package MakeMOSImage;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use vars
qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
use ModuleUtil;
# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '2.18';
$version = $VERSION;
$author = 'Richard West,Dean Hinshaw,Duncan John Fyfe,Ian Stewart,Duncan Law-Green,Eduardo Ojero, Ed Chapin, Jose Vicente Perea';
$date = '2014-10-16';
# ChangeLog
# =========
# Version 2.18 - 2014-10-16 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Ignore module if no impaging mode is performed
# Version 2.17 - 2014-01-21 (EC)
# ------------
# + comment-out etruecolor calls (PPS SCR #7166)
# Version 2.16 - 2014-01-18 (EC)
# ------------
# + Rules altered to handle EPICImageSize
# Version 2.15 - 2013-06-11 (EC)
# ------------
# + Merge changes from SOC version.
# version 2.14 - 2012-05-03 DLG
# ------------
# + Modify examineGTI to use optimised GTI where found
# version 2.13 - 2012-05-03 DLG
# ------------
# + Eliminate use of GIF bitmaps
# version 2.12 - 2012-03-08 DLG
# ------------
# + Generate band-8 non-vig exposure map
# version 2.11 - 2012-02-29 DLG
# ------------
# + Generate band 8 image event list
# version 2.10 - 2011-06-30 DLG
# ------------
# + Add call to etruecolor to generate 3-band colour images
# version 2.09.1 - 2011-08-09 EOP
# --------------
# + Replace GIF by PNG to avoid crash on 64-bit.
# version 2.09 - 2006-09-20
# ------------
# + Record EXPOSURE of band 8 image and state of flarescreening in the database.
# version 2.08 - 2006-01-20 DJF
# ------------
# + Moved isEmageEmpty code to common module library ModuleUtil.
# version 2.07 - 2005-11-22 IMS
# ------------
# + Oops, was making the gif of exposure map band 8 (new in version 2.04) but neglected to carry on and make the png.
# version 2.06 - 2005-11-16 IMS
# ------------
# + Incorporated DJF's shortened intermediate file names.
# version 2.05 - 2005-11-02 DJF
# ------------
# + Only pass band 1-5 pimin + pimax to non-vig exp amp eepmap call.
# it fails if you pass it too many pimin and not enough images
# version 2.04 - 2005-11-02 IMS
# ------------
# + Shortened the content string (thus the name) of the non-vig exposure map.
# + Non-vig exp maps now only made for bands 1-5 (no longer for 8).
# + FOV intermediate image is no longer made as there does not seem to be a use for it.
# + Now makes band 8 exposure map PNG product.
# version 2.03 - 2005-09-23 IMS
# ------------
# + In the subroutine examineGTI, the reference $flareScreen rather than its value ${$flareScreen} was being tested. This resulted in (for example) event-filtering by empty flare GTI files. This is now fixed (I hope).
# version 2.02 - 2005-08-15 RGW
# ------------
# + reinstated filtered image event list
# + module was choosing not to create PNGs even though the full-band
# image contained events
# version 2.01 - 2005-06-06 IMS
# ------------
# + FLAG selection #XMMEA_EM replaced by explicit '(FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0'. At present they are the same, but XMMEA_EM is subject to change, and it seems to me better to retain control of this area.
# + Band 8 flag selection now identical to other bands, except OUT_OF_FOV bit not tested.
# + Test for empty band!=8 image now done in same way as for band 8
# (ie, uses fimgstat call within subroutine isImageEmpty). The
# additional filtered image event list is then not necessary and is
# no longer made.
# + Non-vignetted exposure map is now also made (as an intermediate file). This is to accommodate new esplinemap call in module ExpDetect-2.01.
# version 2.00 - 2005-05-09 DJF
# ------------
# + Add explicit perl module headers. Previously these were supplied
# at compile time. This will make debugging and extending the modules
# through additional perl libraries easier.
# + Code layout made more uniform with perltidy
# + Standerdized date format (ccyy-mm-dd)
# + Standerdized author list to use comma separator
# + Make use of perl $VERSION magic. Now $Version = version = ''
# Version 1.11 - 06Apr2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Fixed exposure map creation. Were creating for bands 1,2,3,5,6,8
# rather than 1,2,3,4,5,8
# Version 1.10 - 29March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added fix for bad order return of search results from database.
# Version 1.09 - 29March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Moved exposure map file 'creation' to afterempty image tests.
# Otherwise we get spurious entries in ppssumm
# Version 1.08 - 03March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Oops, one too few $ in dereference of $flareGTI
# Version 1.07 - 03March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Dereference $flareGTI to get filename in expression.
