Full release note for ppsprod-14.20 =================================== Pipeline Version: 14.20_20150708_1030 Pipeline name: ppsprod Release Date: 2015-07-08 SAS Manifest: xmmsas_20150701_1240 Summary ======= This new pipeline is identical to previous version 14.18_20150209_1200 except for an update to include the leapsecond added on June 30, 2015 and a minor correction to the task preqgti. Therefore, the changes outlined below still refer to ppsprod-12.10 (which was based on the cat9.0 pipeline developed for 3XMM catalogue production). Two issues in the 3XMM-DR4 identified soon after its release have been fixed in SAS14.0 and, consequently, in this new pipeline: the columns with the vignetting factor and the flux errors in combined EPIC source lists now contain correct values. The most significant changes included in the new pipeline are i) Source spectra and light curves are created for pn Timing mode data. The location of the source in RAWX coordinate is determined as the location of maximum of the RAWX histogram. The source extraction region extends 9 RAWX columns on side of the source location and the background region is fixed to RAWX in [2,6]. If the source and background extraction regions are found to overlap or there are less than 100 counts in the histogram, the source products are not created. In the case of very strong spectra this method may produce a background with significant contribution of the source at certain energies. ii) PN Small Window images are now included during the source detection procedure, and spectral and time-series products are also generated for sources detected within PN Small Window exposures. iii) Full sky view EPIC images are provided for Mosaic observations, and early stages (i.e., eboxdetect) of source detection procedure are performed. While there is no final 2D PSF fitting, nor source product generation, for the full images, the individual pointings from Mosaics are processed independently (providing both source lists and full sets of spectral and time-series products). iv) Energy-dependent CTI corrections, double-event energy correction and time- and pattern-dependent correction of the spectral energy resolution of EPIC-pn are introduced as per SAS 14.0. The X-ray loading and the rate-dependent PHA and CTI corrections for EPIC-pn Timing and Burst modes, respectively, are implemented following the new SAS 14.0 treatment as well. v) True-colour EPIC images are created for each observation. These images are corrected for vignetting, but not for background. Red, green and blue channels correspond to energy bands 0.3-0.7keV, 0.7-1.2keV and 1.2-7.0keV, respectively. vi) Binning of MOS spectra has been changed from 15eV to 5eV. In addition, events flags are now filtered according to XMMEA_EM instead of XMMEA_SM. vii) The full processing of RGS data is now computed in wavelength space so that products are now provided as a function of wavelength as well. Wavelengths are measured in the heliocentric system and corrected for the dependence on Solar Aspect Angle. viii) Background for OM light curves from Fast Mode window is now estimated in the associated Imaging Mode window. The version of SAS being used is a pipeline-specific manifest xmmsas_20150701_1240. This is based on the public SAS release 14.0, described at http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/current/documentation/releasenotes/xmmsas_14.0.0.shtml Documentation ============= Documentation for this pipeline can be found at: http://xmm.esac.esa.int/external/pipeline/ and links therein. Pipeline Summary ================ i. Products created. ii. SAS Tasks. iii. Calibration files. iv. Response matrices. v. Energy Bands. vi. Energy Conversion Factors. vii. Source Position Rectification. i. Products Created =================== The following table summarises all possible product