Calibration Access and Data Handbook
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Spatial coordinate systems
The CAL makes use of the following spatial coordinate systems
- PIXCOORD0: Telemetry-related CCD pixel coordinate system
A pair of two integer numbers
specifies a pixel
position on the currently defined CCD chip (state variable
which is read out through one of two nodes (state variable
Pixels outside the actual image area of the chip (over/underscan pixels)
are taken into account and are counted as ordinary pixels.
The pixel closest to the readout node is designated as (0/0). If a readout
window is defined PIXCOORD0 coordinates are relative to the lower left corner
of that window.
- PIXCOORD1: Node-oriented CCD pixel coordinate system
A pair of two integer numbers - referred to as
in the following - specifies a pixel position on the currently defined
CCD chip (state variable
which is read out through one of two readout nodes (state
The pixel coordinate system is, thus, node-oriented.
Example: Pixel position (123/456) on the central EMOS1 chip readout through
the primary node corresponds to pixel
on the same chip read-out through the redundant node.
CCD pixel coordinates are in the range
are the number of available pixels in X/Y for the
current instrument.
In the case of OM the notion of raw pixels is identical to centroided
pixels. The size of the detector in centroided pixels is
Over- and/or underscan pixels are no longer considered. PIXCOORD1
is no longer relative to any defined readout window.
- CHIPCOORD: Node-free CCD pixel coordinate systemThe CHIPCOORD system is identical to the PIXCOORD1 system except for
the removal of the node-orientation. All pixel coordinates are
referred to the primary/first readout node.
- CAMCOORD1/CAMCOORD2: Camera reference systems
A triple of three real numbers (
specifies a physical location in the camera system in units of mm
from the origin of a right-handed, Cartesian reference system.
The origin in CAMCOORD1 is the geometrical center of the camera
(center of central chip for MOS/RGS/OM and center of chip wafer for EPN),
in CAMCOORD2 it is the point where the optical axis of the telescope
in front of the the camera intersects the focal plane.
For RGS1 the CAMCOORD1 and CAMCOORD2 systems are identical.
The alignments of the CAMCOORD1/2
with respect to the PIXCOORD1 (see Sect. 2.1) and
the SACCOORD (see Sect. 2.1) frames for all cameras are as specified
in the following table:
Camera unit(s) |
alignment of CAMCOORD1/2 axes in PIXCOORD1 frame |
aligned with axis in SACCOORD frame |
aligned with axis in SACCOORD frame |
EMOS1/2 |
/ axes aligned with the respective axes of
primary node of central CCD |
/ |
/ |
/ axes aligned with respective PIXCOORD1 axes
of CCDs 7-12 in quadrants 2/3 |
RGS1/2 |
/ axes aligned with / PIXCOORD1 axes |
rotated by  |
OM |
/ axes aligned with / PIXCOORD1 axes |
- SACCOORD: Spacecraft reference system
A triple of three real numbers (
specifies a physical location
in the satellite in units of mm from the origin
of the right-handed, Cartesian spacecraft reference system which
is defined as follows:
- TELCOORD: Telescope coordinate system
A right-handed Cartesian reference system whose +X axis is defined
by the optical axis of the telescope in front of the currently set instrument
(state variable
) along
the direction of incoming photons. The +Y and +Z axes are aligned
with the respective axes of the
SACCOORD (see Sect. 2.1) frame.
The origin lies in the mirror support platform, so, in front of the
telescope when looking from the sky along the +X axis.
A pair of two real angles
represents a position in
the +Y/+Z plane. The
angle signifies the angular deviation from
the X-axis, i.e.,
is the on-axis case corresponding to
is the azimuthal angle measured in the mathematically
positive sense (anti-clockwise) from the +Z-axis when looking along the
+X axis. Please note: If the TELCOORD system is translated to
the focal plane the mirror inversion effect has to be considered.
The units for
are arcsecs and radians respectively.
specifies a point being 10 arcmin off the optical
axis with an azimuth of +90 degrees away from the spacecraft +Z-axis, i.e.,
on the spacecraft +Y-axis. In the
CAMCOORD2 (see Sect. 2.1) system
of EMOS1 this approximatley refers to the mid-point of CCD 6 and for EMOS2
is refers to the mid-point between CCDs 7 and 2 respectively.
- ROWCOORD: Rowland coordinate system
ROWCOORD is a RGS-specific coordinate system where the two angles
designate an event position in the dispersion
and cross-dispersion direction respectively.
are the ROWCOORD coordinates of the central pixel of
CCD 5 (M-point).
increases positively in the direction of
increasing dispersion.
increases in the direction of the
CAMCOORD1 (see Sect. 2.1)
axis. Please note:
designate the non-aspect
corrected dispersion/cross-dispersion angles in the frame of the RGA.
are defined with respect to the RGA-G point and the center
of the mirror module respectively.
Please note: A pixel location in the CHIPCOORD system is given
by two integer numbers. When converting any such CHIPCOORD pixel location
to the CAMCOORD1 frame the corresponding physical location is that of the center of the pixel.
The following figures illustrate the alignment of the
PIXCOORD1/CAMCOORD1/CAMCOORD2 and SACCOORD reference system with respect
to each other for the six cameras. The last figure is a schematic
overview of all available coordinate systems in the CAL and the
provided paths of conversions between them.
Figure 1:
Alignment of the CAMCOORD1/2 frames with respect to the
PIXCOORD1 and SACCORD frames for the EMOS1 and EMOS2 cameras.
Please note that the two CAMCOORD frames are identical because the
telescopes' optical axes intersect the cameras in their centers.
\epsfig{file=emosgeo.eps,height=20cm}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}](img49.png) |
Figure 2:
Alignment of the CAMCOORD1/2 frames with respect to the
PIXCOORD1 and SACCORD frames for the EPN camera. Please note that the
CAMCOORD2 frame is offset from the CAMCOORD1 frame by about
(4mm/2mm) in the
SACCOORD direction respectively.
The optical axis of mirror module 3 in front of EPN intersects
the camera plane in the origin of CAMCOORD2.
\epsfig{file=epngeo.eps,height=20cm}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}](img50.png) |
Figure 3:
Alignment of the CAMCOORD1 frame with respect to the
PIXCOORD1 and SACCORD frames for the RGS camera units. Please note that
strictly speaking CAMCOORD2 does not exists for RGS, however, it
is formally equivalent to CAMCOORD1. The CAMCOORD1
plane is
rotated by
with respect to the SACCOORD
around the
axis. Increasing values of the CAMCOORD1
coordinate correspond to decreasing dispersion, i.e., increasing
energy (decreasing wavelength).
\epsfig{file=rgsgeo.eps,height=20cm}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}](img51.png) |
Figure 4:
Alignment of the CAMCOORD1/2 frames with respect to the
PIXCOORD1 and SACCORD frames for the OM camera.
\epsfig{file=omgeo.eps,width=15cm}\\ [1cm]\end{center}\end{figure}](img52.png) |
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Michael Smith