package OMFastAnalyse;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars
qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '1.27';
$version = $VERSION;
$author="Duncan John Fyfe,Ian Stewart,Duncan Law-Green";
# ChangeLog
# =========
# Version 1.27 - 2009-05-18 (DLG)
# ------------
# + set omdetect value of nsigma to 3 to avoid spurious detections in fast mode
# VY email 18 May 2009
# Version 1.26 - 2006-09-20 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Record use of exposures for source specific product creation in the database.
# Version 1.25 - 2006-09-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + change Fast mode source list content from 'OM OSW SOURCE LIST' to 'OM OSW FAST SOURCE LIST'
# + Change the omdetect region file to a product.
# Version 1.24 - 2005-10-27 (IMS)
# ------------
# + Parameter --tests='chi' (default was 'both') added to lcplot call. This at advice of ACS 21 Oct.
# Version 1.23 - 2004-03-17 (DH)
# ------------
# + removed xcolumn and ycolumn parameters from evselects
# which were not creating imagesets
# Version 1.22 - 2002-10-25 (DH)
# ------------
# + omprep, change modeset=3 to modeset=1
# got it wrong, 3 is for tracking
# Version 1.21 - 2002-10-25 (DH)
# ------------
# + omprep, change modeset=1 to modeset=3
# + omdetect, remove parameters: boxscale , outputregionfile
# Version 1.20 - 2002-04-18 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change omregion parameters as per Simon Rosen email dated 18/4/02.
# Version 1.19 - 2001-12-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Corrected content string for Fast mode images
# Version 1.18 - 2001-12-04 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Added 'srcradius => -12' parameter to omregion.
# The '-' causes a fixed radius to be assumed. This overcomes a
# bug in calculating fluxes with adaptive radii
# Version 1.17 - 2001-11-30 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Removed developers comments
# Version 1.16 - 2001-11-27 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Corrected condition on find of FAE files. Was required=>true, now required=> false.
# Version 1.15 - 2001-11-26 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Removed dependence on OMExpAnalyse generated flag. OMFastAnalyse
# does it's own selection of Fast Mode event lists.
# Version 1.14 - 2001-11-07 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Change evaluate rules to ignore if OMgetFlat is ignored.
# Version 1.13 - 2001-11-06 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Avoid failing when there are no sources to generate source products from
# Version 1.12 - 2001-11-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix for lcplot value VPS, was confusion over whether it should be /VPS or VPS
# + Added exception for when pstopdf conversion does not work
# Version 1.11 - 2001-11-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Correct spelling mistake in parameter of lcbuild
# Version 1.10 - 2001-11-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix for lcplot value VPS, was confusion over whether it should be /VPS or VPS
# Version 1.09 - 2001-11-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Change lcplot device from default (PS) to VPS.
# This should change the orientation of the plot.
# Version 1.08 - 2001-11-05 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix selection of osw. Was failing to recognize 0 as a valid osw.
# Version 1.07 - 2001-10-02 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Set a default osw of 9 when a valid value cannot be found.
# Version 1.06 - 2001-10-31 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Change determination of osw to account for different sources (osw or osw_id)
# Version 1.05 - 2001-10-26 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix second call to evselect. Input is srcRegionFile not RegionFile
# Version 1.04 - 2001-10-26 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Change region file format to ascii
# Version 1.03 - 2001-10-25 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix omfastflat parameter fastimageset => fastimgset
# Version 1.02 - 2001-10-25 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix evselect parameter outset => imageset
# Version 1.01 - 2001-10-25 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Fix selection of Fast mode event files
# Version 1.00 - 2001-10-19 (DFJ)
# ------------
# + Initial Version (Using SAS 5.2.1)
# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams {
return numberOfExposures();
sub evaluateRules {
# If upstream module has been nored, so if this one
return ignore() if ignored(module => 'OMgetFlat'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,stream => 1
return ignore()
if ignored(module => 'OMExpAnalyse'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,stream => thisStream
# Start conditions
if complete(module => 'OMExpAnalyse'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,stream => thisStream
sub performAction {
info("Module version number: $version");
# Misc. variables
my (@extraopts);
# Find exposure ID
my $exp_id=exposureID(instrument => thisInstrument
,stream => thisStream
# Get FAE File
my @FAEList=findFile(class => 'odf'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,content => 'Fast mode events'
,required => 'false'
if (scalar(@FAEList)) {
my $tmp = scalar(@FAEList) ;
info("$tmp Fast Mode Windows to process");
else {
info("No Fast Mode Windows to process");
return success();
# Find necessary files
my $windowFile=findFile(class => 'odf'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,content => 'Priority window data'
,required => 'true'
