XMM-Newton EPIC Background Blank Sky Products Delivery

Request id:

Delivered files:
  1. Blank sky event file 1: blanksky_events.fits
  2. Blank sky exposure file, non-vignetted 1: blanksky_expn.fits
  3. Blank sky exposure file, vignetted 1: blanksky_expv.fits

Request sent:
Wed, 21 September 2011

Request summary:
Filter: Thick
Mode: Full-Frame
Type: Ghosted

Advanced selection:
Revolution:No selection
Date:No selection
Time (s):No selection
Exposure (ks):No selection
Galactic column (cm-2):No selection
Count rate:No selection

Positional selection:
Equatorial coordinates selected:165.735, -60.909
Galactic coordinates selected:No selection
Radius selected (degrees):22.0 (adapted)

Diagnostic files:
  1. Revolution histogram 1: revnhist.jpg
  2. Ontime histogram (post flare cleaning) 1: ontimehist.jpg
  3. Component map (galactic coordinates) 1: map_selection.jpg
  4. Exposure weighted galactic column (cm-2): 6.08e21

Comment: Files were created for the selection requested. Details of the selection procedure:
  1. The instrument, filter, mode and filled status selection was completed successfully, events were found
  2. The spatial selection was completed successfully, events were found
  3. Please note that some aspects of the original selection have been changed

Request from the EPIC Blank Sky team:
We politely request that should the files here contribute to work that leads to publication, that the reference to the Blank Sky work (Carter and Read (A&A 464, p1155, 2007)) be cited.