XMM-Newton-NEWS  #170,    03-Mar-2015

XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre at
ESA's European Space Astronomy Centre,
P.O. Box - Apdo. 78, 28691 Villanueva de la Cañada, Madrid, Spain

SOC Home Page: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/
Helpdesk web interface: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/xmm-newton-helpdesk
Helpdesk email address: xmmhelp@sciops.esa.int
News Mailing List: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/newsletter


SAS Users Guide updated

The Users Guide to the XMM-Newton Science Analysis System has been updated for SAS version 14.0 in order to include the latest information on data analysis methods and updated SAS tasks.

The guide is available from the XMM-Newton Proposer's Info and Manuals Web page (Section: Data Analysis) at:


The html version of the SAS Users Guide can directly be accessed under


As announced in Newsletter#167, data analysis Threads were revised for SASv14.0 shortly after the SAS release.

Scientific validation report for SASv14.0

The results of the scientific validation of SASv14.0 have been summarised in a report available under the SAS Scientific Validation page:


Pipeline processing based on SASv14.0

A new version of the XMM-Newton pipeline processing software


was released in February. This pipeline is based on SASv14.0 and, therefore, includes the latest corrections for the EPIC-pn energy scale. A detailed description as well as a summary of the changes with respect to the previous pipeline can be found in the release notes


XMM-Newton Science Workshop 2015: Deadline for abstracts submission

As announced in previous issues of this Newsletter, the XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre is organising the science workshop "The Extremes of Black Hole Accretion" from 8th to 10th June 2015 at ESAC, see


Abstract submission for presentations is possible until Monday 23rd March 2015 via


The RGS Spectral Atlas

The RGS Spectral Atlas is a collection of plots of the best quality RGS spectra grouped according to the physical type of the target, based on the Simbad classification.

The data shown are RGS1+RGS2 first order fluxed spectra, with the identifications of the emission lines relevant for each type overplotted on them.

The atlas is now available at


Old XSA interface discontinued

As announced in a previous issue of this Newsletter, issue #168, the old XSA v7.2 java interface and the associated AIO client files have been discontinued. Discontinuation took place on the 19th of February 2015. People that were still using the java interface and old AIO clients are recommended to check the XSA notes and watchouts at


Yours sincerely,
XMM-Newton SOC