The LargeScaleSens file maps the relative sensitivity variations over longer spatial scale for the combination of a filter element and the detector. The FOV is mapped at a coarser grid. An interpolation of the large-scale map is required in order to obtain a map at a finer grid.
The LargeScaleSens file consists of 12 image extensions. Generally there is one extension associated with each filter element, except for the grism where there is one extension for the zero and first order respectively. In total there are 12 image extension contained in the LargeScaleSens file.
FILTER-U | large scale response of U-filter |
FILTER-B | large scale response of B-filter |
FILTER-V | large scale response of B-filter |
FILTER-UVW1 | large scale response of UVW1-filter |
FILTER-UVM2 | large scale response of UVM2-filter |
FILTER-UVW2 | large scale response of UVW2-filter |
FILTER-WHITE | large scale response of WHITE-filter |
FILTER-MAGNI | large scale response of MAGNI-filter |
FILTER-GRISM1 | large scale response of GRISM1 1st order |
FILTER-GRISM2 | large scale response of GRISM2 1st order |
FILTER-GRISM10 | large scale response of GRISM1 0th order |
FILTER-GRISM20 | large scale response of GRISM2 0th order |
The format of each extensions is as listed below:
Image: FILTER-FilterId
keyword | keyword type | keyword unit | keyword value | comment |
BITPIX | not applicable | -32 | ||
NAXIS | I | not applicable | 2 | |
NAXIS1 | I | not applicable | may vary | |
NAXIS2 | I | not applicable | may vary | |
CTYPE1 | S | not applicable | rawx | |
CRVAL1 | E | pixel | may vary | |
CDELT1 | E | pixel | may vary | |
CTYPE2 | S | not applicable | rawy | |
CRVAL2 | E | pixel | may vary | |
CDELT2 | E | pixel | may vary | |
AVGERAGE | E | not applicable | may vary | avg. flatfield value of good pixel |
DAVGERAGE | E | not applicable | may vary | 1![]() |
PIXERR | E | % | may vary | avg. % of 1![]() |
a single pixel value |