Summary release note for pipeline 04000013/20030722.143236 The previous production pipeline (02000050/20021220.132037, prod) used SAS 5.4, that is xmmsas_20021218_1802 (except for ppssumm, see release note for pipeline 02000050/20021220.132037). The new pipeline started operations on 23/07/03. It uses SAS 5.4.2, that is xmmsas_20030717_1631. The pipeline is prod2 version 04000013/20030722.143236. Summary: -------- In this pipeline a new MOS high background screening recipe is used, unlike the previous scheme this also includes counts from the central CCD, solving a rare problem of non-uniform images after screening (the background is measured using single pixel events above Gatti threshold, where the effective area is very low). MOS images are now made with events having PATTERN<=12 (very small effect on the images, but is a better match with the ECF values). EPIC PNG images (and subsequent source detection and catalogue correlation) suppressed if there is no common attitude and flare screening GTI. EPIC exposure maps now correctly reflect spatial effect of event flag selection, and OOT and dead-time corrections are now applied. EPIC source lists now have correct max likelihood values (in all previous version these were >=2 times too large). EPIC source lists use revised ECF values to assign better flux values. Better OM fast and image mode source detection. OM Source positions corrected for 0.5 pixel position error (subtract 0.5 pixel to correct this error). New product: RGS response matrix made for first order RGS source spectrum. HTML products now made by re-written ppssumm SAS task which runs at end of pipeline (and incorporates previous obssumm functionality), durations added to exposure information. Random number generator seed now recorded in pipeline log files. Keyword ODFVER added to *PINDEX* product. Last pipeline had to use 'public' and 'willbepublic' CCF, this version uses only 'public'. As usual, many bug fixes aimed at solving problems in processing individual ODFs.