XMM-NEWTON NEWS #16,    26-Oct-2001

ESA, XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC)
P.O. Box - Apdo. 50727, 28080 Madrid, Spain

SOC Home Page: http://xmm.esac.esa.int/
Helpdesk web interface: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/xmm-newton-helpdesk
Helpdesk email address: xmmhelp@sciops.esa.int
News Mailing List: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/newsletterindex.shtml


Dear Colleagues,

Uploading the scientific justification appears to be problematic when the size of the postscript file approaches 1MBytes. Proposers who are facing this type of problem should do the following:

1) Generate a dummy postscript file with only the title and PI of the proposal. The body should be left empty except for the word "DUMMY" in the abstract. This will allow the proposal to be entered into XRPS with all its observations and exposures.

2) Send the postscript file with the justification to the Helpdesk.

Moreover, after the AO2 deadline, the SOC will scrutinize the temporary RPS area in search of proposals that were left without final submission. In such cases, the SOC will contact the PI of the proposal to obtain the justification and submit the proposal on his/her behalf.

With best regards,

The XMM-Newton SOC