Summary release note for prod configuration 02001005_20070531.111908 ==================================================================== PCMS Infrastructure Version: 7.2 Pipeline Version: 02001005_20070531.111908 Pipeline Name: prod Release Date: 2007-05-31 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20070427_1803 SAS Version: 6.9.2 Summary =========== This pipeline is the first post bulk reprocessing production pipeline. The SAS used is that of the bulk reprocessing pipeline (pipeline: cat2 configuration: 06000520_20070308.163249) incorporating a fix for scrmatch which was miscalculatingthe PN band 4 flux. Because of the introduction of backwardly incompatible calibration files for SAS 7 and above this pipeline operates with the same frozen CCF and RMF as the aforementioend cat2 pipeline. Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline and pipeline products can be found here: