Please note that when delivered to the observer, this file also contains the XMM SSC data screening report for the observation, appended at the end. 1 PCMS Processing ----------------- Full release note for prod configuration 13_prod8.4_20120118.095500 =================================================================== PCMS Infrastructure Version: 8.4 Pipeline Version: 13_prod8.4_20120118.095500 Pipeline Name: prod8.4 Release Date: 2012-01-18 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20111222_0900 SAS Version: 11.0.0 ppstrack Summary ======= This pipeline represents a very minor change with respect to the previous prod8.4 pipeline (version 12_prod8.4_20111111.100600). The change is the use of a new SAS ppstrack, xmmsas_20111222_0900, in which the SAS task, taskmain, only has been updated to v1.91 to solve some memory allocation problems when treating character strings. This change is driven by the effort to simplify the process of handing over SSC pipeline processing the the XMM-Newton SOC. Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline and pipeline products can be found here: