog for xmmextractorGUI ============================= Version 0.3.9 - 2024-10-18 (AI) ------------- + file out of sync Version 0.3.8 - 2021-08-19 (EO) ------------- + doc/xmmextractorGUI_description.tex: Fix author field by removing included carriage returns and line feeds. Version 0.3.7 - 2021-02-28 (EO) ------------- + DEPEND: pysas 0.7 -> 1.0 Version 0.3.6 - 2020-10-28 (EO) ------------- + Redone previous undone change. Version 0.3.5 - 2020-10-27 (EO & AI) ------------- + src/xmmextractorGUI/Makefile: removed last 'cd -' in qssfile target. Version 0.3.4 - 2020-10-27 (EO & AI) ------------- + src/xmmextractorGUI/Makefile: Fixed target syntax. Version 0.3.3 - 2020-10-26 (AI) ------------- + SOC-SPR-7569 fixed + Makefile modified to take into account qss files. Version 0.3.2 - 2020-10-26 (AI) ------------- + Makefile modified to take into account the qss files Version 0.3.1 - 2020-10-26 (AI) ------------- + Denpency to the old xmmex packge in the import command removed. Version 0.3 - 2020-10-22 (AI) ------------- + Old xmmex package renamed as xmmextractorGUI. The gui directory in xmmextractor package has been removed. Version 0.2.3 - 2020-10-21 (AI) ------------- + Handling parameters + RGS product generation improved. SOC-SPR-7571 fixed + XSA login behaviour improved. SOC-SPR-7570 fixed + logging file propely closed after each execution. + minor changes + python modules properly loaded + DISTRIBUTION changed to world Version 0.2.2 - 2020-08-22 (EO) ------------- + DEPEND: Aded dependency on param 2.18 to resolve failure to find doc/param/ when building HTML doc. Version 0.2.1 - 2020-08-18 (EO) ------------- + src/xmmex/ Replace wrong ID in version string. Version 0.2 - 2020-07-17 (EO) ----------- + Makefile: Removed $(PYTHONLIBDIR)/dists from CLOBBERDIRS. Version 0.1 - 2020-07-16 (EO) ------------------------ + Directory structure created by pkgmaker.