Calibration Access and Data Handbook
Previous: Generation from Ground Calibration
The basic idea is to obtain a supersky flatfield by combining a large number
of relatively object-free exposures of random fields. A similar approach has
been used to obtain WFPC superflats
(Ratanunga et al. 1994, APJ, 108, 2362).
Most suitable datasets are
data from default configurations, because the entire detector
area is covered. The detailed analysis steps are
- fpn correction
- source identification
- cut out sources
- normalize images by average counts per pixel and stack images
- add stack of images
- weighting with square root of avg. counts per pixel
- take into account number of exposure per pixel
- fit bicubic spline surface to obtain new large scale flatfield
The LargeScaleSens files can locally be validated using celestial objects
in calibration offset pointings.
Michael Smith