package GlobalHK; use strict; use English; use Carp; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams); @ISA = qw(Module); use ModuleResources; # Declare identity, version, author, date, etc. $name = __PACKAGE__; $VERSION = '1.73'; $version = $VERSION; $author="Richard West,Dean Hinshaw,Duncan John Fyfe,Eduardo Ojero,Ed Chapin"; $date="2014-03-13"; # # ChangeLog # ========= # # # Version 1.73 2014-03-13 (EC) # # + Set withpreqgti => 'no' in atthkgen (PPS SCR 0007190) # # Version 1.72 - 2014-02-21 (EOP) # # + Changed the order of execution of preqgti and atthkgen: First preqgti, then # atthkgen so as the output of preqgti is used in atthkgen. # (PPS PR 0007177) # # Version 1.71 - 2013-10-18 (EC) # # + Use preqgti instead of tabgtigen # # Version 1.70 - 2013-01-09 (EO) # # + Fixed typo in expresion changed in version 1.69. Must be TYPEID=='S' # # Version 1.69 - 2012-12-21 (EO) # # + Changed the expresion to be applied in tabgtigen, from # # expression="(TYPEID=='P')" # # to # # expression="(TYPEID=='P')||(TYPEID='S')" # # # Version 1.68 - 2012-11-20 (EO) # # + To be able to produce the whole image of a set of mosaic observations, the command # # tabgtigen table=$hkFile:ATTHK expression => '!isNull(DAHFPNT) && DAHFPNT < 3.0/60.0' # # is replaced by # # tabgtigen table=$AttHistFile expression => "(TYPEID=='P')" timecolumn=VALTIME # # where $AttHistFile is the Reconstruted Attitude file in the ODF or AHF, # that is filename RRRR_IIIIIIIIII_SCX00000ATS.FIT, where RRRR is the Rev. Number and # IIIIIIIIII is the ODF ID number. # # Version 1.67 - 2006-09-28 (DJF) # ------------ # # + Commented out redundant work. Was calling findFile and newFile then doing nothing with returned values. # # Version 1.66 - 2006-07-05 (DJF) # ------------ # # + Changed numberOfStreams to use standerdized function. # # Version 1.65 - 2002-02-04 (DH) # ------------ # # + Remove creation of 'Good Attitude Data GTI', as it will no longer # be used. # + Add '!isNull(DAHFPNT) &&' to tabgti expression for creating the # attitude GTI. Note that the cutoff of 3 acrmin is tighter than # the rgsproc default of 5 acrmin. # # Version 1.64 - 2001-03-21 (DH) # ------------ # # + Create GTI of good attitude data, for use by other modules # # Version 1.63 - 2001-03-16 (DH) # ------------ # # + Print out version number in performAction() for # tracking purposes. # # Version 1.62 - 2001-02-14 (DH) # ------------ # # + Change column name for test to make attitude GTIs # from DAHFNOM to DAHFPNT. # # Version 1.61 - 2000-11-22 (DH) # ------------ # # + First production version. # @instList=qw(all); sub numberOfStreams { return 1; } sub evaluateRules { # ignore for slew processing return ignore() if ($ENV{'PCMS_ISSLEW'}); # start() if complete(module => 'MakeCIF', instrument => 'all'); } sub performAction { info("Module version number: $version"); # # Create GTI from attitude data # my $gtiFile=newFile(class => 'intermediate', instrument => 'all', content => 'Attitude GTI'); # Command replaced to allow computation of full image for mosaic observations doCommand('preqgti', preqgtifile => $gtiFile ) or return exception(); # # Create attitude HK file # my $hkFile=newFile(class => 'product', instrument => 'all', content => 'Attitude time series'); doCommand('atthkgen', atthkset => $hkFile, timestep => 1.0, withpreqgti => 'no', preqgtifile => $gtiFile ) or return exception(); # Create orbit file # # my $inOrbit=findFile(class => 'odf', # content => 'Reconstructed orbit', # required => 'true'); # my $outOrbit=newFile(class => 'intermediate', # content => 'Spacecraft orbit'); # doCommand('orbit', useodf => 'no', set => $inOrbit, outfile => $outOrbit) # or return exception(); success(); } 1;