# Version 1.06 - 03March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Re-added omitted flare screening GTI filter expression.
# Version 1.05 - 03March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Changed from using energyBands to new energyband(band,bound) function
# in ModuleResources.
# Version 1.04 - 02March2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Removed superfluous addattribute of BKGDSCRN to band8fov image.
# + Correction to energy band selection. Was returning index, low value
# rather than low,high value
# Version 1.03 - 18Feb2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Addition of BKGDSCRN attribute to some images. Had been lost during re-arrangement.
# Version 1.02 - 12Feb2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Use new PCMS function gtiTimeThreshold() to return threshold
# Version 1.01 - 14Jan2004 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Small Flare GTI filtering moved to MOSEvents module. We need only
# check the availability and ONTIME here.
# Version 1.00 - 2003-09-05 (DJF)
# + Forked MakeImage v1.63 into MakeMOSImage and MakePNImage. This should
# simplify the module, make it more readable and easier to see what selection
# expressions are used for a given instrument and band.
# + Removed pn specific conditions
# + Cosmetic changes to make code more readable
# + Reordered per band processing to remove unnecessary band 8 tests
# + Sort on bands to ensure they are always processed in the same order.
# + Added extra info() lines to log reason for exit
# + Moved flare screening test into a subroutine
# + Moved empty image test into a subroutine
# MakeImage ChangeLog
# Version 1.63 - 2003-09-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Add test for image (max-min) > 1 to overcome bug in implot where image
# has too small a range of values.
# Version 1.62 - 2003-06-30 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Give fimgstat all of its parameters
# Version 1.61 - 2003-06-30 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Add mode parameter to fimgstat.
# Version 1.60 - 2003-06-27 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Use ftool fimgstat to determine if images are
# empty or not before calling implot.
# Version 1.59 - 2003-06-25 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added PATTERN<=12 selection for MOS images across all bands
# Version 1.58 - 2002-12-13 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Only take copy of un-filtered flare GTI if it exists
# Version 1.57 - 2002-12-13 (DJF)
# ------------
# + implot parameter changes. Merged plotfile/Device
# Version 1.56 - 2002-12-11 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Change implot parameter withsrclistset to withsrclisttab (SAS 5.4)
# Version 1.55 - 2002-11-04 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Remove PNG plot of flare background timeseries
# Version 1.54 - 2002-11-01 (DJF)
# ------------
# + returned OUT_OF_FOV filter to band 8 fov images
# Version 1.53 - 2002-10-18 (DJF)
# ------------
# Changed copy of pre-flare screened event list to use newFile not findFile
# Version 1.52 - 2002-10-18 (DJF)
# ------------
# fix parameters for flare background plot GIFtoPNG call
# Version 1.51 - 2002-10-18 (DJF)
# ------------
# change fplot yparm from COUNT to COUNTS.
# Version 1.50 - 2002-10-18 (DJF)
# ------------
# Test for flare background content was looking for cwrong extension name.
# changed to 'RATE'
# Version 1.49 - 2002-09-16 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added plot of flare background timeseries product.
# + Test whether short GTI removal leaves an empty GTI table.
# do not apply flare screening if this occurs.
# + readjusted flags.
# Version 1.48 - 2002-09-16 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Replaced missing pn event selection flags
# Version 1.47 - 2002-09-16 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Fixed pn band 8 image name. Added axtra comments for debugging.
# Version 1.46 - 2002-07-23 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Fixed unmatched parentheses in selection expression
# Version 1.45 - 2002-07-19 (DJF)
# ------------
# + More debugging
# Version 1.44 - 2002-07-19 (DJF)
# ------------
# + More debugging
# Version 1.43 - 2002-07-19 (DJF)
# ------------
# + More debugging
# Version 1.42 - 2002-07-11 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added debugging statements
# Version 1.41 - 2002-07-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Removed debugging statement
# Version 1.40 - 2002-07-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Changed pn selection flags to use #XMMEA_EP + OUT_OF_FOV
# + Rearanged code to make it easier to read
# Version 1.39 - 2002-07-01 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added #XMMEA_EM filtering to EMOS Band 1-5 images
# Version 1.38 - 2002-06-10 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Shorten name of intermediate image event lists to
