Summary release note for pipeline version 02000033/20010426.174813 Pipeline version 02000033/20010426.174813 was released on 27/Apr/01. It is a modification of the previous pipeline (02000032_20010212.141403, released 12/Feb/01). This new pipeline is the first one to use a new version of the SAS (ie SAS 5.0.3 [aka xmmsas_20010424_1139] as opposed to SAS 5.0 in previous pipelines), and so the SAS changes are also briefly described here. As always, this new pipeline will use the public CCF. General - HTML summary output made more consistent, observation summary now created at start of pipeline. FITS catalogue products now have standard header keywords added. Attitude data now used to make GTIs (<3'). Many SAS bug fixes and tasks made more robust. EPIC - mos cross-node event reconstruction added. pn badpixfind parameters changed & algorithm improved for confused regions, events on offset columns now excluded, out_of_FOV flag added. (These changes should lead to much cleaner pn images, although out-of-time events are not yet removed.) Attitude time resolution for exposure maps decreased from 60 to 2 secs, maps have better DSS interpretation, and spectral correction removed. (This last change makes a significant difference to the low energy band exposure values.) EPIC pn small window images no longer used for source detection. Source detection background maps have correct chi sqd and DOF, and use intensity Dependant source cutout radius; source lists have correct hardness ratios and fluxes. RGS - Attitude GTIs added, rgsregions replaces rgsregion & rgsbackreg. OM - Flat field no longer a product, OSW images (detector coords) and combined source list now are products. Background handling improved in source detection and assignment of magnitudes, sky image boundaries corrected. Problems remain in accurate assignment of magnitudes to detected sources.