# Find periodic housekeeping file
my $phkFile=findFile(class => 'odf'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,content => 'Periodic housekeeping'
,required => 'true'
# Find non-periodic housekeeping file
my $nphkFile=findFile(class => 'odf'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,content => 'Non-periodic housekeeping'
,required => 'true'
# Find omprep tracking history
my $prepThFile=findFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,content => 'omprep tracking history'
# Flat created by omflatgen
my $flatGenFile=findFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument,
,content => 'OM Flatfield'
# Loop over each image (one per OSW)
foreach my $FAEFile (@FAEList) {
my $imInfo;
$imInfo=fileInfo(class => 'odf'
,name => $FAEFile
my $osw = $$imInfo{'osw'};
$osw = $$imInfo{'osw_id'} unless (defined($osw));
$osw = 9 unless (defined($osw));
info("Processing OSW $osw");
# Create a raw image
# omprep , evselect , omfastshift , omfastflat , omdetect , ommatt (source info)
# (foreach source: omregion , evselect ,evselect , omlcbuild , lcplot , ps2pdf
# Run omprep on the Event List
my $rawImFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,content => 'Fast Mode Raw Image'
my $EvListFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,content => 'PPS Event List File'
info("Start omprep");
,set => $FAEFile
,nphset => $nphkFile
,pehset => $phkFile
,wdxset => $windowFile
,outset => $EvListFile
,modeset => '1'
) or return exception();
# evselect an image
info("Start evselect(1)");
,table => $EvListFile
,xcolumn => 'RAWX'
,ycolumn => 'RAWY'
,withimageset => 'true'
,imageset => $rawImFile
) or return exception();
# omfastshift
info("Start omfastshift");
,nphset => $nphkFile
,thxset => $prepThFile
,set => $EvListFile
) or return exception();
# omfastflat
my $FastImgFile=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,content => 'OM FAST MODE OSW IMAGE'
my $oswFlatFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,content => 'OM OSW Flat Field'
info("Start omfastflat");
,slewflatset => $flatGenFile
,oswflatset => $oswFlatFile
,fastimgset => $FastImgFile
,set => $EvListFile
) or return exception();
# omdetect
my $RegionFile=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,format => 'ASCII'
my $sourceListFile=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
info("Start omdetect");
,set => $FastImgFile
,nsigma => 3
,regionfile => $RegionFile
,outset => $sourceListFile
) or return exception();
# Use omatt to make the sky image.
my $skyImage=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
info("Start omatt");
,set => $FastImgFile
,sourcelistset => $sourceListFile
,ppsoswset => $skyImage
,usecat => 'F'
) or return exception();
# per source processing
my @RegionFile= readASCIIfile($RegionFile);
my $regionSourceCount = scalar(@RegionFile);
my $sourceListCount = numberFITSRows(file => $sourceListFile, extension => 'SRCLIST');
info("Per-Source Processing");
info("Number of sources from region file $RegionFile: $regionSourceCount");
info("Sources in sourcelist $sourceListFile : $sourceListCount");
if (!$regionSourceCount || !$sourceListCount) {
info("One of the source counts is zero. No source level products will be produced.");
return success();
for(my $source = 1;$source < ($regionSourceCount+1);$source++) {
info("Source Number : $source");
setExposureProperty( instrument => thisInstrument , exp_id => $exp_id , name => 'ssp' , value => 0+TRUE );
my $bkgRegionFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,content => "OM Background Region File"
my $bkgRatesFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,content => "OM Background Rates File"
my $srcRegionFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,content => "OM Source Region File"
my $srcRatesFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,content => "OM Source Rates File"
info("Start omregion");
,set => $sourceListFile
,srcnumber => "$source"
,nfwhm => '3'
,bkginner => '1.2'
,bkgouter => '2.5'
,bkgfile => $bkgRegionFile
,srcfile => $srcRegionFile
,srcradius => -6
) or return exception();
# evselect (source rate)
info("Start evselect (2)");
,table => $EvListFile
,expression=> "((WIN_FLAG .eq. 0) .and. (region($srcRegionFile, CORR_X, CORR_Y)))"
#,xcolumn => 'CORR_X'
#,ycolumn => 'CORR_Y'
,maketimecolumn => 'true'
,withrateset => 'T'
,timebinsize => '10'
,rateset => $srcRatesFile
) or return exception();
# evselect (background rate)
info("Start evselect (3)");
,table => $EvListFile
,expression=> "((WIN_FLAG .eq. 0) .and. (region($bkgRegionFile, CORR_X, CORR_Y)))"
#,xcolumn => 'CORR_X'
#,ycolumn => 'CORR_Y'
,maketimecolumn => 'true'
,withrateset => 'T'
,timebinsize => '10'
,rateset => $bkgRatesFile
) or return exception();
# omlcbuild
my $lightCurveFile=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
info("Start omlcbuild");
,srcregionset => $srcRegionFile
,bkgregionset => $bkgRegionFile
,srcrateset => $srcRatesFile
,bkgrateset => $bkgRatesFile
,sourcelistset => $sourceListFile
,wdxset => $windowFile
,outset => $lightCurveFile
) or return exception();
info("DEBUG ++ omlcbuild complete, generated TIMESR file: $lightCurveFile");
if (-e $lightCurveFile) {
info("DEBUG ++ TIMESR file $lightCurveFile exists!");
} else {
info("DEBUG ++ WARNING: TIMESR file $lightCurveFile not found!");
my $lcPlotFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,format => 'PS'
info("Start lcplot");
,set => $lightCurveFile
,binsize => '1'
,plotfile => $lcPlotFile
,tests => 'chi'
) or return exception();
my $pdfLCplot=newFile(class => 'product'
,instrument => thisInstrument
,exp_id => $exp_id
,osw_id => $osw
,src_num => $source
,'format' => 'PDF'
) or return exception();
info("Start PStoPDF");
PStoPDF(source => $lcPlotFile
,destination => $pdfLCplot
) or return exception();
# Everything was OK
return success();