# accomodate a bug in esplinemap.
# Version 1.37 - 2002-04-26 (DH)
# ------------
# + CLOSE_TO_ONBOARD_BAD flag changed to what it should be, ie.
# Version 1.36 - 2002-04-09 (DH)
# ------------
# + Move the test on empty images, so that eexpmap does not
# get run when images are empty.
# Version 1.35 - 2002-03-28 (DH)
# ------------
# + The BKGDSCRN keyword was not getting written to all images
# in all cases.
# Version 1.34 - 2002-03-15 (DH)
# ------------
# + Apply attitude GTI to event lists when making images.
# Version 1.38 - 2002-06-10 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Shorten name of intermediate image event lists to
# accomodate a bug in esplinemap.
# Version 1.37 - 2002-04-26 (DH)
# ------------
# + CLOSE_TO_ONBOARD_BAD flag changed to what it should be, ie.
# Version 1.36 - 2002-04-09 (DH)
# ------------
# + Move the test on empty images, so that eexpmap does not
# get run when images are empty.
# Version 1.35 - 2002-03-28 (DH)
# ------------
# + The BKGDSCRN keyword was not getting written to all images
# in all cases.
# Version 1.34 - 2002-03-15 (DH)
# ------------
# + Apply attitude GTI to event lists when making images.
# Version 1.38 - 2002-06-10 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Shorten name of intermediate image event lists to
# accomodate a bug in esplinemap.
# Version 1.37 - 2002-04-26 (DH)
# ------------
# + CLOSE_TO_ONBOARD_BAD flag changed to what it should be, ie.
# Version 1.36 - 2002-04-09 (DH)
# ------------
# + Move the test on empty images, so that eexpmap does not
# get run when images are empty.
# Version 1.35 - 2002-03-28 (DH)
# ------------
# + The BKGDSCRN keyword was not getting written to all images
# in all cases.
# Version 1.34 - 2002-03-15 (DH)
# ------------
# + Apply attitude GTI to event lists when making images.
# Version 1.33 - 2002-03-15 (DH)
# ------------
# exluded pn flags.
# Version 1.32 - 2002-03-12 (DH)
# ------------
# + BKGDSCRN keyword now always written (either T or F). Comment
# fixed.
# Version 1.31 - 2002-03-06 (DH)
# ------------
# + For now, set the OUT_OF_FOV flag for pn using the explicit value
# of 0x10000, due to a bug in epevents.
# Version 1.30 - 2002-03-01 (DH)
# ------------
# + Fix bug which application of flags to pn fov image.
# Version 1.29 - 2002-02-25 (DH)
# ------------
# + Don't apply the FLAG filter if the flag mask is zero when making
# the image for mosaicing.
# + Fix bug in evselect call for filtering out flare GTIs of less than
# 100 seconds.
# Version 1.28 - 2002-02-08 (DH)
# ------------
# + New method for specifying bitmask filters for event lists, in order
# to make it more clear which flags are being used.
# + Remove GTIs from the flare screening GTI list which have a duration of
# less than 100 seconds.
# + Add keyword BKGDSCRN to images where flare GTI was applied.
# Version 1.27 - 2001-11-07 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change the way that the selection criteria in 1.26 are implemented. Now
# test on the band number, and apply the selection only to the appropriate
# bands. Makes for a cleaner data subspace.
# Version 1.26 - 2001-11-06 (DH)
# ------------
# + Add selection criteria for PN images, which deselects ON_OFFSET_COLUMN for
# PI less than 500:(PI>=500 || (PI<500 && FLAG & 0x8 == 0))
# Version 1.25 - 2001-11-05 (DH)
# ------------
# + Check for the creation of empty images, and if there are any, return ignore.
# Version 1.24 - 2001-10-31 (DH)
# ------------
# + Gti time threshold cut now gotten from pcms configuration
# parameter GtiTimeThreshold.
# Version 1.23 - 2001-10-25 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Fix test on flag expression to allow hex characters ie \d => [\da-fA-F]
# Version 1.22 - 2001-10-22 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Set badclean=0 for eexpmap on MOS. Suggested by JB.
# Version 1.21 - 2001-10-02 (DH)
# ------------
# + Combine FLAG filters and combine PI filters so as to produce
# a more compact data subspace in the image products.
# + Get total flare GTI time by reading the new ONTIME keyword.
# Version 1.20 - 2001-10-01 (DH)
# ------------
# + New pattern and flag cuts for pn images, PATTERN<=12 and
# FLAG < 131072.
# + Change energy band cut expression from PI<$pihi to PI<=$pihi.
# Version 1.19 - 2001-08-21 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Set flarescreening GTI threshold to 1000s
# Version 1.18 - 2001-08-16 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Re-enable minimum good time cut off for testing purposes.
