Image extension: ZODICAL_MAP
keyword | keyword | keyword | comment |
name | type | value | |
BITPIX | integer | -32 | number of bits per data pixel |
NAXIS | integer | 2 | number of data axes |
NAXIS1 | integer | may vary | length of data axis 1 |
NAXIS2 | integer | may vary | length of data axis 2 |
BUNIT | string | S10(V) | Units of the image |
CTYPE1 | string | 'ecliptic longitude / [deg]' | name of x-axis |
CTYPE2 | string | 'ecliptic latitude / [deg]' | name of y-axis |
CRVAL1 | real | may vary | [degree] x-coordinate of reference bin |
CRVAL2 | real | may vary | [degree] y-coordinate of reference bin |
CRPIX1 | integer | 1 | [bin] address of reference bin x-direction |
CRPIX2 | integer | 1 | [bin] address of reference bin y-direction |
CDELT1 | real | may vary | [degree] increment in x-direction |
CDELT2 | real | may vary | [degree] increment in y-direction |
Binary table: ZODICAL_SPEC
keyword | keyword | keyword | comment |
name | type | value | |
REFINTEN | real | may vary | reference intensity of spectrum [S10(V)] |
column name | column type | column unit | comment |
LAMBDA | E | nm | wavelength of bin |
FLUX | E |
![]() |
zodiacal light flux at reference intensity |
Binary table: ZODICAL_COUNTS
keyword | keyword | keyword | comment |
name | type | value | |
REFINTEN | real | may vary | reference intensity of count rates [S10(V)] |
column name | column type | column unit | comment |
FILTER_ID | 9A | - | filter identifier |
COUNTS | E | photons/sec/subpixel | photon rate at reference intensity |