1 PCMS Processing ----------------- Full release note for slew configuration 01_slew8.3_20100920.120500 =================================================================== PCMS Infrastructure Version: 8.3 Pipeline Version: 01_slew8.3_20100920.120500 Pipeline Name: slew8.3 Release Date: 2010-09-20 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20100920_1801 SAS Version: 10.0.3 ppstrack Summary ======= This is the first introduction of the processing of XMM-Newton slew observations into the SSC PCMS system. All slew processing has hitherto been performed by an informal pipeline run by a team at the XMM-Newton SOC. In this first implementation, the slew pipeline generates only the imaging and related products from slew observations. It does not perform source detection on those images. Source detection will be added at a later stage. For slew processing, only the PN provides useful science data because in imaging modes, only the PN frame time is short enough to prevent significant along-track blurring of sources. Data is only used for slew processing if the PN is in either Extended Full Frame, Full Frame or Large Window mode. The filter is always MEDIUM. The slew pipeline is based on SAS 10.0.3. Details of the contents of SAS 10.0.0 (the basis of SAS 10.0.3) and the relative changes for SAS 10.0.2 and the intervening SAS 10.0.1 can be found in the SAS release notes at http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/current/documentation/releasenotes The slew processing pipeline, based substantially on the SAS task, eslewchain, fragments the observation event list into segments along the slew path. For each segment, events are corrected for attitude and used to build an image. Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline and pipeline products can be found here: Pipeline Summary ================ i. Products Created. ii. SAS Tasks. iii. Calibration Files. iv. Response Matrices. v. Energy Bands. vi. Energy Conversion Factors. vii. Source Position Rectification. i. Products Created =================== The following table summarises all possible product files created by this slew pipeline. Product file names are subdivided into components: Pooooooooooiiseeeccccccbnnn.ttt where: oooooooooo is the Observation Identifier. ii is the instrument. s is the scheduled flag. eee is the exposure number. cccccc is the file identifier given in the table below. b is the instrument specific field (ISF): Energy band for EPIC instruments. OM science window or OM filter code for OM products. Spectral order for RGS products. nnn is the hexidecimal source number or 000. ttt is the file type. |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|================|==============| | Status | Product Index Description | File Identifier | Class | File Types | ISF | Per image step | Per Source | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|================|==============| | | MAIN CROSS CORRELATION PAGE | XCORRE | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | | SLEW SINGLE RAW EVENT LIST | SLEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | | SLEW STEP FILTERED EVENT LIST | PIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | Y | | | | SLEW STEP EXPOSURE MAP | EXPMAP | EPICEXP | FIT | BAND | Y | | | | SLEW STEP IMAGE | IMAGE_ | EPICEXP | FIT | BAND | Y | | | | UNFILTERED SLEW STEP IMAGE | UNFDAT | EPICEXP | FIT | BAND | Y | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | EPICOBS | HTM | | | | | | OM OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | OMOBS | HTM | | | | | | RGS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | RGSOBS | HTM | | | | | | PPS RUN MESSAGE | PPSMSG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | | PPS SCRIPT LOG | SCRLOG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | | SLEW ATTITUDE FILE | ATTTSR | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | | CALIBRATION INDEX FILE | CALIND | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | | PPS PRODUCT INDEX | PINDEX | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | | PPS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | | PPS RUN SUMMARY | PPSSUM | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | | SSC LOGO 2 | SSCLG2 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============|================| ii. SAS Tasks ============= The current pipeline uses a pipeline-specific SAS manifest, (xmmsas__20100920_1801). However, this manifest contains the version 10.0.0 release of the SAS (manifest xmmsas_20100423_1801 - see http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/current/documentation/releasenotes/xmmsas_10.0.0.shtml for details of the SAS task versions and changes relative to the previous SAS releases), plus a small number of specific task patches released in the subsequent SAS 10.0.1 and 10.0.2 updates. Thus the SAS used by the pipeline is entirely consistent with the publicly available SAS. iii. Calibration Files ====================== Pipeline processing generally accesses an evolving set of CCFs (current calibration files). For each observation, a subset of the full set of CCFs is used in processing that pertains to the epoch of the observation; the CCF components/versions used are identified in the calibration index file (PooooooooooOBX000CALIND0000.FIT) that is included in the delivered observation data product set. iv. Response Matrices ===================== In this initial slew pipeline, no source detection and no source specific products are extracted so the response matrices are not used in the making of any of the current slew products. v. Energy Bands =============== |======|===================| | Band | Energy Range (eV) | |======|===================| | 1 | 200 - 500 | | 2 | 500 - 1000 | | 3 | 1000 - 2000 | | 4 | 2000 - 4500 | | 5 | 4500 - 12000 | | 6 | 200 - 2000 | | 7 | 2000 - 12000 | | 8 | 200 - 12000 | | 9 | 500 - 4500 | |======|===================| For slew processing, band-specific products are made in bands 6 (soft), 7 (hard) and 8 (total) only. vi. Energy Conversion Factors ============================= EPIC energy conversion factors (ECFs) are computed using the instrument response files for an assumed absorbed power law model with Gamma=1.7 and an absorbing column density of 3x10^20 /cm2. In the current slew pipeline, source detection is not performed, hence source parameterisation is not relevant. ECFs will be included in this section when source detection is incorporated into the slew processing. vii. Source Position Rectification ================================== Source position rectification is not applied in current slew processing because source detection is not performed.