# Version 1.17 - 2001-07-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Clean up after flare screen GTI minimum good time cut off testing
# Version 1.16 - 2001-07-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Testing Added flare screen GTI minimum good time cut off
# Version 1.15 - 2001-07-05 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added flare screen GTI minimum good time cut off
# Version 1.14 - 2001-07-03 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Corrected new version date above
# Version 1.13 - 2001-07-02 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added Generate log message when flare screening GTI not used.
# Version 1.12 - 2001-07-02 (DJF)
# ------------
# + Added test for empty flareGTI extension.
# Version 1.11 - 2001-06-07 (DH)
# ------------
# + Set ignore flag if imaging event list is empty.
# Version 1.10 - 2001-05-22 (DH)
# ------------
# + Combine all filter flags into one filter expression, so that
# the DataSubspace in evselect does not run into a problem with
# too many filters of too may components.
# Version 1.09 - 2001-05-21 (DH)
# ------------
# + Exclude CLOSE_TO_CCD_WINDOW events from pn images.
# Version 1.08 - 2001-05-03 (DH)
# ------------
# + Energy band ranges now stored as pipeline parameters, # gotten via call to new energyBands() function.
# + Exclude out of FOV events from pn images used in emosaic.
# Version 1.07 - 2001-04-17 (DH)
# ------------
# + Fix problem introduced in 1.06, which was causing evselect
# to not write data subspace information.
# Version 1.06 - 2001-04-17 (DH)
# ------------
# + Exclude ON_OFFSET_COLUMN events from pn images.
# Version 1.05 - 2001-03-30 (DH)
# ------------
# + Change value of eexpmap parameter 'attrebin' from 60 to 2.
# Version 1.04 - 2001-03-16 (DH)
# ------------
# + Print out version number in performAction() for
# tracking purposes.
# Version 1.03 - 2001-01-31 (DH)
# ------------
# + Make special band 8 images for use in emosaic (ImageMerge module).
# Version 1.01 - 2000-11-30 (DH)
# ------------
# + First production version.
my %Flags = (
'emos1' => {
'default' => '(FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0'
, '8' => '(FLAG & 0x766aa000)==0'
, '8fov' => '(FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0'
, 'emos2' => {
'default' => '(FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0'
, '8' => '(FLAG & 0x766aa000)==0'
, '8fov' => '(FLAG & 0x766ba000)==0'
# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
@instList = qw(emos1 emos2);
# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams
return numberOfExposures();
# Rules method
sub evaluateRules
# Ignore conditions
return ignore() if allIgnored( module => 'EPICImageSize' );
# Start conditions
start() if allComplete( module => 'EPICImageSize' );
# Action method
sub performAction
info("Module version number: $version");
my ( @ebandlo, @ebandhi );
my @expr = ("(PATTERN<=12)");
# Find exposure ID
my $exp_id = exposureID(
instrument => thisInstrument
, stream => thisStream
my $content = "EPIC MOS imaging mode event list";
# Find imaging event file for this exposure
my $evFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => $content
if ( !$evFile )
# info("No imaging mode event list available for this instrument."
info("No imaging mode event list available for this instrument. Ignoring further processing."
# return success();
return ignore();
# Test the event list contains something usable.
if ( numberFITSRows( file => $evFile, extension => 'EVENTS' ) == 0 )
"Event list is empty, ignore the rest of the processing for this exposure."
return ignore();
# Find spacecraft attitude file
my $attFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Attitude time series'
, required => 'true'
# Find attitude GTI
my $attGTIFile = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'all'
, content => 'Attitude GTI'
# Attach attitude GTI, if it exists
push( @expr, "GTI($attGTIFile, TIME)" ) if $attGTIFile;
# Find flare GTI
my $flareGTI;
my $flareScreen = 0;
