First Announcement,     11-Nov-2015     

XMM-Newton: The Next Decade

ESAC, Madrid, Spain, 9th - 11th May 2016

European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), Madrid, Spain


SOC Home Page: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/
Helpdesk web interface: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/xmm-newton-helpdesk
Helpdesk email address: xmmhelp@sciops.esa.int
News Mailing List: https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/newsletter

Aims and Scope of the Meeting

The recent generation of high energy observatories has enabled unprecedented progress to be made in our understanding of astrophysics in the X-ray domain. Current technical evaluations suggest that the XMM-Newton spacecraft and its scientific instruments may continue to provide first class X-ray observations well into the next decade. Other X-ray missions are planned to be launched soon, including Astro-H and e-ROSITA. Coupled with new ground-based developments, this will open up new exciting opportunities for multi-wavelength and follow-up observations, to which XMM-Newton is ideally placed to play a major role.

This workshop will summarise the state of our current knowledge derived from X-ray astrophysics. We will discuss some of the major achievements over the past years, and identify a set of fundamental questions still to be addressed. Within this context a primary aim of the workshop will be to define the key scientific topics which will have the highest scientific importance and impact. We will seek to identify observing programs of maximum long-term value to the entire astronomical community. Many of these programs are likely to require large amounts of observing time on only a few carefully selected targets or sky areas. We strongly encourage innovative ideas for applications, and the formation of well organised major collaborations.

Scientific Organising Committee

M. Ward (chair) University of Durham, United Kingdom
M. Arnaud CEA Saclay, France
X. Barcons CSIC-UC, Santander, Spain
H. Böhringer MPE, Garching, Germany
C. Cesarsky CEA Saclay, France
A. Decourchelle CEA Saclay, France
C. Done University of Durham, United Kingdom
I. Georgantopoulos National Observatory of Athens, Greece
B. McBreen University College Dublin, Ireland
R. Mushotzky University of Maryland, USA
N. Rea CSIC-IEEC/University of Amsterdam, Spain/The Netherlands
M. Salvati INAF, Osservatorio di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy
C. Sarazin University Virginia, USA
N. Schartel (co-chair) ESAC, Madrid, Spain
J. Schmitt Hamburger Sternwarte, Germany
B. Stelzer INAF, Palermo, Italy

Local Organising Committee

Jan-Uwe Ness (chair), Michelle Arpizou, Jacobo Ebrero, Matthias Ehle, Carlos Gabriel, Idoia García-Fernández, Aitor Ibarra, Eleni Kalfountzou, Simone Migliari, Richard Saxton, Norbert Schartel and Ana Willis
(XMM-Newton SOC, ESAC)

Important Dates

14 January 2016 Opening of registration and abstract submission
Second Announcement
29 February 2016 Deadline for abstract submission
end March 2016 Notification about accepted presentations
14 April 2016 Deadline for registration
end April 2016 Final Announcement

Registration and Abstracts

A registration fee of 50 € will be charged, payable in cash on arrival. The fee includes a printed issue of the refereed conference proceedings, shuttle bus transfer between selected hotels in Madrid and ESAC, and coffee breaks.

Registration and abstract submission is planned to open on 14th January 2016, with deadline for abstract submission 29th February 2016.

Decisions about accepted presentations (talks and posters) will be communicated by end of March, before the registration deadline.


Conference proceedings will be published as a regular issue of the refereed journal Astronomical Notes.

Venue and accommodation

The workshop will be held at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), located some 30 km west of Madrid, Spain.

Block bookings for hotels in Madrid have been made. Details will be given on the Workshop Web page. A shuttle bus service between the hotels and ESAC will be provided.

Social Events

The workshop dinner is anticipated to take place Tuesday, 10th May, in Madrid and will cost around 50 €, payable in cash upon arrival.


Local Organising Committee:


Up-to-date information is always available via the conference web page:
