# This module mereges the LCs of EPIC cameras and RGSs
package LCMerge;
use strict;
use English;
use Carp;
use List::Util qw(reduce);
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use vars
qw(@ISA $VERSION $name $author $date $version @instList $numberOfStreams);
@ISA = qw(Module);
use ModuleResources;
# Declare identity, version, author, date, etc.
$name = __PACKAGE__;
$VERSION = '0.05';
$version = $VERSION;
$author = 'Jose Vicente Perea';
$date = '2017-01-23';
# ChangeLog
# =========
# Version 0.05 - 2017-01-23 (JVP)
# ------------
# + RGS PROPOSAL TS is merged with PN Timing TS, regardless of the EPIC identification in the RGS source list
# Small correction to avoid problems when RGS1 or RGS2 TS is missing
# Version 0.04 - 2017-01-19 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Light Curve merging by new Python task : plotTimeSeries.py
# Not included yet. Commented code
# Version 0.03 - 2016-12-20 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Light curve for the rest of EPIC sources only if 'EPIC summary source list' exists
# Version 0.02 - 2016-11-22 (JVP)
# ------------
# + 3 blocks included:
# - Timing PN TS + RGS TS with no EPIC identification
# - EPIC TS + RGS with EPIC identification
# - Rest of EPIC TS's
# Version 0.01 - 2016-09-19 (JVP)
# ------------
# + Initial version
# Declare list of instruments this module is interested in
@instList = qw(rgs);
# Number of streams
sub numberOfStreams
return 1;
# Rules method
sub evaluateRules
# Ignore this module only if both the EPICSourceProducts and RGSProducts modules are completely ignored
return ignore()
if allIgnored( module => 'EPICSourceProducts' ) and allIgnored( module => 'RGSProducts' );
# Otherwise we should only start if all EPICSourceProducts and RGSProducts instances are either complete
# or ignored
if (allComplete( module => 'EPICSourceProducts' ) and allComplete( module => 'RGSProducts' ));
# Action method
sub performAction
info("Module version number: $version");
my $order = 1;
my %collect = ();
my (@rgsTSList, @rgs1TSList, @rgs2TSList, @epnTSList, @emos1TSList, @emos2TSList);
my (%rgs1, %rgs2);
my %src_files;
foreach my $inst ( "rgs2", "rgs1" )
foreach my $exp_id ( listExposures( instrument => $inst ) )
my $srcList = findFile( class => 'product'
, instrument => $inst
, exp_id => $exp_id
, content => 'RGS source list'
if (!defined($srcList) || $srcList eq '' || !fileExists(file => $srcList))
info("Can't find $inst source list for expid $exp_id");
my %src_param = &ModuleUtil::get_rgssources_param( $srcList , 'SRCLIST' , $inst ); # => Only sources with T in PROCESS column in the RGS Source list
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Inst: $inst , srcList: $srcList");
# Cycle through the processed sources (proposal and pointing sources, which always occupy the first 2 rows of the rgs source list,
# are included unilaterally) and find all existing TS for each source:
my $epic_src_num;
foreach my $src ( sort ( keys %src_param ) )
my $src_num = $src_param{$src}{INDEX};
my $src_label = $src_param{$src}{LABEL};
my $src_process = $src_param{$src}{PROCESS};
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Inst: $inst , expid: $exp_id , Src: $src , src_num_INDEX: $src_num , src_num_LABEL: $src_label");
#my $srcTSFile = findFile(
# class => 'product'
# , instrument => $inst
# , exp_id => $exp_id
# , src_num => $src_num # RGS src_num = INDEX in the SrcList
# , order => $order
# , rgsorder => $order
# , content => 'RGS SOURCE TIMESERIES'
#if ($srcTSFile){
# info("DEBUG - LCMerge - RGS SOURCE TIMESERIES: $srcTSFile");
# if ( $inst =~ /rgs1/){
# push @rgs1TSList, $srcTSFile ;
# } elsif ( $inst =~ /rgs2/){
# push @rgs2TSList, $srcTSFile ;
# }
# Search for the corresponding EPIC SRCNUM
if ( $src_label =~ /PROPOSAL/i ){
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Searching for epic_src_num into $srcList");
my $data = readFITSTable(
file => $srcList
, extension => 'SRCLIST'
my $delta_disp_proposal = $data->{DELTA_DISP}[0];
my $delta_xdsp_proposal = $data->{DELTA_XDSP}[0];
my %label_rate;
for my $i ( 2 .. $data->{-nrows} -1 ){ # Loop start at i=2 to skip PROPOSAL and ONAXIS
my $delta_disp = $data->{DELTA_DISP}[$i];
my $delta_xdsp = $data->{DELTA_XDSP}[$i];
my $label = $data->{LABEL}[$i];
my $process = $data->{PROCESS}[$i];
# Distance to PROPOSAL in arcsec
my $dist = 60 * (($delta_disp - $delta_disp_proposal)**2 + ($delta_xdsp - $delta_xdsp_proposal)**2)**(1/2);
# If distance is < $dist_limit arcsec and the source is different to the other processed
# (!$process) the hash %label_rate is populated
my $dist_limit = 6;
###my $dist_limit = 400;
#info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Distance limit: $dist_limit");
if ($dist < $dist_limit and !$process){
$label_rate{$label} = $data->{RATE}[$i];
# The LABEL of the source to distance to PROPOSAL < 6 arcsec :
# This function returns the key of the maximum value:
$epic_src_num = List::Util::reduce { $label_rate{$b} > $label_rate{$a} ? $b : $a } keys %label_rate;
$epic_src_num =~ s/EPIC0+//;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - epic_src_num = $epic_src_num");
} else {
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - epic_src_num = $src_label");
$epic_src_num = $src_label;
$epic_src_num =~ s/EPIC//;
$epic_src_num = $epic_src_num + 0;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - epic_src_num = $epic_src_num");
# Populate %rgs1 and %rgs2 with index and label info:
if ( $inst =~ /rgs1/){
$rgs1{$src_num} = $epic_src_num;
} elsif ( $inst =~ /rgs2/){
$rgs2{$src_num} = $epic_src_num;
} # end loop over source list rows
} # end loop over exposures
} # end loop over instruments
my @epic_sources;
my %rrgs1 = reverse %rgs1;
my %rrgs2 = reverse %rgs2;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - ----------------------------------");
foreach my $index ( sort ( keys %rgs1 ) ){
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - rgs1 - $index => $rgs1{$index}");
push @epic_sources, $rgs1{$index};
foreach my $index ( sort ( keys %rgs2 ) ){
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - rgs2 - $index => $rgs1{$index}");
push @epic_sources, $rgs1{$index};
# Check if exist RGS PROPOSAL product
my $check_rgs1_proposal = 0;
my $check_rgs2_proposal = 0;
my @keys1 = (keys %rgs1);
my @keys2 = (keys %rgs2);
my $key = 1; # %rgs1/2 key = 1 ===> There is INDEX = 1 RGS product
#if ( $key ~~ @keys1 and !$rgs1{$key}){
if ( $key ~~ @keys1 ){
#info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Index $key exist in \%rgs1, but not value => RGS1 PROPOSAL product with no EPIC identification");
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Index $key exist in \%rgs1 => RGS1 PROPOSAL product");
$check_rgs1_proposal = 1;
#if ( $key ~~ @keys2 and !$rgs2{$key}){
if ( $key ~~ @keys2 ){
#info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Index $key exist in \%rgs2, but not value => RGS2 PROPOSAL product with no EPIC identification");
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Index $key exist in \%rgs2 => RGS2 PROPOSAL product");
$check_rgs2_proposal = 1;
my $lcurveFileList;
# Timing PN TS + RGS TS with no EPIC identification
# Looking for EPIC TIMING observations
# epic-PN Timing TS should be plotted with RGS PROPOSAL product
# Only PN Time Series are available
# NO Time Series for MOS1/2 for the time being
my %instr_timing;
my @lines = ();
foreach my $instr (qw(epn emos1 emos2)){
my @epicTSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => $instr
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => '0' # src_num = 0 ==> TS from TIMING obs.
