The format of the DiffuseGala CCF component is described in detail below.
Image: DGL_MAP
keyword name | keyword type | keyword unit | keyword value | comment |
BITPIX | not applicable | -32 | ||
NAXIS | I | not applicable | 2 | |
NAXIS1 | I | not applicable | varies | |
NAXIS2 | I | not applicable | varies | |
CTYPE1 | S | not applicable | gal. longitude | |
CRVAL1 | E | degree | varies | reference longitude |
CDELT1 | E | degree | varies | increment of longitude |
CRPIX1 | I | not applicable | varies | address of reference pixel |
CTYPE2 | S | not applicable | gal. latitude | |
CRVAL2 | E | degree | reference latitude | |
CDELT2 | E | degree | increment of latitude | |
CRPIX2 | I | not applicable | varies | address of reference pixel |
BUNIT | S | S10(B) | may vary | Units of image |
Binary table: DGL_SPEC
keyword | keyword type | keyword unit | keyword value |
REF_INTENS | E | S10(B) | may vary |
column name | column type | column unit | comment |
LAMBDA | E | nm | wavelength |
FLUX | E |
![]() |
DGL flux for reference intensity |
Binary table: DGL_COUNTS
keyword | keyword type | keyword unit | keyword value |
REF_INTENS | E | S10(B) | may vary |
column name | column type | column unit | comment |
FILTER_ID | 9A | not applicable | filter ID |
COUNTS | E | cts/sec/subpixel | expected flux per pixel |
at the reference intensity |