package EPICSources;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
use ModuleUtil;
$name = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '0.15';
$version = $VERSION;
$author = 'Anja Schroeder,Ian Stewart,Duncan John Fyfe, Duncan Law-Green';
$date = '2012-11-07';
# ChangeLog
# =========
# version 0.14 - 2012-03-15 DLG
# ------------
# + esources mintotalcts 100.
# version 0.14 - 2012-03-15 DLG
# ------------
# + esources mintotalcts 300. Again.
# version 0.13 - 2012-03-13 DLG
# ------------
# + try reverting esources mintotalcts to 500 to avoid xspec spectral extraction failures
# version 0.12 - 2012-01-19 DLG
# ------------
# + Added Attitude GTI filtering to $specExpression and $timeExpression to
# propagate to SSP spectra and time series
# version 0.11 - 2012-01-19 DLG
# ------------
# + Altered mintotalcts in esources from 500 to 300 to test optimised
# faint source extraction
# version 0.10 - 2009-09-14 DLG
# ------------
# + Added test for MOS W6 and PN SW modes. Exclude these from SSP generation.
# version 0.09 - 2006-08-11 DJF
# ------------
# + Added a test for PN CCD in low gain mode. Exclude PN exposures where some CCDs are in low gain mode.
# version 0.08 - 2006-03-03 ACS
# ------------
# + A couple of corrections to the perl code introduced by the changes the day before.
# version 0.07 - 2006-03-02 ACS
# ------------
# + Added determination of minimum TSTART and maximum TSTOP of all valid exposures
# and inserted them into each filtered event list for light curves
# + Commented out selection by data mode ..Prime.. since FU imaging event lists
# did not get filtered event lists.
# version 0.06 - 2005-12-02 IMS
# ------------
# + Now really added --setflags=yes (d'oh!!)
# version 0.05 - 2005-12-01 IMS
# ------------
# + Added --setflags=yes to esources call. This sets the SPECTRA and TSERIES flag columns of the srcmatch list to T for those sources selected for SSPs.
# version 0.04 - 2005-11-29 IMS
# ------------
# + Changed the flag mask selections to those agreed upon.
# version 0.03 - 2005-10-14 IMS
# ------------
# + Shortened the content string for the SSP source list
# version 0.02 - 2005-09-08 RGW
# ------------
# + exit gracefully if required source list doesn't exist
# version 0.01 - 2005-06-09 IMS
# ------------
# + First draft - ported from ACS script.
# Declare instruments of interest
@instList = qw(all);
# Number of Streams
sub numberOfStreams
return 1;
# Rules evaluated to determine when this modules can run.
sub evaluateRules
# If upstream module has been ignored, so if this one
return ignore()
if ignored(
module => 'SrcMerge'
, instrument => 'all'
, stream => 1
return start()
if complete(
module => 'SrcMerge'
, instrument => 'all'
, stream => 1
# The guts of the module
sub performAction
info("Module version number: $version");
# First fetch list of all suitable EPIC event lists (imaging, not cal. closed)
my (@eventListSets, $content, $timeExpression, $specExpression);
my (@filteventListSets, $tlmin, $tlmax, @tmin, @tmax, @tmpmin, @tmpmax);
# get attitude GTI file
my $attGTIFile = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Attitude GTI'
# add attitde GTI filtering if file exists
my $attGTIExpr = "";
$attGTIExpr = "&>I($attGTIFile,TIME)" if $attGTIFile;
foreach my $inst ( "emos1", "emos2", "epn" )
if ($inst eq 'epn')
$content= "EPIC PN imaging mode event list";
# ="((PATTERN<=4)&&((FLAG & 0x2fb002c)==0)"
="((PATTERN<=4)&&((FLAG & 0xfffffef)==0)"
else # mos
$content= "EPIC MOS imaging mode event list";
# ="((PATTERN<=12)&&((FLAG & 0x766b0000)==0)"
="((PATTERN<=12)&&((FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0)"
# $specExpression = $timeExpression;
="((PATTERN<=12)&&((FLAG & 0xfffffeff)==0)"