# Examine GTIs to decide if flare screening should be applied.
# add to the selection expression if so.
&examineGTI( $exp_id, \$flareGTI, \$flareScreen, \@expr );
# Loop through each energy band, creating the image, test if the image is empty
my $empty_image = 0;
my $imFile;
foreach my $band ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 )
info("Band: $band");
my ( $pilo, $pihi, @locexpr, @options, $filteredList );
# Figure out PI limits for this energy band
$pilo = energyBand( $band, 0 );
$pihi = energyBand( $band, 1 );
push( @ebandlo, $pilo );
push( @ebandhi, $pihi );
push( @locexpr, "(PI in ($pilo:$pihi])" );
my $whichband = exists( $Flags{ thisInstrument() }{"$band"} )
? $band
: 'default';
if ( $Flags{ thisInstrument() }{"$whichband"} )
push( @locexpr, $Flags{ thisInstrument() }{"$whichband"} );
map { info("expr = $_"); } @expr;
map { info("locexpr = $_"); } @locexpr;
# Create raw photon image
my $imgFile = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'EPIC image'
if ( $band == 8 )
# Keep a record of the filename for use with eexpmap later
$imFile = $imgFile;
$filteredList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'image event list'
'evselect', table => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
, imageset => $imgFile
, xcolumn => 'X'
, ycolumn => 'Y'
, withimageset => 'Y'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, ximagebinsize => 80
, yimagebinsize => 80
# , squarepixels => 'true'
, expression => join( ' && ', ( @expr, @locexpr ) )
, imagedatatype => 'Int32'
, withimagedatatype => 'true'
, writedss => 'true'
, updateexposure => 'true'
, keepfilteroutput => 'true'
, withfilteredset => 'true'
, filteredset => $filteredList
or return exception();
# Record the band 8 EXPOSURE value in the database
my @opt = ( file => $imgFile , extension => 'PRIMARY' , keyword => 'EXPOSURE' ) ;
if ( hasFITSKeyword( @opt ) )
my $exposure = readFITSKeyword( @opt );
setExposureProperty( instrument => thisInstrument , exp_id => $exp_id , name => 'exposure' , value => $exposure );
my $imgStat = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, format => "ASCII"
, band => $band
, content => "Filtered image statistics"
if ( ! &ModuleUtil::isImageEmpty( $imgFile , $imgStat ) )
$exp_id, $band, $imgFile, $evFile
, join(
' && '
, (
@expr, @locexpr
, $Flags{ thisInstrument() }{'8fov'}
, $flareScreen
} else {
$empty_image = 1;
info("Image $imgFile is empty.");
$filteredList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'image event list'
'evselect', table => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
, imageset => $imgFile
, xcolumn => 'X'
, ycolumn => 'Y'
, withimageset => 'Y'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, ximagebinsize => 80
, yimagebinsize => 80
# , squarepixels => 'true'
, expression => join( ' && ', ( @expr, @locexpr ) )
, imagedatatype => 'Int32'
, withimagedatatype => 'true'
, writedss => 'true'
, updateexposure => 'true'
, keepfilteroutput => 'Y'
# , keepfilteroutput => 'no'
, withfilteredset => 'Y'
, filteredset => $filteredList
or return exception();
# Test filtered list for emptyness
# if (
# ( defined $filteredList )
# && numberFITSRows(
# file => $filteredList
# , extension => 'EVENTS'
# ) == 0
# )
# {
# $empty_image = 1;
# info("Filtered set $filteredList is empty.");
# }
my $imgStat = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, format => "ASCII"
, band => $band
, content => "Filtered image statistics"
if ( &ModuleUtil::isImageEmpty( $imgFile , $imgStat ) )
$empty_image = 1;
info("Image $imgFile is empty.");
} # end if $band == 8
'addattribute', set => "${imgFile}:PRIMARY"
, attributename => 'BKGDSCRN'
, attributetype => 'boolean'
, booleanvalue => $flareScreen ? 'T' : 'F'
, attributecomment =>
"\"\\\"Was background screening of the eventlist applied?\\\"\""
or return exception();
} #foreach band
# Stop processing this exposure (ie. don't do source detection) if
# there were any empty images
if ($empty_image)
info('Ignoring further processing due to empty images.');
return ignore();
# create exposure map files
my (@expmap, @nonVigExpMap);
foreach my $b ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 )
# Add to list of exposure maps
my $expFile = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $b
, content => 'EPIC exposure map'
push( @expmap, $expFile );
#next if ($b eq '8'); # only need nonvigs for bands 1-5.
