Calibration Access and Data Handbook
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- EFlag
- flag (logical) indicating whether a source is extended or not;
flag set to true if source is extended.
- rawRate
- uncorrected OM count rate (real) to correct; units are:
Note that the counts are raw counts
- frameTime
- CCD frame time in units of ms (real)
- deadFrac
- deadtime caused by frametransfer expressed as fraction of
CCD frame time (real)
- eventLoss
- fraction of events (real) below detection threshold in the
most recent PHD (optional argument)
- rawRateErrorMinus,rawRateErrorPlus
- absolute asymmetrical errors
(plus/minus) associated with rawRate (real)
- linearity_type
- optional integer parameter with default value 0;
0=Igor's empirical linearity correction is applied,
1=theoretical linearity correction is applied.
Michael Smith