# NOTE! The flag masks in EPICSourceProducts should be made the same as these.
foreach my $exp_id ( listExposures( instrument => $inst ) )
# Find imaging event file for this exposure
my $evFile=findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => $inst
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => $content
next if (! $evFile );
if ($inst eq 'epn')
## Select EPIC PN
my $lowgain = {};
## Exclude PN CCD low gain mode from SSP generation
if (my @lowgain = ModuleUtil::pnLowGainWarn($evFile , $lowgain) )
info( 'Some CCD in low gain mode :' , join (' ,' , @lowgain) );
info( 'Excluding this exposure from source detection.' );
## Exclude PN SW mode from SSP generation
my $submode = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile
, extension => 'EVENTS'
, keyword => 'SUBMODE'
if ($submode =~ /PrimeSmallWindow/) {
info ( 'PN PrimeSmallWindow mode detected: excluding from SSP. ');
} else {
## Select EPIC MOS
## Exclude MOS W6 mode from SSP generation
my $submode = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile
, extension => 'EVENTS'
, keyword => 'SUBMODE'
if ($submode =~ /PrimePartialW6/) {
info ( 'MOS PrimePartialW6 mode detected: excluding from SSP. ');
# Check instrument filter
my $filter = getExposureProperty(
instrument => $inst
, exp_id => $exp_id
, name => 'filter'
next if $filter =~ /Cal/;
# Derive Tstart and Tstop times for time series
$tlmin = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile
, extension => 'EVENTS'
, keyword => 'TSTART'
$tlmax = readFITSKeyword(
file => $evFile
, extension => 'EVENTS'
, keyword => 'TSTOP'
# Add to lists
push @eventListSets, $evFile;
push @tmin, $tlmin;
push @tmax, $tlmax;
my $forTimeFilteredEvList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => $inst
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Event list for light curves'
, table => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
, keepfilteroutput => 'yes'
, withfilteredset => 'yes'
, filteredset => $forTimeFilteredEvList
, writedss => 'yes'
, updateexposure => 'yes'
, expression => $timeExpression
, destruct => 'yes'
or return exception();
push @filteventListSets, $forTimeFilteredEvList;
my $forSpecFilteredEvList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => $inst
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Event list for spectra'
, table => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
, keepfilteroutput => 'yes'
, withfilteredset => 'yes'
, filteredset => $forSpecFilteredEvList
, writedss => 'yes'
, updateexposure => 'yes'
, expression => $specExpression
, destruct => 'yes'
or return exception();
} # end loop over $exp_id
} # end loop over $inst
# Return immediately if there are no suitable exposures.
unless (@eventListSets)
info("No suitable exposures found");
return success();
# Determine min and max of all tstart and tstop times
@tmpmin = sort(@tmin);
@tmpmax = sort(@tmax);
my $tminall = $tmpmin[0];
my $tmaxall = $tmpmax[$#tmpmax];
# Add TLMIN1 and TLMAX1 keywords
,set => [ @filteventListSets ]
,attributename => [qw(EVENTS:TLMIN1 EVENTS:TLMAX1)]
,attributetype => ['real ' , 'real']
,realvalue => [ $tminall , $tmaxall ]
,attributecomment => [ 'Time series start' , 'Time series stop' ]
# Generate Source list:
my $srcmatchSrcFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'epic'
, content => 'EPIC summary source list'
, format => 'FITS'
return success() unless $srcmatchSrcFile;
my $sspSrcFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'epic'
# , content => 'Source list for source-specific products'
, content => 'SSP source list'
, eventsets => [@eventListSets]
, srctab => "${srcmatchSrcFile}:SRCLIST"
, outsrcset => $sspSrcFile
, mintotalcts => 100
, mindetml => 15
, minmaskfrac => 0.5
, numhexchar => 3
, setflags => 'yes'
or return exception();
return success();