
package ExpDetectPrep;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars
  qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
use ModuleUtil;
use Regexp::Common qw(boolean);

# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name    = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '0.25';
$version = $VERSION;
$author  = 'Richard West,Dean Hinshaw,Duncan John Fyfe,Richard Saxton,Ian Stewart,Duncan Law-Green';
$date    = '2012-12-12';

# ChangeLog
# =========
# version 0.25 - 2012-12-12
# -------------------------
# + Fix image event file merging for cases with 3+ exposures
# version 0.24 - 2010-09-07
# -------------------------
# + Disable PN small window mode for source detection again (SRR request, see Mantis #17)
# version 0.23 - 2009-10-15
# ------------
# + Use PN small window mode for source detection (SRR request, Mantis #17)
# version 0.22 - 2009-09-15
# ------------
# + Do not use EPIC Open filter mode for source detection
# version 0.21 - 2006-08-25
# ------------
# + Do not use MOS mode PrimePartialW6 for source detection
# version 0.20 - 2006-08-16
# ------------
# + DEBUGGING:  Copy merged image after ONTIME update. Something is overwriting change.
# version 0.19 - 2006-08-16
# ------------
# + Added test for PN low gain mode.  Skip such exposures in source detection.
# version 0.18 - 2006-08-11
# ------------
# + Old EXPOSURE update code was overwriting corrected values.
# + Now select exposures based on EXPOSURE (good time) rather than exposure duration.
# version 0.17 - 2006-07-12
# ------------
# + Merged image ONTIME correction changed to use addattribute.  This will ensure
#   correction is applied by executable logs.
# + XID merged exposure map was made as weighted addition of N bands.  This 
#   leaves the exposure map values too big.  Use farith to divide weighted map by N to 
#   get a better value.
# version 0.16 - 2006-05-18
# ------------
# + When more than one exposure is selected for source detection 
# gtimerge the selected images and write the new ONTIME into the
# merged image.  This is so the proper ONTIME can be propogated to
# the sources.
# version 0.15 - 2006-03-22
# ------------
# + Corrected keepSafe parameters
# version 0.14 - 2006-02-21
# ------------
# + Images  supplied to the band 8 imweightadd merges are
#   written to a file to be used with emosaic in ImageMerge module.
#   Using the imweightadd output looses the indidual image keywords.
# version 0.13 - 2006-02-07 DJF
# ------------
# + Added test to make sure files exist before passing to imweightadd
# + Fixed bad use of info() and foo().  This depends on info returning true. This is not guarenteed.
# version 0.12 - 2005-11-14 IMS
# ------------
# + Incorporated DJF's shortening of some intermediate file names.
# version 0.11 - 2005-11-04 IMS
# ------------
# + Slightly modified it to fix a bug which prevented band 9 images/exp maps from being made.
# version 0.10 - 2005-11-04 IMS
# ------------
# + Exposures for which flare screening was not performed are no longer considered for merging.
# version 0.09 - 2005-11-02 IMS
# ------------
# + Non-vig exposure maps (both those read and the newly created merged version) now have shorter content strings (thus shorter names).
# + Merged exposure map now also made for band 8 (necessary for ImageMerge).
# + Merged band 8 image is now made in the same way as the (new) merged band 8 exp map.
# version 0.08 - 2005-10-31 IMS
# ------------
# + XID images and exposure maps are now also being made (by adding merged images and exp maps for bands 2, 3 and 4).
# version 0.07 - 2005-10-28 IMS
# ------------
# + Altered things so that the band-8 imweightadd is not called if there are no input images. (I hope.)
# version 0.06 - 2005-10-21 RGW
# ------------
# + Make sure we look for FITS product images not intermediate files when creating the band 8 merged image
# version 0.05 - 2005-10-14 IMS
# ------------
# + Merged image (as intermediate file) now made for band 8 as requested by ACS.
# + Added copyFile to the list of used ModuleResources subs.
# version 0.04 - 2005-09-21 IMS
# ------------
# + Slight bug fixing, so it will run.
# version 0.03 - 2005-09-20 IMS
# ------------
# + Restored imweightadd parameters to 0.01 format. There's method in my madness.
# + Constituent exposure ids are now written as kwds to merged datasets. 
# version 0.02 - 2005-08-15 RGW
# ------------
# + hacked argument to imweightadd (withweights -> calculateweights)
# + changed circumstances under which the module is ignored (only ignored if
#    all image creation modules are ignored)
# version 0.01 - 2005-06-12 IMS
# ------------
# + First draft.

# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
@instList = qw(emos1 emos2 epn);

#my $energyBands = [qw(1 2 3 4 5)];
my $xidBands = {'epn' => [qw(2 3 4)], 'emos1' => [qw(2 3 4)], 'emos2' => [qw(2 3 4)] };
### This list of xid bands ought to be obtained from a subroutine call because it is also needed in ExpDetect. IMS 2005-10-31.

# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams

sub evaluateRules
    my $inst = thisInstrument;
    if ( $inst eq 'epn' )

        # PN Ignore condition
        return ignore()
          if (
                module => 'MakePNImage'
                , instrument => thisInstrument

        # PN Start conditions
          if (
                module => 'MakePNImage'
                , instrument => thisInstrument

        # MOS Ignore condition
        return ignore()
          if (
                module => 'MakeMOSImage'
                , instrument => thisInstrument

        # MOS Start conditions
          if (
                module => 'MakeMOSImage'
                , instrument => thisInstrument

sub performAction
    info("Module version number: $version");

    my @exp_id = listExposures(
        instrument => thisInstrument

    # Set which bands to use for source searching
    my @bandList = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 );

    # If more than 1 exposure, possibly with different filters,
    # find which filter has the longest total exposure:

    my %exposureLengths;
    my (%filters, %modes);
    foreach my $exp_id (@exp_id)
	my @opt;
        my $mode = getExposureProperty(
				       instrument => thisInstrument
				       , exp_id => $exp_id
				       , name => 'mode'
	info("DEBUG: Exposure $exp_id Mode $mode");
	## Skip EPIC PN|MOS Open filter for source detection
	if ( thisInstrument =~ /epn|mos/ ) 
	    my $filter = getExposureProperty(
					     instrument=> thisInstrument
					     , exp_id => $exp_id
					     , name => 'filter'
	    if ( $filter =~ /Open/ )
		info("EPIC Open filter should not be used for source detection");

        if ( thisInstrument eq 'epn' )
			# Skip small window mode.
			# Re-enabled at SRR's request (SEE: Mantis #17)
                        if (  $mode =~ /Small/ )
				info("Exposure $exp_id: Will not perform source detection for PN mode $mode");

			# Skip low gain mode
			my $evFile=findFile(
				class => 'product'
				, instrument => thisInstrument
				, exp_id => $exp_id
				, content => 'EPIC PN imaging mode event list'
			if ( $evFile && ModuleUtil::pnLowGainWarn($evFile) )
				info("Exposure $exp_id: EPN exposure in low gain mode - won't perform source detection on it");

		elsif ( thisInstrument =~ /emos/ && $mode =~ /PrimePartialW6/i )
			info("Exposure $exp_id: Will not perform source detection for MOS mode $mode");

        my $rawim = findFile(
            class => 'product'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , exp_id => $exp_id
            , band => 1
            , content => 'EPIC image'
            , 'format' => 'FITS'
        if ( !$rawim )
            info("Exposure $exp_id: Can't find a band 1 image for this exposure - won't perform source detection on it");

        my $flareScreened;
		@opt = ( file => $rawim , extension => 'PRIMARY' , keyword => 'BKGDSCRN');
        if ( hasFITSKeyword( @opt ) )
            $flareScreened = readFITSKeyword( @opt );
			$flareScreened  = ($flareScreened =~ /$RE{boolean}{true}/i)
				? 1
				: 0
        if ( !$flareScreened )
            info("Images were not flare screened - source detection not performed");

        my $filter = getExposureProperty(
            instrument => thisInstrument
			, exp_id => $exp_id
            , name => 'filter'

        unless ( $filter =~ /(Thin|Medium|Thick|Open)/ )
            info("Could not match filter for energy conversion factor ($filter)");
#            return exception();
        $filter = $1;
        $filters{$exp_id} = $filter;
        $modes{$exp_id} = $mode;

		my $exposureLength = 0;
		@opt = ( file => $rawim , extension => 'PRIMARY' , keyword => 'EXPOSURE' ) ;
		if ( hasFITSKeyword( @opt ) )
			$exposureLengths{$filter}{$mode} += readFITSKeyword( @opt );
    } # end loop over exposure ids

    return success() if (keys(%exposureLengths)<=0);

    my $maxExposureLength = 0;
    my ($chosenFilter, $chosenMode);
    foreach my $filter (keys(%exposureLengths))
        foreach my $mode (keys(%{$exposureLengths{$filter}}))
            if ($exposureLengths{$filter}{$mode} > $maxExposureLength)
                $maxExposureLength = $exposureLengths{$filter}{$mode};
                $chosenFilter = $filter;
                $chosenMode = $mode;
    info("Chosen filter $chosenFilter");
    info("Chosen mode $chosenMode");

    my $tempset = newFile(
        class => 'intermediate'
        , content => 'Generic temporary dataset'

    foreach my $band (@bandList)
        my (@rawImList, @expImList,@expidList);

		foreach my $exp_id (@exp_id)
			next unless (($filters{$exp_id} eq $chosenFilter)
			 && ( $modes{$exp_id} eq $chosenMode ) );

            my $rawim = findFile(
                class => 'product'
                , instrument => thisInstrument
                , exp_id => $exp_id
                , band => $band
                , content => 'EPIC image'
				, 'format' => 'FITS'
            my $expim = findFile(
                class => 'product'
                , instrument => thisInstrument
                , exp_id => $exp_id
                , band => $band
                , content => 'EPIC exposure map'
				, 'format' => 'FITS'

			next unless ( $rawim && fileExists( file => $rawim ) 
				&& $expim && fileExists( file => $expim ) 

            push( @rawImList, $rawim );
            push( @expImList, $expim );
            push( @expidList, $exp_id );

		} # end loop over $exp_id

		unless ( @rawImList )
			info("No images found");
		foreach my $exp_id (@expidList)
			setExposureProperty( instrument => thisInstrument , exp_id => $exp_id , name => 'srcdet' , value => 0+TRUE );
		info("Per camera merging of images for ",thisInstrument);
        my $mergedRawim = newFile(
            class => 'intermediate'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , band => $band
            , content => 'merged image'
            , imagesets => [@rawImList]
            , withweights => 'no'
            , outimageset => $mergedRawim
            , tempset => $tempset
        or return exception();

		# When merging more than one exposure calculate new ONTIME and EXPOSURE values 
		# and write this into the merged image.
		if (@rawImList > 1)
			info("Calculating corrected ONTIME for merged images");
		my $totalExposure;
		my %ontime = ModuleUtil::ontimeFix( $mergedRawim , @rawImList );
		if (my @ontime = sort( grep /ONTIME/,(keys %ontime)) )
			my $num = scalar(@ontime);
			my $numnum = $num+1;
			my @attcomment = ('Sum of GTIs for a particular CCD') x $num;
			push @attcomment , 'max of ONTIMEnn values' ;
			my @wattcomment = ('Y') x $numnum;
			my @atttype = ('real') x $numnum;
			my @attname = (@ontime , 'EXPOSURE');

			my @realval = (@ontime{@ontime} , $ontime{EXPOSURE});

			### DJF 2006-08-18
			### For some reason unknown to me the first addattribute below is recorded in the $mergedRawim
			### HISTORY but the ONTIME and EXPOSURE updates are lost.the ONTIME and EXPOSURE updates are done correctly.

