Calibration Access and Data Handbook
Next: Output
Up: Calling Parameters
Previous: Calling Parameters
- rawX, rawY
- centre of the PSF map specified in the PIXCOORD
reference system (real)
- nPixelsNegX, nPixelsPosX, nPixelsNegY, nPixelsPosY
- parameters to define the extent of the PSF map in the PIXCOORD system (integer).
The map will cover the detector range from:
(rawX - nPixelsNegX:rawX+nPixelsPosX,
rawY - nPixelsNegY:rawY+nPixelsPosY)
- xRes, yRes
- resolution of PSF map (integer)
(units: PSF bins per subpixel (xRes, yRes
The output array will be of the dimension:
( (nPixelsNegX+nPixelsPosX+1)*xRes,(nPixelsNegY+nPixelsPosY+1)*yRes)
- countFrameRateRatio
- This parameter is equivalent to the average count rate in the region
of r=4 subpixel (TBC) around the source.
The parameter is used to select the PSF with the appropriate shape, as the
shape changes due to coinciding events with increasing count rate.
Units are counts/subpixel/CCD-frame.
Michael Smith