XMM-Newton EPIC Background Blank Sky Products Delivery

Request id:

Delivered files:
  1. Blank sky event file 1: blanksky_events.fits
  2. Blank sky exposure file, non-vignetted 1: blanksky_expn.fits
  3. Blank sky exposure file, vignetted 1: blanksky_expv.fits

Request sent:
Mon, 10 October 2011

Request summary:
Filter: Thin
Mode: Full-Frame
Type: Ghosted

Advanced selection:
Revolution:No selection
Date:No selection
Time (s):No selection
Exposure (ks):No selection
Galactic column (cm-2):No selection
Count rate:No selection

Positional selection:
Equatorial coordinates selected:No selection
Galactic coordinates selected:356.9042, -28.1283
Radius selected (degrees):90.0

Diagnostic files:
  1. Revolution histogram 1: revnhist.jpg
  2. Ontime histogram (post flare cleaning) 1: ontimehist.jpg
  3. Component map (galactic coordinates) 1: map_selection.jpg
  4. Exposure weighted galactic column (cm-2): 1.18e21
Comment: Files were created for the selection requested. Details of the selection procedure:
  1. The instrument, filter, mode and filled status selection was completed successfully, events were found
  2. The selection by spatial coordinates was completed successfully, events were found
***Polite request from the EPIC Blank Sky team***:
Please reference Carter and Read (A&A 464, p1155, 2007), 'The XMM-Newton EPIC background and the production of background blank sky event files', should the files here contribute to work that leads to publication.