Please note that when delivered to the observer, this file also contains the XMM SSC data screening report for the observation, appended at the end. 1 PCMS Processing ----------------- Full release note for prod configuration 12_prod8.4_20111111.100600 =================================================================== PCMS Infrastructure Version: 8.4 Pipeline Version: 12_prod8.4_20111111.100600 Pipeline Name: prod8.4 Release Date: 2011-11-14 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20111019_1230 SAS Version: 11.0.0 ppstrack Summary ======= This pipeline represents a significant change with respect to the previous prod8.3 pipeline (version:01_prod8.3_20100920.120500). It includes some modest changes to the processing of RGS data and incorporates version 11 of the SAS. The most significant changes to the pipeline include: i) Processing of RGS data in wavelength space, ii) Inclusion of epexposure, which introduces time-randomization of PN event data, iii) Use of new epoch-dependent EPIC canned response files for MOS. iv) RGS small window mode is now handled - background subtraction is disabled in such cases Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline and pipeline products can be found here: Pipeline Summary ================ i. Products Created. ii. SAS Tasks. iii. Calibration Files. iv. Response Matrices. v. Energy Bands. vi. Energy Conversion Factors. vii. Source Position Rectification. i. Products Created =================== The following table summarises all possible product files created by this pipeline. Withdrawn products are included and marked for completeness. Product file names are subdivided into components: Pooooooooooiiseeeccccccbnnn.ttt where: oooooooooo is the Observation Identifier. ii is the instrument. s is the scheduled flag. eee is the exposure number. cccccc is the file identifier given in the table below. b is the instrument specific field (ISF): Energy band for EPIC instruments. OM science window or OM filter code for OM products. Spectral order for RGS products. nnn is the hexidecimal source number or 000. ttt is the file type. |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| | Status/notes| Product Index Description | File Identifier | Class | File Types | ISF | Per Source | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| | | EPIC OBSERVATION BOX-LOCAL SOURCE LIST | OBLSLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION BOX-MAP SOURCE LIST | OBMSLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION SENSITIVITY MAP | OSNSMP | EPICOBS | FIT | BAND | | | | EPIC MOS IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST | MIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC PN IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST | PIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC TIMING MODE EVENT LIST | TIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC FLARE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES | FBKTSR | EPICEXP | FIT,PDF | | | | | EPIC EXPOSURE MAP | EXPMAP | EPICEXP | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC IMAGE | IMAGE_ | EPICEXP | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC SOURCE DS9 REGIONS | REGION | EPICOBS | ASC | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION ML SOURCE LIST | OMSRLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC SUMMARY SOURCE LIST | OBSMLI | EPICOBS | FIT,HTM | | | | | EPIC DETECTION MASK | DETMSK | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC MERGED BACKGROUND MAP | BKGMAP | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION BACKGROUND MAP | OBKGMP | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION EXPOSURE MAP | OEXPMP | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION IMAGE | OIMAGE | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | EPICOBS | HTM | | | | | EPIC SOURCE DS9 REGION | SRCREG | EPICSRC | ASC | | Y | | | EPIC ANCILLARY RESPONSE FUNCTION | SRCARF | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | BGSPEC | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE SPECTRUM | SRSPEC | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE TIMESERIES | SRCTSR | EPICSRC | FIT | BAND | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE FFT PLOT | SFFTPL | EPICSRC | PDF | BAND | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE SPECTRUM PLOT | SPCPLT | EPICSRC | PDF | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE TIMESERIES PLOT | STSPLT | EPICSRC | PDF | BAND | Y | | | OM FULL-FRAME IMAGE | FIMAG_ | OMEXP | FIT | | | | | OM TRACKING STAR TIMESERIES | TSTRTS | OMEXP | FIT,PDF | | | | | OM FULL-FRAME SKY IMAGE | FSIMAG | OMEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | | OM TRACKING HISTORY PLOT | TSHPLT | OMEXP | PDF | | | | | OM OBSERVATION SOURCE LIST | OBSMLI | OMOBS | FIT | | | | | OM FULL-FRAME HIRES SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | HSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM FULL-FRAME LORES SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | LSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM RUDI-5 SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | RSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM USER WINDOWS SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | USIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | OMOBS | HTM | | | | | OM OSW SOURCE TIMESERIES | TIMESR | OMSRC | FIT,PDF | OSW | Y | | | OM GRISM DS9 REGIONS | SGSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM GRISM DS9 SPECTRUM REGIONS | SPCREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM OSW FAST REGION FILE | SFSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM OSW REGION FILE | SWSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM FAST MODE OSW IMAGE | IMAGEF | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM FAST MODE OSW SKY IMAGE | SIMAGF | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM GRISM SPECTRA LIST | SPECLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW FAST SOURCE LIST | SFSRLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW GRISM SOURCE LIST | SGSRLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW IMAGE | IMAGE_ | OMSW | FIT | | | | | OM OSW SOURCE LIST | SWSRLI | OMSW | FIT | | | | | OM GRISM SOURCE SPECTRUM | SPECTR | OMSW | FIT,PDF,PNG | OSW | Y | | | OM GRISM-ALIGNED IMAGE | GIMAGE | OMSW | FIT,PNG | OSW | | | | OM OSW SKY IMAGE | SIMAGE | OMSW | FIT,PNG | | | | | PPS RUN MESSAGE | PPSMSG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | PPS SCRIPT LOG | SCRLOG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | ATTITUDE TIME SERIES | ATTTSR | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | REFERENCE CATALOGUE | REFCAT | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | CALIBRATION INDEX FILE | CALIND | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | PPS PRODUCT INDEX | PINDEX | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | PPS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | PPS RUN SUMMARY | PPSSUM | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | SSC LOGO 1 | SSCLG1 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | SSC LOGO 2 | SSCLG2 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | RGS BACKGROUND MODEL | BGMODL | RGSEXP | FIT | ORDER | | | | RGS EVENT LIST | EVENLI | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS EXPOSURE MAP | EXPMAP | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS SOURCE LIST | SRCLI_ | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS WHOLE FIELD RESPONSE MATRIX | WREMAT | RGSEXP | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS ENERGY-DISPERSION IMAGE | ORDIMG | RGSEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | | RGS FLARE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES | FBKTSR | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS IMAGE | IMAGE_ | RGSEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | (1) | RGS WHOLEFIELD SPECTRUM | WFSPEC | RGSEXP | FIT,PDF | ORDER | | | | RGS FLUXED SPECTRUM | FLUXED | RGSOBS | FIT,PDF | ORDER | Y | | | RGS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | RGSOBS | HTM | | | | | RGS CROSS-DISPERSION HISTOGRAM | DSPHIS | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS RESPONSE MATRIX | RSPMAT | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | (1) | RGS BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | BGSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | (1) | RGS SOURCE SPECTRUM | SRSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT,PDF | ORDER | Y | | (1) | RGS SOURCE+BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | SBSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | MAIN CROSS CORRELATION PAGE | XCORRE | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | CAX SEARCHED CATALOGUE PAGE | SRCHD_ | CATOBS | FIT/HTM | | | | | CAX SEARCHED CATALOGUE PAGE | SRCHD_ | CATOBS | FIT/HTM | | | | | CAX CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION PAGE | Dxxxxa | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | CAX SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | Sxxxxa | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | CAX SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | SRCRES | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | CAX SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION SUMMARY | SRCSUM | CATOBS | FIT/HTM | | | | | CAX FINDING CHART | FCHART | CATOBS | PDF | | | | | CAX FOV CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | Fxxxxa | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | CAX FOV CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | FOVRES | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | CAX FOV SUMMARY | FOVSUM | CATOBS | FIT/HTM | | | | | CAX CATALOGUE PLOT | CATPLT | CATOBS | PDF | | | | | CAX ROSAT IMAGE | ROSIMG | CATOBS | PDF | | | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| Notes (1) - Data/plot now made with wavelength grid ii. SAS Tasks ============= The current pipeline uses a pipeline-specific (ppstrack) SAS manifest, xmmsas_20111019_1230. This manifest is built upon the version 11.0.0 release of the SAS (manifest xmmsas_20110223_1801 - see for details of the SAS task versions and changes relative to the previous SAS releases) but includes a small number of specific task patches. The changes of the SAS between SAS version 10.0.0 used in prod8.3 and SAS version 11.0.0 used here are described at Minor further changes were included in to SAS 11.0.0 ppstrack which is used in this pipeline. The updated versions of tasks relevant to the pipeline are as follows: cal-3.204.1, ommodmap-2.22 and rgsspecplot-2.21. iii. Calibration Files ====================== Pipeline processing generally accesses an evolving set of CCFs (current calibration files). For each observation, a subset of the full set of CCFs is used in processing that pertains to the epoch of the observation; the CCF components/versions used are identified in the calibration index file (PooooooooooOBX000CALIND0000.FIT) that is included in the delivered observation data product set. iv. Response Matrices ===================== The pipeline uses a set of EPIC canned RMFs which are updated from time to time. At inception, this pipeline accesses version 11.0 of the PN RMFs and MOS RMFs released for the SAS 11 released between 08-11/04/2011. The latest available canned RMFs are described and available from v. Energy Bands =============== |======|===================| | Band | Energy Range (eV) | |======|===================| | 1 | 200 - 500 | | 2 | 500 - 1000 | | 3 | 1000 - 2000 | | 4 | 2000 - 4500 | | 5 | 4500 - 12000 | | 6 | 200 - 2000 | | 7 | 2000 - 12000 | | 8 | 200 - 12000 | | 9 | 500 - 4500 | |======|===================| vi. Energy Conversion Factors ============================= EPIC energy conversion factors (ECFs) are computed using the instrument response files (PN version 7.0, MOS version 1.2) for an assumed absorbed power law model with Gamma=1.7 and an absorbing column density of 3x10^20/cm2. They are provided for each EPIC instrument and filter, for each energy band. Please note these have not been updated in this pipeline, despite the availability of new EPIC response files. They will be updated in future processing pipelines. In this pipeline, the following fixed energy conversion factors (ECFs) are used: |============|========|=========================================================================| | Instrument | Filter | Band | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |============|========|=========|=========|=========|==========|==========|===|===|===|=========| | epn | Open | 16.5304 | 10.2555 | 6.16611 | 1.98190 | 0.556273 | - | - | - | 5.13134 | | epn | Thin | 9.05601 | 8.25349 | 5.87836 | 1.95026 | 0.555226 | - | - | - | 4.58257 | | epn | Medium | 7.88027 | 7.99516 | 5.77852 | 1.92694 | 0.554529 | - | - | - | 4.48375 | | epn | Thick | 4.69897 | 6.13757 | 4.99916 | 1.82646 | 0.547553 | - | - | - | 3.78153 | | emos1 | Open | 3.09427 | 2.19119 | 2.12500 | 0.757786 | 0.143898 | - | - | - | 1.51194 | | emos1 | Thin | 1.72543 | 1.80741 | 2.02768 | 0.746683 | 0.143585 | - | - | - | 1.39049 | | emos1 | Medium | 1.51415 | 1.75577 | 1.99329 | 0.737800 | 0.143375 | - | - | - | 1.36449 | | emos1 | Thick | 0.98524 | 1.42597 | 1.77517 | 0.707822 | 0.141457 | - | - | - | 1.20820 | | emos2 | Open | 3.14224 | 2.19588 | 2.13171 | 0.762227 | 0.151536 | - | - | - | 1.51740 | | emos2 | Thin | 1.73763 | 1.80975 | 2.03440 | 0.750569 | 0.151222 | - | - | - | 1.39543 | | emos2 | Medium | 1.52095 | 1.75929 | 1.99916 | 0.742242 | 0.151013 | - | - | - | 1.36917 | | emos2 | Thick | 0.98324 | 1.42832 | 1.78104 | 0.711708 | 0.148990 | - | - | - | 1.21236 | |============|========|=========|=========|=========|==========|==========|===|===|===|=========| vii. Source Position Rectification ================================== Source position rectification continues to be performed against extracts from the USNO-B1 catalogue.