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Instrument: $instr , Found " . scalar(@epicTSList) ." Timing TS");
next unless ( scalar(@epicTSList) != 0 );
$instr_timing{$instr} = \@epicTSList;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Instrument: $instr , Timing TS files: @{$instr_timing{$instr}}");
@{$instr_timing{$instr}} = sortByTSTART(@{$instr_timing{$instr}}); ###### -- Sorted by Start Time (TSTART)
foreach my $i ( @{$instr_timing{$instr}} ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - $instr TSs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
# Search for R1/2 PROPOSAL products with NO EPIC identification
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Checks rgs1, rgs2 : $check_rgs1_proposal , $check_rgs2_proposal");
if ($check_rgs1_proposal || $check_rgs2_proposal){ # If rgs1 or rgs2 has a PROPOSAL product with no EPIC identification
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - DEBUG MARK -- $check_rgs1_proposal , $check_rgs2_proposal");
my @rgs1TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'rgs1'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => '1' # RGS src_num = INDEX =1 in the SrcList = PROPOSAL
#, order => $order
#, rgsorder => $order
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - RGS PROPOSAL product RGS1 : @rgs1TSList");
my @rgs2TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'rgs2'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => '1' # RGS src_num = INDEX =1 in the SrcList = PROPOSAL
#, order => $order
#, rgsorder => $order
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - RGS PROPOSAL product RGS2 : @rgs2TSList");
push @rgsTSList, @rgs1TSList;
push @rgsTSList, @rgs2TSList;
@rgsTSList = grep { $_ ne '' } @rgsTSList; # Remove empty elements from the array
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - RGS PROPOSAL products : @rgsTSList");
@lines = grep { $_ ne '' } @lines; # Remove empty elements from the array
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @rgsTSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); } # Add '///' line only if @lines already has any previous component
# and it is != '///'
@rgsTSList = sortByTSTART(@rgsTSList); ###### -- Sorted by Start Time (TSTART)
foreach my $i ( @rgsTSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - R1/2 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
@lines = grep { $_ ne '' } @lines; # Remove empty elements from the array
# SourceID => @lines ( = TS files )
$src_files{1} = '0';
$src_files{2} = \@lines;
my $lcurvePlot_check = lcurvePlot(%src_files);
if ( $lcurvePlot_check ){ info("DEBUG - LCMerge - lcurvePlot completed for EPIC Timing + RGS with no epic identification"); }
# EPIC TS + RGS with EPIC identification
# Looking for EPIC sources with RGS1/2 TS:
# Loop over sources => One Plot per source
@epic_sources = grep { $_ ne '' } @epic_sources; # Remove empty elements from the array
my @epic_sources_uniq = uniq @epic_sources;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - EPIC sources: @epic_sources_uniq"); ### DEBUG DEBUg DEBUG
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Elements in \@epic_sources_uniq : " . scalar(@epic_sources_uniq)); ### DEBUG DEBUg DEBUG
if ( @epic_sources_uniq ){
foreach my $epic_src_num ( sort @epic_sources_uniq )
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - DEBUG MARK -- epic_src_num : $epic_src_num"); ### DEBUG DEBUg DEBUG
# Find PN LCs
@epnTSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'epn'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - PN source: $epic_src_num");
# Find M1 LCs
@emos1TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'emos1'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M1 source: $epic_src_num");
# Find M2 LCs
@emos2TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'emos2'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M2 source: $epic_src_num");
# Find RGS LCs
my $src_num_1 = $rrgs1{$epic_src_num};
#info("DEBUG - LCMerge - DEBUG DEBUG \$src_num_1 = $src_num_1");
if ( defined($src_num_1) ){
@rgs1TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'rgs1'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => $src_num_1 # RGS src_num = INDEX in the SrcList
#, order => $order
#, rgsorder => $order
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - R1 index, epic source: $src_num_1 , $epic_src_num");
my $src_num_2 = $rrgs2{$epic_src_num};
#info("DEBUG - LCMerge - DEBUG DEBUG \$src_num_2 = $src_num_2");
if ( defined($src_num_2) ){
@rgs2TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'rgs2'
#, exp_id => $exp_id
, src_num => $src_num_2 # RGS src_num = INDEX in the SrcList
#, order => $order
#, rgsorder => $order
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - R2 index, epic source: $src_num_2 , $epic_src_num");
# Create filelist for 'lcurve' tool:
#$lcurveFileList = newFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , src_num => $epic_src_num
# , content => 'lcurve fileList'
# , format => 'ASCII'
# );
my @lines = ();
@epnTSList = sortByTSTART(@epnTSList);
foreach my $i ( @epnTSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - PN LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
@lines = grep { $_ ne '' } @lines; # Remove empty elements from the array
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @emos1TSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); } # Add '///' line only if @lines already has any previous component and it is != '///'
@emos1TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos1TSList);
foreach my $i ( @emos1TSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M1 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @emos2TSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); }
@emos2TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos2TSList);
foreach my $i ( @emos2TSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M2 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
undef @rgsTSList;
push @rgsTSList, @rgs1TSList;
push @rgsTSList, @rgs2TSList;
@rgsTSList = grep { $_ ne '' } @rgsTSList; # Remove empty elements from the array
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @rgsTSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); }
@rgsTSList = sortByTSTART(@rgsTSList);
foreach my $i ( @rgsTSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - R1/2 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
# SourceID => @lines ( = TS files )
$src_files{1} = $epic_src_num;
$src_files{2} = \@lines;
my $lcurvePlot_check = lcurvePlot(%src_files);
if ( $lcurvePlot_check ){ info("DEBUG - LCMerge - lcurvePlot completed for SRC: $epic_src_num"); }
} # end loop over EPIC Sources which have RGS TS
# Rest of EPIC TS's
# Looking for EPIC sources with TS, but no the RGS one
# Loop over sources => One Plot per source
my $summaryList = findFile(
class => "product"
, instrument => 'epic'
, content => 'EPIC summary source list'
, format => 'FITS'
if ( fileExists( file => $summaryList )){
# Select sources for which Time Series has been produced:
my $filteredSummaryList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, instrument => 'epic'
, content => 'Filtered EPIC summary source list'
, infile => $summaryList."[SRCLIST]"
, outfile => $filteredSummaryList
, expr => "TSERIES"
or return exception();
my $src_num_withTSeries = readFITSColumn(
file => $filteredSummaryList
, extension => "SRCLIST"
, column => "SRC_NUM"
for ( my $i=0 ; defined $$src_num_withTSeries[$i] ; $i++ ){
my $epic_src_num = $$src_num_withTSeries[$i];
if ( $epic_src_num ~~ @epic_sources_uniq ){ next; } # Exclude the sources with RGS identification
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - EPIC source with TimeSeries but not RGS identification: $epic_src_num");
# Create Light Curves for SRC_NUM = $epic_src_num
undef @epnTSList;
undef @emos1TSList;
undef @emos2TSList;
# Find PN LCs
@epnTSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'epn'
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - PN source: $epic_src_num");
# Find M1 LCs
@emos1TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'emos1'
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M1 source: $epic_src_num");
# Find M2 LCs
@emos2TSList = findFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'emos2'
, src_num => $epic_src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries'
, format => 'FITS'
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M2 source: $epic_src_num");
my @lines = ();
@epnTSList = sortByTSTART(@epnTSList);
@emos1TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos1TSList);
@emos2TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos2TSList);
foreach my $i ( @epnTSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - PN LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
@lines = grep { $_ ne '' } @lines; # Remove empty elements from the array
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @emos1TSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); } # Add '///' line only if @lines already has any previous component and it is != '///'
#@emos1TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos1TSList);
foreach my $i ( @emos1TSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M1 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
if (@lines and scalar (grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } $lines[-1]) and @emos2TSList ) { push (@lines, "///\n"); }
#@emos2TSList = sortByTSTART(@emos2TSList);