				, set => $mergedRawim
				,attributename => \@attname
				,attributetype => \@atttype
				,attributecomment => \@attcomment
				,realvalue => \@realval
			) or return exception();
				, set => $mergedRawim
				,attributename => \@attname
				,attributetype => \@atttype
				,attributecomment => \@attcomment
				,realvalue => \@realval
			) or return exception();
			$totalExposure = $ontime{EXPOSURE};

		# Write the filenames merged to a file so we can use them
		# again with emosaic.
		my @rawlistdtl = ( class => 'intermediate'
			, content => 'raw image list'
			, instrument => thisInstrument
			, band => $band
			, format => 'ASCII'

		unless ( ModuleUtil::keepSafe ( file_identifier => \@rawlistdtl , text => \@rawImList )  )
			info("Unable to store raw image list for later use.");
			return exception();

		foreach my $i (0 .. $#expidList)
			my $exp_id = $expidList[$i];
			my $kwd_str = 'EXPID'.sprintf("%2.2d", $i+1);
				'addattribute', set => $mergedRawim.":PRIMARY"
				, attributename => $kwd_str
				, attributetype => 'string'
				, stringvalue => $exp_id
			  or return exception();

		my $mergedExpim = newFile(
			class => 'intermediate'
			, instrument => thisInstrument
			, band => $band
			, content => 'merged exposure map'
			, imagesets => [@expImList]
			, withweights => 'no'
			, outimageset => $mergedExpim
			, tempset => $tempset
		) or return exception();

		# Write the filenames merged to a file so we can use them
		# again with emosaic.
		my @explistdtl = ( class => 'intermediate'
			, content => 'exposure map list'
			, instrument => thisInstrument
			, band => $band
			, format => 'ASCII'

		unless ( ModuleUtil::keepSafe ( file_identifier => \@explistdtl , text => \@expImList ) )
			info("Unable to store exposure map list for later use.");
			return exception();

			'addattribute', set => $mergedExpim.":PRIMARY"
			, attributename => 'EXPOSURE'
			, attributetype => 'real'
			, realvalue => $totalExposure
		)  or return exception();

		foreach my $i (0 .. $#expidList)
			my $exp_id = $expidList[$i];
			my $kwd_str = sprintf('EXPID%02d' , $i+1);
				'addattribute', set => $mergedExpim.":PRIMARY"
				, attributename => $kwd_str
				, attributetype => 'string'
				, stringvalue => $exp_id
			) or return exception();

#         next if ($band eq '8'); # band 8 is just for rawimage and expmap.

        my (@flatExpImList, @imEventList);
        foreach my $exp_id (@exp_id)
			next unless ($filters{$exp_id} eq $chosenFilter
				&& $modes{$exp_id} eq $chosenMode

            my $flatExpIm = findFile(
                class => 'intermediate'
                , instrument => thisInstrument
                , exp_id => $exp_id
                , band => $band
                , content => 'non-vig exposure map'

            my $filteredList = findFile(
                class => 'intermediate'
                , instrument => thisInstrument
                , exp_id => $exp_id
                , band => $band
                , content => 'image event list'

			next unless $flatExpIm && $filteredList;

            push( @flatExpImList, $flatExpIm );
            push( @imEventList, $filteredList );
        } # end loop over $exp_id

		unless (@flatExpImList)
			info("No flat expmaps found");

        my $mergedFlatExpim = newFile(
            class => 'intermediate'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , band => $band
            , content => 'merged non-vig exp map'
            , imagesets => [@flatExpImList]
            , withweights => 'no'
            , outimageset => $mergedFlatExpim
            , tempset => $tempset
          or return exception();