files created by this pipeline. Withdrawn products are noted for completeness. Product file names are subdivided into components: Pooooooooooiiseeeccccccbnnn.ttt where: oooooooooo is the Observation Identifier. ii is the instrument. s is the scheduled flag. eee is the exposure number. cccccc is the file identifier given in the table below. b is the instrument specific field (ISF): Energy band for EPIC instruments. OM science window or OM filter code for OM products. Spectral order for RGS products. nnn is the hexidecimal source number or 000. ttt is the file type. |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| | Status/notes| Product Index Description | File Identifier | Class | File Types | ISF | Per Source | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| | | EPIC OBSERVATION BOX-LOCAL SOURCE LIST | OBLSLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION BOX-MAP SOURCE LIST | OBMSLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION SENSITIVITY MAP | OSNSMP | EPICOBS | FIT | BAND | | | | EPIC SOURCE DS9 REGIONS | REGION | EPICOBS | ASC | | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION ML SOURCE LIST | OMSRLI | EPICOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC SUMMARY SOURCE LIST | OBSMLI | EPICOBS | FIT,HTM | | | | | EPIC DETECTION MASK | DETMSK | EPICOBS | FIT | BAND | | | | EPIC MERGED BACKGROUND MAP | BKGMAP | EPICOBS | FIT | BAND | | | | EPIC MERGED EXPOSURE MAP | MEXPMP | EPICOBS | FIT | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION BACKGROUND MAP | OBKGMP | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION EXPOSURE MAP | OEXPMP | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION IMAGE | OIMAGE | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | NEW | EPIC THREE-COLOUR IMAGE | 3COLIM | EPICOBS | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | EPICOBS | HTM | | | | | EPIC MOS IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST | MIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC PN IMAGING MODE EVENT LIST | PIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC TIMING MODE EVENT LIST | TIEVLI | EPICEXP | FIT | | | | | EPIC FLARE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES | FBKTSR | EPICEXP | FIT,PDF | | | | | EPIC EXPOSURE MAP | EXPMAP | EPICEXP | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC IMAGE | IMAGE_ | EPICEXP | FIT,PNG | BAND | | | | EPIC SOURCE DS9 REGION | SRCREG | EPICSRC | ASC | | Y | | | EPIC ANCILLARY RESPONSE FUNCTION | SRCARF | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | BGSPEC | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE SPECTRUM | SRSPEC | EPICSRC | FIT | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE TIMESERIES | SRCTSR | EPICSRC | FIT | BAND | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE SPECTRUM PLOT | SPCPLT | EPICSRC | PDF | | Y | | | EPIC SOURCE TIMESERIES PLOT | STSPLT | EPICSRC | PDF | BAND | Y | | | OM FULL-FRAME IMAGE | FIMAG_ | OMEXP | FIT | | | | | OM TRACKING STAR TIMESERIES | TSTRTS | OMEXP | FIT | | | | | OM FULL-FRAME SKY IMAGE | FSIMAG | OMEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | | OM TRACKING HISTORY PLOT | TSHPLT | OMEXP | PDF | | | | | OM OBSERVATION SOURCE LIST | OBSMLI | OMOBS | FIT | | | | | OM FULL-FRAME HIRES SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | HSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM FULL-FRAME LORES SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | LSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM RUDI-5 SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | RSIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM USER WINDOWS SKY IMAGE MOSAIC | USIMAG | OMOBS | FIT,PNG | FILTER | | | | OM OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | OMOBS | HTM | | | | | OM OSW SOURCE TIMESERIES | TIMESR | OMSRC | FIT,PDF | OSW | Y | | | OM GRISM DS9 REGIONS | SGSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM GRISM DS9 SPECTRUM REGIONS | SPCREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM OSW FAST REGION FILE | SFSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM OSW REGION FILE | SWSREG | OMSW | ASC | OSW | | | | OM FAST MODE OSW IMAGE | IMAGEF | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM FAST MODE OSW SKY IMAGE | SIMAGF | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM GRISM SPECTRA LIST | SPECLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW FAST SOURCE LIST | SFSRLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW GRISM SOURCE LIST | SGSRLI | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW IMAGE | IMAGE_ | OMSW | FIT | | | | | OM OSW SOURCE LIST | SWSRLI | OMSW | FIT | | | | | OM GRISM SOURCE SPECTRUM | SPECTR | OMSW | FIT,PDF | OSW | Y | | | OM GRISM-ALIGNED IMAGE | GIMAGE | OMSW | FIT | OSW | | | | OM OSW SKY IMAGE | SIMAGE | OMSW | FIT,PNG | | | | | RGS BACKGROUND MODEL | BGMODL | RGSEXP | FIT | ORDER | | | | RGS EVENT LIST | EVENLI | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS EXPOSURE MAP | EXPMAP | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS SOURCE LIST | SRCLI_ | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS WHOLE FIELD RESPONSE MATRIX | WREMAT | RGSEXP | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS ENERGY-DISPERSION IMAGE | ORDIMG | RGSEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | | RGS FLARE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES | FBKTSR | RGSEXP | FIT | | | | | RGS IMAGE | IMAGE_ | RGSEXP | FIT,PNG | | | | | RGS WHOLEFIELD SPECTRUM | WFSPEC | RGSEXP | FIT,PDF | ORDER | | | | RGS FLUXED SPECTRUM | FLUXED | RGSOBS | FIT,PDF | ORDER | Y | | | RGS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | RGSOBS | HTM | | | | | RGS CROSS-DISPERSION HISTOGRAM | DSPHIS | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS RESPONSE MATRIX | RSPMAT | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS SOURCE BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | BGSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS SOURCE SPECTRUM | SRSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT,PDF | ORDER | Y | | | RGS BACKGROUND SPECTRUM | SBSPEC | RGSSRC | FIT | ORDER | Y | | | RGS SOURCE BACKGROUND TIMESERIES | SRBTSR | RGSSRC | FIT | | Y | | | RGS SOURCE TIMESERIES | SRCTSR | RGSSRC | FIT | | Y | | | MAIN CROSS CORRELATION PAGE | XCORRE | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | CATALOGUE DESCRIPTIONS | Dxxxxa | CATCAT | HTM | | | | | EPIC FOV CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | FOVRES | CATCAT | HTM | | | | | EPIC FOV CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | Fxxxxa | CATCAT | FIT | | | | | EPIC SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | Sxxxxa | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION RESULTS | SRCRES | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | EPIC SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION SUMMARY | SRCSUM | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | EPIC SOURCE CROSS-CORRELATION SUMMARY | SRCSUM | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC FOV CROSS-CORRELATION SUMMARY | FOVSUM | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | EPIC FOV CROSS-CORRELATION SUMMARY | FOVSUM | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | EPIC CATALOGUE PLOT | CATPLT | CATOBS | PDF | | | | | SEARCHED CATALOGUES | SRCHD_ | CATOBS | HTM | | | | | SEARCHED CATALOGUES | SRCHD_ | CATOBS | FIT | | | | | XMM-ROSAT IMAGE | ROSIMG | CATOBS | PDF | | | | | FINDING CHART | FCHART | CATSRC | PDF | | Y | | | PPS RUN MESSAGE | PPSMSG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | PPS SCRIPT LOG | SCRLOG | PPSOBS | ASC | | | | | ATTITUDE TIME SERIES | ATTTSR | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | REFERENCE CATALOGUE | REFCAT | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | CALIBRATION INDEX FILE | CALIND | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | PPS PRODUCT INDEX | PINDEX | PPSOBS | FIT | | | | | PPS OBSERVATION SUMMARY | SUMMAR | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | PPS RUN SUMMARY | PPSSUM | PPSOBS | HTM | | | | | SSC LOGO 1 | SSCLG1 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | SSC LOGO 2 | SSCLG2 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | CDS LOGO 1 | CDSLG1 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | CDS LOGO 2 | CDSLG2 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | | | CDS LOGO 3 | CDSLG3 | PPSOBS | PNG | | | |=============|========================================|===================|=========|==============|========|==============| The files from the CAT* classes, are products generated by the Archival Catalogue and Database Subsystem (ACDS) at the Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (OAS) - they are the result of cross-correlations of XMM sources with archival catalogues by the ACDS. They have been made previously but are outlined here for the first time. Those files with xxxxa tags are generated for each external catalogue that the XMM sources are correlated with. ii. SAS Tasks ============= The current pipeline uses a pipeline-specific SAS manifest xmmsas_20150701_1240. This manifest is built upon the version 14.0.0 release of the SAS (manifest xmmsas_20141104_1833 - see http://xmm.esac.esa.int/sas/current/documentation/releasenotes/xmmsas_14.0.0.shtml. for details of the SAS task versions and changes relative to the previous SAS releases) but includes a number of specific task patches. SAS tasks used in the current pipeline are shown in the table below, along with their respective versions in SAS . The second column indicates whether the task has a newer (>) or the same (=) version number in the pipeline version. |================|===|=================|============| | TASK | | SAS 14.0.0 | 14.20 | |================|===|=================|============| |addattribute | = | 2.2.7 | 2.2.7 | |arfgen | = | 1.90.4 | 1.90.4 | |attcalc | = | 4.33 | 4.33 | |attfilter | = | 4.33 | 4.33 | |attbin | = | 1.3.3 | 1.3.3 | |atthkgen | = | 1.21 | 1.21 | |backscale | = | 1.4.2 | 1.4.2 | |badpix | = | 2.32.3 | 2.32.3 | |badpixfind | = | 1.39 | 1.39 | |bkgoptrate | = | 1.7 | 1.7 | |catcorr | = | 0.7 | 0.7 | |catprep | = | 0.3.9 | 0.3.9 | |cifbuild | = | 4.8 | 4.8 | |dpssflag | = | 11.3.1 | 11.3.1 | |dpsssrc | = | 1.1 | 1.1 | |dscopyblock | = | 1.10 | 1.10 | |dscp | = | 1.10 | 1.10 | |dsrm | = | 1.10 | 1.10 | |eboxdetect | = | 4.23 | 4.23 | |echeckregion | = | 1.39.2 | 1.39.2 | |ecoordconv | = | 1.39.2 | 1.39.2 | |eexpmap | = | 4.8 | 4.8 | |efftplot | = | 2.18.2 | 2.18.2 | |ekstest | = | 2.5.1 | 2.5.1 | |elcplot | = | 2.5.3 | 2.5.3 | |emask | = | 2.14 | 2.14 | |embadpixfind | = | 2.3 | 2.3 | |emenergy | = | 8.6.2 | 8.6.2 | |emevents | = | 8.4 | 8.4 | |emeventsproj | = | 1.5.2 | 1.5.2 | |emframes | = | 5.8.1 | 5.8.1 | |emldetect | = | 6.0.2 | 6.0.2 | |emosaic | = | 1.16 | 1.16 | |emtaglenoise | = | 1.1 | 1.1 | |eootepileupmask | = | 2.9 | 2.9 | |epevents | = | 6.49.8 | 6.49.8 | |epexposure | = | 0.13 | 0.13 | |epfast | = | 0.6 | 0.6 | |epframes | = | 8.104 | 8.104 | |epiclccorr | > | 1.18.3 | 1.19 | |epproc | > | 2.17.4 | 2.18 | |eposcorr | = | 3.12.2 | 3.12.2 | |epreject | = | 5.15 | 5.15 | |epnoise | = | 0.7.3 | 0.7.3 | |esensmap | = | 3.12 | 3.12 | |eslewchain | = | 1.6.1 | 1.6.1 | |esources | = | 1.4.1 | 1.4.1 | |especget | = | 1.39.2 | 1.39.2 | |esplinemap | = | 4.5 | 4.5 | |etimeget | = | 1.39.2 | 1.39.2 | |etruecolor | = | 1.28 | 1.28 | |evalcorr | = | 0.7.1 | 0.7.1 | |evlistcomb | = | 4.19.2 | 4.19.2 | |evselect | = | 3.62 | 3.62 | |gtialign | = | 2.10 | 2.10 | |gtimerge | = | 1.7.2 | 1.7.2 | |hkgtigen | = | 1.14.2 | 1.14.2 | |implot | = | 2.19 | 2.19 | |implotrgb | = | 2.19 | 2.19 | |imweightadd | = | 1.66 | 1.66 | |lccorr_pcms | = | 1.6.1 | 1.6.1 | |lcplot | = | 1.20.1 | 1.20.1 | |merge | = | 0.13.1 | 0.13.1 | |odfingest | = | 3.30 | 3.30 | |omatt | = | 2.56 | 2.56 | |omcomb | = | 2.4.5 | 2.4.5 | |omcosflag | = | 1.33 | 1.33 | |omdetect | = | 5.34 | 5.34 | |omdrifthist | = | 1.29 | 1.29 | |omfastflat | = | 1.21 | 1.21 | |omfastshift | = | 1.25.1 | 1.25.1 | |omflatfield | = | 2.6.5 | 2.6.5 | |omflatgen | = | 1.12.2 | 1.12.2 | |omlcbuild | = | 1.40 | 1.40 | |ommag | = | 3.11.1 | 3.11.1 | |ommodmap | = | 2.24 | 2.24 | |ommosaic | = | 2.7.1 | 2.7.1 | |omgprep | = | 1.9 | 1.9 | |omgrism | = | 1.25.1 | 1.25.1 | |omgrismplot | = | 1.5.3 | 1.5.3 | |omprep | = | 2.46.1 | 2.46.1 | |omqualitymap | = | 1.3 | 1.3 | |omregion | = | 2.14 | 2.14 | |omsrclistcomb | = | 2.22 | 2.22 | |omthconv | = | 1.34.1 | 1.34.1 | |ppsslewsumm | = | 1.0.3 | 1.0.3 | |ppssumm | = | 3.5 | 3.5 | |preqgti | > | 0.7.2 | 0.8 | |region | = | 7.13 | 7.13 | |rgsangles | = | 4.7.8 | 4.7.8 | |rgsbadpix | = | 2.18.3 | 2.18.3 | |rgsbkgmodel | = | 1.4.1 | 1.4.1 | |rgsbkgmodelTest | = | 1.4.1 | 1.4.1 | |rgsenergy | = | 2.0.4 | 2.0.4 | |rgsevents | = | 3.12.3 | 3.12.3 | |rgsfilter | = | 1.18.2 | 1.18.2 | |rgsfluxer | = | 1.8.4 | 1.8.4 | |rgsframes | = | 3.17.2 | 3.17.2 | |rgsimplot | = | 1.17.3 | 1.17.3 | |rgslccorr | = | 0.53 | 0.53 | |rgsoffsetcalc | = | 1.18.1 | 1.18.1 | |rgsregions | = | 1.22 | 1.22 | |rgsrmfgen | = | 1.13.4 | 1.13.4 | |rgssources | = | 6.2.2 | 6.2.2 | |rgsspecplot | = | 2.21 | 2.21 | |rgsspectrum | = | 2.8.1 | 2.8.1 | |rmfgen | = | 2.2.1 | 2.2.1 | |slconv | = | 2.5 | 2.5 | |specgroup | = | 1.5 | 1.5 | |srcmatch | = | 3.17 | 3.17 | |tabcalc | = | 2.6.2 | 2.6.2 | |tabgtigen | = | 2.12.3 | 2.12.3 | |================|===|=================|============| iii. Calibration Files ====================== Pipeline processing generally accesses an evolving set of CCFs (current calibration files). For each observation, a subset of the full set of CCFs is used in processing that pertains to the epoch of the observation; the CCF components/versions used are identified in the calibration index file (PooooooooooOBX000CALIND0000.FIT) that is included in the delivered observation data product set. The complete list of CCFs used in the processing is given here: |================================|=============| | Calibration File | Issue range | |================================|=============| | EMOS1_ADUCONV | 0070-0086 | | EMOS1_BACKGROUND | 0001 | | EMOS1_BADPIX | 0025-0039 | | EMOS1_CALSOURCEDATA | 0001 | | EMOS1_CONTAMINATION | 0001 | | EMOS1_CTI | 0058-0074 | | EMOS1_DARKFRAME | 0011-0035 | | EMOS1_EFFICIENCY | 0001 | | EMOS1_FILTERTRANSX | 0014 | | EMOS1_HKPARMINT | 0008-0011 | | EMOS1_LINCOORD | 0018 | | EMOS1_MODEPARAM | 0006 | | EMOS1_PATTERNLIB | 0005 | | EMOS1_QUANTUMEF | 0020-0021 | | EMOS1_REDIST | 0106-0119 | | EMOS1_SCREENTHRESH | 0001 | | EMOS1_TIMECORR | 0003 | | | | | EMOS2_ADUCONV | 0071-0087 | | EMOS2_BACKGROUND | 0001 | | EMOS2_BADPIX | 0017-0026 | | EMOS2_CALSOURCEDATA | 0001 | | EMOS2_CONTAMINATION | 0001 | | EMOS2_CTI | 0059-0075 | | EMOS2_DARKFRAME | 0011-0031 | | EMOS2_EFFICIENCY | 0001 | | EMOS2_FILTERTRANSX | 0014 | | EMOS2_HKPARMINT | 0008-0010 | | EMOS2_LINCOORD | 0018 | | EMOS2_MODEPARAM | 0006 | | EMOS2_PATTERNLIB | 0005 | | EMOS2_QUANTUMEF | 0020-0021 | | EMOS2_REDIST | 0106-0119 | | EMOS2_SCREENTHRESH | 0001 | | EMOS2_TIMECORR | 0003 | | | | | EPN_ADUCONV | 0077-0141 | | EPN_BACKGROUND | 0001 | | EPN_BADPIX | 0093-0144 | | EPN_BUCLOSEDODI | 0001-0005 | | EPN_CALSOURCEDATA | 0001 | | EPN_CTI | 0045 | | EPN_DARKFRAME | 0001 | | EPN_EFFICIENCY | 0001 | | EPN_FILTERTRANSX | 0018 | | EPN_HKPARMINT | 0005 | | EPN_LINCOORD | 0009 | | EPN_MODEPARAM | 0003 | | EPN_PATTERNLIB | 0001 | | EPN_QUANTUMEF | 0017 | | EPN_REDIST | 0012 | | EPN_REJECT | 0006 | | EPN_TICLOSEDODI | 0001-0013 | | EPN_TIMECORR | 0011-0015 | | EPN_TIMEJUMPTOL | 0001 | | | | | OM_ASTROMET | 0012 | | OM_BADPIX | 0005 | | OM_COLORTRANS | 0010 | | OM_DARKFRAME | 0003 | | OM_DIFFUSEGALA | 0001 | | OM_GRISMCAL | 0004 | | OM_HKPARMINT | 0004 | | OM_LARGESCALESENS | 0002 | | OM_LINCOORD | 0001 | | OM_PHOTTONAT | 0005 | | OM_PIXTOPIXSENS | 0003 | | OM_PSF1DRB | 0010 | | OM_QUICKMAG | 0002 | | OM_ZODIACAL | 0001 | | | | | RGS1_ADUCONV | 0006-0025 | | RGS1_BACKGROUND | 0001 | | RGS1_BADPIX | 0012-0033 | | RGS1_CALSOURCEDATA | 0001 | | RGS1_CLOCKPATTERNS | 0001 | | RGS1_COOLPIX | 0001 | | RGS1_CROSSPSF | 0004 | | RGS1_CTI | 0001-0013 | | RGS1_DARKFRAME | 0005 | | RGS1_EFFAREACORR | 0009 | | RGS1_EXAFS | 0005 | | RGS1_HKPARMINT | 0009-0013 | | RGS1_LINCOORD | 0008 | | RGS1_LINESPREADFUNC | 0005 | | RGS1_MODEPARAM | 0004-0005 | | RGS1_QUANTUMEF | 0015 | | RGS1_REDIST | 0004 | | RGS1_SAACORR | 0001 | | RGS1_TEMPLATEBCKGND | 0006 | | | | | RGS2_ADUCONV | 0006-0028 | | RGS2_BACKGROUND | 0001 | | RGS2_BADPIX | 0012-0033 | | RGS2_CALSOURCEDATA | 0001 | | RGS2_CLOCKPATTERNS | 0001 | | RGS2_COOLPIX | 0001 | | RGS2_CROSSPSF | 0004 | | RGS2_CTI | 0001-0014 | | RGS2_DARKFRAME | 0006 | | RGS2_EFFAREACORR | 0009 | | RGS2_EXAFS | 0005 | | RGS2_HKPARMINT | 0008-0012 | | RGS2_LINCOORD | 0008 | | RGS2_LINESPREADFUNC | 0005 | | RGS2_MODEPARAM | 0004-0005 | | RGS2_QUANTUMEF | 0016 | | RGS2_REDIST | 0004 | | RGS2_SAACORR | 0001 | | RGS2_TEMPLATEBCKGND | 0007-0008 | | | | | XMM_ABSCOEFS | 0004 | | XMM_BORESIGHT | 0024 | | XMM_MISCDATA | 0022 | | XMM_SPECQUAL | 0002 | | XRT1_XAREAEF | 0009 | | XRT1_XENCIREN | 0003 | | XRT1_XPSF | 0014 | | XRT2_XAREAEF | 0010 | | XRT2_XENCIREN | 0003 | | XRT2_XPSF | 0014 | | XRT3_XAREAEF | 0012 | | XRT3_XENCIREN | 0003 | | XRT3_XPSF | 0016 | |================================|=============| iv. Response Matrices ===================== The pipeline accesses a set of canned response matrices (RMFs) which correspond to those issued with the SAS public release used as base for it, here 14.0.0. RMFs sused in this pipeline were released Nov 24, 2014. EPIC MOS RMFs are defined via a set of epoch-dependent files (14 epochs to date). They are further divided by instrument mode and by detector position - in particular, MOS RMFs are available to reflect the impacts of changes occurring in the core (c) and wings (w) of a small patch known to have suffered degradation, as well as off-patch (o) locations (i.e. everywhere else on the detector). PN RMFs are divided by instrument mode and position along the Y-direction of the CCDs. The canned EPIC response matrices used in the bulk reprocessing are shown below. |====================================| | Canned RMFs | |====================================| | m_e_im_p0_c.rmf | | m_e_im_p0_w.rmf | | m_e_im_p0_o.rmf | | m_e_im_pall_o.rmf | | m_e_im_pall_c.rmf | | m_e_im_pall_w.rmf | | m_e_tu_p0_c.rmf | | m_e_tu_p0_w.rmf | | m_e_tu_p0_o.rmf | | m_e_tu_pall_o.rmf | | m_e_tu_pall_c.rmf | | m_e_tu_pall_w.rmf | | | | epn_e_bu23_dY9_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_bu23_sdY9_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_bu23_sY9_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ef20_dY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ef20_sdY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ef20_sY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ff20_dY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ff20_sdY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ff20_sY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_lw20_dY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_lw20_sdY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_lw20_sY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_sw20_dY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_sw20_sdY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_sw20_sY_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_sw20_sdY6_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_sw20_sY6_v14.0.rmf | | epn_e_ti40_sdY9_v14.0.rmf | |====================================| where = 1 (MOS1) or 2 (MOS2), , i=1-14 (MOS epochs), i=1-3 (PN epochs) and , j=0-9 (Y-positions); , m=5-9 (Y-positions); , n=7-9 (Y-positions); The latest available canned response files are described at, and available from, http://xmm2.esac.esa.int/external/xmm_sw_cal/calib/index.shtml. See also http://xmm2.esac.esa.int/external/xmm_sw_cal/calib/epic_files_updates.shtml#up:2014:2 for further details on the latest update to EPIC RMFs. v. Energy Bands =============== |======|===================| | Band | Energy Range (eV) | |======|===================| | 1 | 200 - 500 | | 2 | 500 - 1000 | | 3 | 1000 - 2000 | | 4 | 2000 - 4500 | | 5 | 4500 - 12000 | | 8 | 200 - 12000 | | 9 | 500 - 4500 | |======|===================| vi. Energy Conversion Factors ============================= EPIC energy conversion factors (ECFs) are used to derive simple flux estimates from measured count rates. The ECFs are computed using the instrument response files (PN version 14.0) for an assumed absorbed power law model with Gamma=1.7 and an absorbing column density of 3x10^20/cm2. ECFs used in pipeline processing are not computed as functions of position or epoch but are fixed values, computed for each EPIC instrument and filter, for each energy band. They are presented in the table below. For PN they are based on the full-frame, on-axis position from epoch 3. For MOS they are based on the Full-frame (imaging) mode, off-patch RMF from epoch 14. Rather than compute an average ECF over time, a single epoch was chosen so as to relate to a specific epoch RMF. The largest epoch-dependence is in band 1 and amounts to a range of about 15%. The off-patch position was chosen to reflect the majority of sources - RMFs for the core and wings of the MOS 'patch' are only relevant to a very small number of objects in the field. In this pipeline, the following fixed energy conversion factors (ECFs) are used: |============|========|============================================================================| | Instrument | Filter | Band | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 8 | 9 | |============|========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========| | epn | open | 16.9775 | 10.0691 | 6.1550 | 1.9842 | 0.5782 | 4.1238 | 5.0977 | | epn | thin | 9.5245 | 8.1204 | 5.8669 | 1.9530 | 0.5774 | 3.3245 | 4.5586 | | epn | medium | 8.3696 | 7.8678 | 5.7676 | 1.9296 | 0.5767 | 3.1927 | 4.4601 | | epn | thick | 5.1064 | 6.0479 | 4.9896 | 1.8285 | 0.5691 | 2.5927 | 3.7638 | | emos1 | open | 3.1886 | 2.1887 | 2.1509 | 0.7675 | 0.1489 | 1.0913 | 1.5192 | | emos1 | thin | 1.7812 | 1.8009 | 2.0519 | 0.7555 | 0.1487 | 0.9289 | 1.3963 | | emos1 | medium | 1.5637 | 1.7502 | 2.0171 | 0.7470 | 0.1489 | 0.9001 | 1.3700 | | emos1 | thick | 1.0186 | 1.4197 | 1.7964 | 0.7163 | 0.1469 | 0.7778 | 1.2127 | | emos2 | open | 3.2055 | 2.2020 | 2.1547 | 0.7757 | 0.1576 | 1.1003 | 1.5270 | | emos2 | thin | 1.7758 | 1.8087 | 2.0554 | 0.7637 | 0.1576 | 0.9357 | 1.4029 | | emos2 | medium | 1.5530 | 1.7570 | 2.0208 | 0.7550 | 0.1575 | 0.9063 | 1.3762 | | emos2 | thick | 1.0039 | 1.4238 | 1.7991 | 0.7239 | 0.1550 | 0.7829 | 1.2181 | |============|========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========|==========| vii. Source Position Rectification ================================== In the bulk reprocessing, astrometric field rectification (where possible) is performed against extracts from the USNO-B1.0, SDSS-DR9 or 2MASS catalogues as the astrometric reference frame.