foreach my $i ( sort @emos2TSList ){
chomp $i;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - M2 LCs: $i");
push (@lines, "$i\n"); ###### -- Populate lcurve FileList
# SourceID => @lines ( = TS files )
$src_files{1} = $epic_src_num;
$src_files{2} = \@lines;
my $lcurvePlot_check = lcurvePlot(%src_files);
if ( $lcurvePlot_check ){ info("DEBUG - LCMerge - lcurvePlot completed for SRC: $epic_src_num"); }
return success();
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub sortByTSTART {
my @files = @_;
my (%file_tstart, @lines);
foreach my $i ( sort @files ){
my $tstart = readFITSKeyword(file => $i, extension => 'RATE', keyword => 'TSTART');
$file_tstart{$i} = $tstart;}
# Sort the keys of the hash (files) according to the values (TStart)
foreach my $i (sort { $file_tstart{$a} <=> $file_tstart{$b} } keys %file_tstart){
push (@lines, "$i\n");}
return @lines;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub lcurvePlot {
my (%src_files) = @_;
my $src_num = $src_files{1};
my @lines = @{$src_files{2}};
# Get the number of Input Series for 'lcurve'
my $inputSeries = 1 + scalar (grep { $_ =~ /\/\/\// } @lines);
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Number of Input Series: $inputSeries");
# Create and populate filelist for 'lcurve' tool:
my $lcurveFileList = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, src_num => $src_num
, content => 'lcurve fileList' # or 'timing lcurve fileList'
, format => 'ASCII'
if ( fileExists( file => $lcurveFileList )){unlink ( $lcurveFileList );}
writeASCIIFile( name => $lcurveFileList
, text => \@lines
, append => 1
# lcurve nser=4 cfile1="@filelist.txt" window="-" plot=yes plotdev="/null" dtnb="INDEF" nbint="INDEF" outfile=" " plotdnum=4 < dolc.qdp
my $lcurvePlot = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, src_num => $src_num
, content => 'lcurve plot'
, format => 'PS'
my $lcurveCommands = newFile(
class => 'intermediate'
, src_num => $src_num
, content => 'lcurve commands'
, format => 'ASCII'
if ( fileExists( file => $lcurveCommands )){unlink ( $lcurveCommands );}
my @commands = ();
my $j = 1;
my @files = grep { $_ !~ /\/\/\// } @lines;
foreach my $file (@files){
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - \@files : $file");
foreach my $i (@files){
my $label;
if (scalar ( grep { $_ =~ /PN/ } $i)) {$label = "PN";}
if (scalar ( grep { $_ =~ /M1/ } $i)) {$label = "M1";}
if (scalar ( grep { $_ =~ /M2/ } $i)) {$label = "M2";}
if (scalar ( grep { $_ =~ /R1/ } $i)) {$label = "RGS";}
if (scalar ( grep { $_ =~ /R2/ } $i)) {$label = "RGS";}
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - j : $j label: $label");
push (@commands, "win $j\n");
push (@commands, "lab y $label\n");
if (scalar (grep { $_ =~ /PN/ } @commands) > 1) {
splice @commands, -2; # Remove the last 2 elements from @commands array
$j = $j -1;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Removing PN lines");
if (scalar (grep { $_ =~ /M1/ } @commands) > 1) {
splice @commands, -2;
$j = $j -1;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Removing M1 lines");
if (scalar (grep { $_ =~ /M2/ } @commands) > 1) {
splice @commands, -2;
$j = $j -1;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Removing M2 lines");
if (scalar (grep { $_ =~ /RGS/ } @commands) > 1) {
splice @commands, -2;
$j = $j -1;
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Removing RGS lines");
push (@commands, "Device $lcurvePlot/vps\n");
push (@commands, "plot\n");
push (@commands, "Device\n");
push (@commands, "exit\n");
writeASCIIFile( name => $lcurveCommands
, text => \@commands
, append => 1
my $command = 'lcurve nser=' . $inputSeries . ' cfile1="@' . $lcurveFileList .
'" window="-" plot=yes plotdev="/null" dtnb="INDEF" nbint="INDEF" outfile=" " plotdnum=' .
$inputSeries .' < ' . $lcurveCommands;
if ( fileExists(file => $lcurvePlot)){
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Merged timeseries created");
# PS to PDF
my $lcurvePDFPlot = newFile(
class => 'product'
, instrument => 'epic'
, src_num => $src_num
, content => 'EPIC source timeseries plot'
, format => 'PDF'
source => $lcurvePlot
, destination => $lcurvePDFPlot
) or return exception();
} else {
info("DEBUG - LCMerge - Warning: Merged timeseries was not created");
# Python tasks included, but still under investigation
# Testing phase
# #
# # Create Plot by Python task
# #
# my $lcurvePNGPlot = newFile(
# class => 'intermediate'
# , instrument => 'epic'
# , src_num => $src_num
# , content => 'EPIC source timeseries PNG plot'
# , format => 'PNG'
# );
# doCommand(
# 'plotTimeSeries.py'
# , infile => $lcurveFileList
# , outfile => $lcurvePNGPlot
# , outformat => 'png'
# );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------