# Add to list of exposure maps
my $nonVigExpFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $b
, content => 'non-vig exposure map'
push( @nonVigExpMap, $nonVigExpFile );
# Run exposure map task to generate all exposure maps in parallel
# We do this outside the above loop so the empty image tests
# can have effect.
if ( fileExists( file => $imFile ) )
'eexpmap', imageset => $imFile
, eventset => $evFile
, attitudeset => $attFile
, attrebin => 2
, expimageset => [@expmap]
, pimin => [@ebandlo]
, pimax => [@ebandhi]
, withvignetting => 'yes'
or return exception();
'eexpmap', imageset => $imFile
, eventset => $evFile
, attitudeset => $attFile
, attrebin => 2
, expimageset => [@nonVigExpMap]
, pimin => [@ebandlo]
, pimax => [@ebandhi]
, withvignetting => 'no'
or return exception();
my $expFile = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => 8
, content => 'EPIC exposure map'
return success() if (!$expFile);
my $gifFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => 8
, content => 'exposure map'
, format => 'GIF'
my $pngFile = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => 8
, content => 'EPIC exposure map'
, format => 'PNG'
'implot', set => $expFile
, device => "$pngFile/PNG"
, withsrclisttab => 'no'
or return exception();
# source => $gifFile
# , destination => $pngFile
# )
# or return exception();
return success();
sub examineGTI
my ( $exp_id, $flareGTI, $flareScreen, $expr ) = @_;
my $standardFlareGTI = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'flare GTI'
my $optFlareGTI = findFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'Optimised flare GTI'
if ( fileExists( file => $optFlareGTI) ) {
${$flareGTI} = $optFlareGTI;
} else {
${$flareGTI} = $standardFlareGTI;
${$flareScreen} = 0;
if ( fileExists( file => ${$flareGTI} ) )
# Filter GTI, do we have ONTIME > total threshold ?
if (
file => ${$flareGTI}
, extension => 'STDGTI'
) > 0
# GTI time intervals
# Setting $GTI_time_threshold = 0 will turn off GTI cut off
my $GTI_time = 0;
my $GTI_time_threshold = gtiTimeThreshold();
"GTI total time interval threshold is $GTI_time_threshold."
if ($GTI_time_threshold)
$GTI_time = readFITSKeyword(
file => ${$flareGTI}
, extension => "STDGTI"
, keyword => "ONTIME"
"Flare screening GTI total time interval is $GTI_time /s."
${$flareScreen} = ( $GTI_time > $GTI_time_threshold )
|| !$GTI_time_threshold;
info("Flare screening GTI too short or empty.");
info("Flare screening GTI unavailable.");
if (${$flareScreen})
push( @{$expr}, "GTI(" . ${$flareGTI} . ",TIME)" );
ppd( id => '000019');
setExposureProperty( instrument => thisInstrument , exp_id => $exp_id , name => 'flarescreened' , value => 0+TRUE );
info("Flare screening will not be applied.");
ppd( id => '000020');
setExposureProperty( instrument => thisInstrument , exp_id => $exp_id , name => 'flarescreened' , value => FALSE );
sub band8fov
my ( $exp_id, $band, $imgFile, $evFile, $expression, $flareScreen )
= @_;
my $gifFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'image'
, format => 'GIF'
my $pngFile = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'EPIC image'
, format => 'PNG'
'implot', set => $imgFile
, device => "$pngFile/PNG"
, withsrclisttab => 'no'
or return exception();
# # Convert to PNG format
# source => $gifFile
# , destination => $pngFile
# )
# or return exception();
# Generate truecolor image FITS
#my $trueColor = newFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => thisInstrument
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , format => 'FIT'
# , content => 'Truecolor count rate image'
# );
# 'etruecolor'
# , tablelist => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
# , fileset => $trueColor
# )
# or return exception();
# Generate truecolor image PPM bitmap
#my $trueColorPPM = newFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => thisInstrument
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , format => 'PPM'
# , content => 'Truecolor RGB bitmap'
# );
#my $trueColorRGB = newFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => thisInstrument
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , format => 'FIT'
# , content => 'Truecolor RGB image'
# );
# 'etruecolor'
# , tablelist => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
# , ppmfile => $trueColorPPM
# , colorset => $trueColorRGB
# , outputchoice => 'ppmfile'
# )
# or return exception();
# The following does not seem to be used any more, so the routine now returns beforehand.
# IMS 2005-11-02
my $fovFile = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => thisInstrument
, exp_id => $exp_id
, band => $band
, content => 'fov image'
,, table => "${evFile}:EVENTS"
, imageset => $fovFile
, xcolumn => 'X'
, ycolumn => 'Y'
, withimageset => 'Y'
, imagebinning => 'binSize'
, ximagebinsize => 80
, yimagebinsize => 80
, squarepixels => 'true'
, expression => $expression
, imagedatatype => 'Int32'
, withimagedatatype => 'true'
, writedss => 'true'
, updateexposure => 'true'
, keepfilteroutput => 'false'
or return exception();