		# Write the filenames merged to a file so we can use them
		# again with emosaic.

            'addattribute', set => $mergedFlatExpim.":PRIMARY"
            , attributename => 'EXPOSURE'
            , attributetype => 'real'
            , realvalue => $totalExposure
        ) or return exception();

        foreach my $i (0 .. $#expidList)
            my $exp_id = $expidList[$i];
            my $kwd_str = 'EXPID'.sprintf("%2.2d", $i+1);
                'addattribute', set => $mergedFlatExpim.":PRIMARY"
                , attributename => $kwd_str
                , attributetype => 'string'
                , stringvalue => $exp_id
            ) or return exception();

        my $mergedFilteredList = newFile(
            class => 'intermediate'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , band => $band
            , content => 'image merged event list'

	my $imEventListSize = scalar(@imEventList);
	info("DEBUG: + + + Number of image event lists: $imEventListSize");

        if (scalar(@imEventList)==1)
	    info("DEBUG: Branch 1");
		     source => $imEventList[0]
		     , destination => $mergedFilteredList
	    info("DEBUG: Branch 2");
		      , set1 => $imEventList[0]
		      , set2 => $imEventList[1]
		      , outset => $mergedFilteredList
		      )	or return exception();
	} else {

	    info("DEBUG: Branch 3+");
	    my $prevFile=shift(@imEventList);
	    my $idx=0;

#	    foreach my $file (splice(@imEventList, 2))
	    foreach my $file (@imEventList)
		info("DEBUG: > > > Step $idx");
		my $nextFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate',
				     content => 'Intermediate merged event list',
				     src_num => $idx
			  ,set1 => $prevFile
			  ,set2 => $file
			  ,outset => $nextFile
			  ) or return exception();
	    copyFile(source => $prevFile, destination => $mergedFilteredList);

        foreach my $i (0 .. $#expidList)
            my $exp_id = $expidList[$i];
            my $kwd_str = 'EXPID'.sprintf("%2.2d", $i+1);
                'addattribute', set => $mergedFilteredList
                , attributename => $kwd_str
                , attributetype => 'string'
                , stringvalue => $exp_id
            ) or return exception();
    } # end loop over $band

    # Merged image and exposure map for band 9 (xid band). These images should be used in the second call to emldetect in ExpDetect.
    my @rawImList=();
    my @expImList=();
    my $inst = thisInstrument;
    my @xidBandsThisInst = @{$xidBands->{$inst}};

    foreach my $band (@xidBandsThisInst)
        my $rawim = findFile(
            class => 'intermediate'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , band => $band
            , content => 'merged image'
        my $expim = findFile(
            class => 'intermediate'
            , instrument => thisInstrument
            , band => $band
            , content => 'merged exposure map'

		unless ( $rawim && fileExists( file => $rawim ) 
			&& $expim && fileExists( file => $expim ) 
		) {
			info("Band $band image not found");
        push( @rawImList, $rawim );
        push( @expImList, $expim );
    } # end loop over $band

	unless (@rawImList == @xidBandsThisInst)
    	info("\nNo or missing XID-band constituent images.");
		return success();

    $tempset = newFile(
        class => 'intermediate'
        , content => 'Generic temporary dataset'
    my $mergedRawim = newFile(
        class => 'intermediate'
        , instrument => thisInstrument
        , band => 9
        , content => 'merged image'
        , imagesets => [@rawImList]
        , withweights => 'no'
        , outimageset => $mergedRawim
        , tempset => $tempset
      or return exception();

    my $addedExpim = newFile(
        class => 'intermediate'
        , instrument => thisInstrument
        , band => 9
        , content => 'added exposure map'
    my $mergedExpim = newFile(
        class => 'intermediate'
        , instrument => thisInstrument
        , band => 9
        , content => 'merged exposure map'

        , imagesets => [@expImList]
        , withweights => 'no'
        , outimageset => $addedExpim
        , tempset => $tempset
    ) or return exception();

	my $div = @expImList;
		,infil1 => $addedExpim
		,infil2 => $div
		,outfil => $mergedExpim
		,ops => 'DIV'
    ) or return exception();

    # Raise success flag
    return success();